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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. I am going to say, nice visuals, although a bit hard to read. Something appears slightly broken towards the top frame and You might want to consider disabling Anonymous comments to your entries. Off to a good start
  2. what if it were a boss battle fight with sleestaks and gnomes? maybe a gnome-sleestak ubg? HA! Good Fun! I had to look up 'sleestak' (google is your friend) A distant relative of Yuan-ti allright. Not a fan of lizard men, but gnomes? I'll happily buy and use a scroll of gnomicide... Little pests. Why couldn't that suit of evil armour in BG2 be made out of Jan Jansens skin? Could it just have been the gnomes from the Dragonlance setting, then they would at least have provided some comic relief. Is that setting even alive anymore, or did it go the way of Planescape? I suppose it is in the nature of single player crpgs, that they have to "end" somehow. Otherwise, they might be perceived as pointless. Meh, make the goal the accumulation of wealth. Get the 500.000 gc needed to bribe the local magistrate and let you get a monopoly on the potatoe import. End of game and everybody lived happily ever after. Project cancelled due to lack of publisher interest, I know It (boss battles, whether in between or at the end) just feels so contrived somehow.
  3. I thought we just learnt that it will have a sucky end boss battle?!? But yeah, looks like that discussion has come full circle. Time to change the subject, please gentlemen? ... Besides, I hate the very concept of "boss fights".
  4. Continued here Time for this thread to get some sleep
  5. Procrastinating on a lazy Sunday Morning. Plain and simple Start of old thread End of old thread In what? Life - keeping pace - energy level - all of those things that indicate that the mind and the body are diverging in respect to what one THINKS one can do and what one CAN do! I can just sort of imagine the Old Green lying in a heap on his hoard, the hatchlings running circles around him...
  6. Congratulations man, way to go And don't forget, even if you didn't pursue the job at Funcom any further, it is still part of the overall learning experience. '@\NightandtheShape/@' gained 50xp...
  7. Happy Birthday (a bit late, but what the heck) May there be many more where they came from
  8. Gorth


    Alright, when I'm forced to read it, I'll try pretending its Gundam . I particularly liked the scene where Hamlet kills Polonius. "How now! dead, fora ducat! Dead!" As Hamlet let's rip a whole fusillade of medium rockets, the bang and clink of discarded rounds. The comedic remark from Polonius before the rockets streak home: "Oh! I am slain!" All those in favour of a Walsingham re-write of Hamlet raise their hands. *Raises hand*
  9. Exactly. I sometimes wonder if I am the only one who loved Bruce Willis' character in The Fifth Element?
  10. You don't need a blog for that
  11. Taking turns playing a bit of Planescape Torment, Europa Universalis III and the X2 Demo... The last one suffers a bit because my joystick seems to "stutter" on the speed throttle. Maybe it is time to get a new one... it wasn't even 8 years old
  12. Syndicate Wars Come to think of it, technically Baldurs Gate was a RTS game.
  13. Some of the PSUs are listed as having no 8 pin connectors. How are they supposed to power HDDs ? PCI connectors, not HDD connectors. Powerhungry Gfx cards (i.e.) requires a direct feed from the powersupply, so they get the cables with the PCI-e connectors. For drives, you would have SATA (can't remember their exact name) power connectors.
  14. Gorth


    July 2006. His wife finished the second half of his last book (The Fall of Kings) in 2007
  15. Gorth


    David & Stella Gemmel: The Fall of Kings. Excellent conclusion to his "Troy" series. Sadly he (David) died before finishing this last book. Excellent "alternate hostory" trilogy about the events leading up and destruction of Troy.
  16. I'm drooling already! Freudian slip? I am sure that thousands of Morrowind fans had "expected an Oblivion game would naturally be an RPG" too, much to their disappointment. We could solicit the opinion of the NMA crowd on the subject too A bit of joking aside, not really expecting a typical rpg from this one though, more like an action game with some "depth" (not sure how to explain it otherwise) to it. Didn't one of the founding fathers of Obsidian once say something to the effect of wanting to do an FPS game years ago. Some interview about whether they would do traditional crpgs forever.
  17. Some people are just plain weird. Why would anyone break into a church?... Taking a few days off, just relaxing. If I push myself a bit, I might go get a hair cut.
  18. The closest reference I could find was this: http://www.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=13674 Looks like you need "Tri-channel" (whatever *that* is) DDR3 ram and a new motherboard to run Nehalem (the pin layout of the cpu is different to current LGA775 sockets)
  19. DDR3 isn't that widely available yet, so if that is what it is, you might check the link below. DDR3 is the most important criteria when narrowing down your search on edbpriser really (because you can't plug a DDR2 ram into a DDR3 socket). The PC10800 etc. notation is more a legacy thing, as it is the FSB speed multiplied by a factor 8 (rounded to nearest "nice" number). It probably made sense back when PC3200 was all the rage. Now the numbers are so big it's silly and impossible to remember. A small brand comparison guide: http://www.tweaktown.com/articles/1152/ddr...l_kingston_ocz/ I miss the days when edbpriser was still wheeler.dk Good hunting
  20. Ooohh... Shiny! That wasn't how I imagined the overland map, but who cares, this does the job just as well, if not better.
  21. Maybe I should go looking for new recruits for the ZCP?... Comrade Boris woule be proud
  22. They might as well give it up, people will keep mentally substituting the missing 'n'. Maybe it is his sekrat identity name? His real name is Thornton and his undercover name is Thorton which he uses when he doesn't want to be recognised?
  23. I hope that isn't the case I still remember my sense of outrage back then, when I found out what all the floating voices and unsolvable quests were about. First time I ever wished the pox on a publisher Ah well, I mostly got it for Fallout Tactics.
  24. Grabbed two games in the bargain bin at EB Games today, Fallout Collection and Trackmania. I'll finally be able to give Fallout Tactics a try Besides, it never hurts to have more cd's with Fallout 1 and 2 on them. I wonder if it is the crippled (EU) version or the full version of F2? As for Trackmania, I really miss the good old Racing Destruction Set from Electronic Arts. Not exactly the same game, but it did look sufficiently wacky on the cover. At 9.95$ (OZ), how bad can it be?
  25. Do what you think is best for your long term interests. Thats how I ended up on the other side of the world. I had job and was bored, so I looked abroad. Went to London and did a couple of job interviews and ended up with two job offers on hand. Never made a secret of it, that I was entertaining other offers. The night before accepting one of the offers, I got headhunted to New Zealand. That is, I got job a interview set up the same night (2:30am my time) and accepted that offer instead, dropping both of the first two offers. 5 weeks later I landed in Auckland with my 3 sportsbags Some people prefer to keep it low profile, I always preferred honesty, telling people why I need time to consider all options.
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