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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Wasn't one of the major arguments for moving from 2d to 3d engines the cheaper and faster creation of assets? >_
  2. This is probably the longest back, I remember hearing about the conflict: The first major crisis faced by the Gamsakhurdia regime was in the South Ossetian Autonomous Region, which was largely populated by Ossetians, a separate ethnic group speaking a language based on Persian. In December 1990, Gamsakhurdia summarily abolished the region's autonomous status within Georgia in response to its longtime efforts to gain independence. When the South Ossetian regional legislature took its first steps toward secession and union with the North Ossetian Autonomous Republic of Russia, Georgian forces invaded. The resulting conflict lasted throughout 1991, causing thousands of casualties and creating tens of thousands of refugees on both sides of the Georgian-Russian border. Yeltsin mediated a cease-fire in July 1992. A year later, the cease-fire was still in place, enforced by Ossetian and Georgian troops together with six Russian battalions. Representatives of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe ( CSCE) attempted mediation, but the two sides remained intractable. In July 1993, the South Ossetian government declared negotiations over and threatened to renew large-scale combat, but the cease-fire held through early 1994. Exerpt from Library of Congress. Things haven't really improved the last 18 years.
  3. Asus 62 does sound a bit on the high side Edit: Scary, isn't it? I spent my bonus and then some (and I don't even have a decent gfx card yet)
  4. Pool of Radiance: The ruins of Neverwinter
  5. Gorth

    China did it

    How do you say "Milli Vanilli" in Chinese?
  6. I've always been a sucker for old Celtic and Norse designs. Of course, it depends on how the rest of your place looks like inside... a bit hard to imagine from your descriptions so far
  7. Retiring it to the old threads home... continued here...
  8. Start of old topic End of old topic Haven't watched any movies recently
  9. Forgot that one. Haven't even installed it yet. One of these days... I forgot a number of "OEM" games that came with various cards over the years: Soldier of Fortune II, Hitman II, Die by The Sword, Big Mutha Truckers and Unreal Tournament. Not necessarily anything wrong or bad about them, I just keep forgetting that I have them (except Unreal T. which is in its nature "uncompletable")
  10. In reverse chronological order... Trackmania - Only got it recently. Still plenty of tracks to go around Tombraider: Anniversary - Made it to Atlantis then got overwhelmed by boredom (reinstalled the original and completed afterwards instead) Victoria, an Empire under the Sun - Just takes an awful long time to complete... Neverwinter Nights 1 - Made it to somewhere mid chapter 4 then got overwhelmed by boredom (never tried SoU which was also in the box) Trespasser - It didn't like my hardware back then, maybe I should pick it up again Deathtrap Dungeon - Made some progress then got overwhelmed by boredom (insert list of 16 and 8 bit games here)
  11. Yay, the poll works now Then I noticed this at the bottom after voting... First Vote : Sunday, 02 March 2008 08:14 Last Vote : Saturday, 09 August 2008 19:20 I think this vote is rigged
  12. The only place I've seen her before was in Zardoz. Nothing like a movie with a loin cloth clad Sean Connery running around killing, raping and pillaging
  13. You could always ask Shryke for advice
  14. Agree on most accounts I played BF2 for all of 20 minutes on my little brothers PC, so I might not be fair to it. It simply didn't interest me. Never tried the 2142, it looked like it was online, multiplayer only (the MMO version of the BF's). I still play BF1942 every now and then and even BF Vietnam too
  15. Hmm... poll might need a bit of "fixing". Voting gives a "Invalid Token" error on a blank page
  16. Good luck The "oddest" interview I've done (applying for a job) took place from 2:00am to 6:00am in the morning on a conference call. You just have to love time zone differences
  17. Let me guess, you are a native English speaker? Yeah, I am. On further consideration, I've come to the conclusion that I was overly harsh on my post, and would thus like to apologize to Moatilliatta for its tone. I'm not really sure why I got annoyed by that in particular. Sorry. Everybody can have a bad day...
  18. We've had bots in the past that would keep up the appearances of "normal" behaviour, using AI to create semi meaningful posts and topics. You never know, the guy sitting next to you may be a bot As for the topic... never seen Cirque Du Soleil except on TV a looong time ago. I would love to see one of their shows some day
  19. I haven't had any problems with 64bit so far
  20. Umm... what does Cirque Du Soleil have to do with the Green Bay Packers (whatever that is)?
  21. *That* was a great story (wonders about the condition of his own collection of 20+ year old 8bit games...)
  22. I didn't see Sid Meiers Pirates! on your list, but it works fine with Vista 64bit (as does Europa Universalis III)
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