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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. You really are dense aren't you. Is situational awareness a requirement for moderation ? No, common decency is. If you have a problem, I suggest using the PM system.
  2. Thread pruned a bit. Racism is not a requirement for forum membership.
  3. Turkey however has other problems (not related to religion). I don't know how much culture and religion is intertangled (is there such a word) in the Middle East and southern Asia, but I suspect that many of the things we perceive as human right violations stems from historical and cultural issues. I don't think you can force change down their throats, as that would just be met with resentment and the opposite effect. If anything, you have to show that alternatives are better, especially for those who come after the current rulers. Leadership toppled from the inside is always preferable to leadership toppled from the outside. The latter just become "martyrs" (see Robert Mugabe and how he plays the media to a similar effect).
  4. No it doesn't. I was just curious if there was hidden motives in singling out Iran (with a tabloid like heading no less) Some countries that have had such practices for a long time: Afghanistan, Comoros, Mauritania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen. They rarely make headlines though.
  5. Hasn't apostacy been punishable by death in just about any religion? The degree to which it gets carried out just depend on the current power and influence of said religion?
  6. Thread pruned a bit. Let the necrophiliac fantasies rest in peace
  7. I'll keep an eye out for it when I get near a DVD store again
  8. Thats part of what I liked about Planet Terror. Good old cheesy fun that doesn't take itself too seriously
  9. I bought and saw Planet Terror on DVD a while ago and loved it (even the "trailers" for fictive movies were hilarious). Is Death Proof of similar quality?
  10. Nice to know that some people at least look forward to Fallout 3... Sounds a bit like Lara Croft Dummy/UK Police incident
  11. He probably got removed too. Dun dun dunnnhhh...
  12. PDA's worked fine in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Task scheduling, GPS, communications, MP3 player, Voice Messages, just about every purpose. The IR beam can be used to manipulate computer IR network interfaces and remote control sensors.
  13. No more mushrooms for the young man in the first post
  14. No project room should be without a coffee machine and a microwave
  15. Necromancer indeed Let's see if I have what I need. 1 Holy Stake, yep, 3 bags of Unicorn Blood, yep, time to put this poor old thing to rest permanently
  16. Found a BG1 game save that I had forgotten about (more than a year old). Made me pick up BG1 again and continue it. Working my way towards the mines of Nashkel Nothing like giving a little girl a dead cat and then taking the last of her allowance in return... 23gp... I am such a creep...
  17. He probaly has a pit of that stuff under the "Welcome" mat
  18. Oooh... conspiracy The NSA probably told them to remove it
  19. I like shoe phones. "These boots are made for talking..."
  20. Which was very bad move. If people act like thugs, odds are they are going to be regarded as such. It might also be a factor that India has nukes... at least according to the pakistanis I've spoken to. Iran doesn't enter the equation. It is all about Kashmir. Blame the British One of my best buddies during university years was a deserter from the Iranian army during that war. After two years at the front for Ayatollah and country, he left for northern Europe, developed a liking for danish girls, pork and beer (poor sucker ended up married with kids, slight beer belly and love handles). He rarely ever spoke about the situation in Iran and what little he did tell was scary. He was worried about the fate his family, him being a deserter, hoping that one day he would be declared officially "dead".
  21. This thread is out of the race... too much off topicness towards the end. It almost made the 500 mark Continued here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49786 Lets keep stuff not relating the election out of it for a while?
  22. I guess there is a certain irony in the way Guard Dog started this threads predecessor: Thread found here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=48997 It was getting a bit long and off topic anyway...
  23. I would say, you are getting somewhat off topic. It is very hard to relate this to the current US Presidential Election
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