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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Heh, somebody slaps you in the face with a wet squid and you get blinded by the ink... play the next 60 seconds in complete darkness
  2. They would have to change their name though. Considering that there is a Virginia and West Virginia, they could call them Georgia and South Georgia And the world still has to compete in an open contest for the oil reserves of that region
  3. You lucky Dragon, you... I think I'll have to add the Carnac stones to my "to-do" list
  4. I couldn't tell you. I checked out the website earlier and didn't understand a word Looked like some kind of Russian version of Fox News.
  5. I don't think you're missing out much (except me probably ). It's just a city. There are no roman ruins in it, and it isn't in the mountains. You can see mountains in the distance however, and there's a river and a lake, some kind of split old town, shopping for the rich, shopping for the alternative, way too expensive pubs and clubs. Dang, you live in Zurich? I'll have to make a mental note of that, just in case I pass through again (expensive pubs or not)
  6. Gorth

    China did it

    Thread pruned... I think that is enough fighting outside the ring guys. Otherwise I have to become very Danish (somehow that didn't sound very intimidating when saying it out loud)
  7. Bought flight tickets for my Christmas trip to Europe. Besides the usual stopover in Singapore, it looks like I am going to have another short break in Zurich. Too short to visit the city itself and I wonder if I am missing out on something? Unfortunately I just can't squeeze in an extra day there... sadly. Maybe next time.
  8. Gorth

    China did it

    I would go as far as to say there is no need to be so offensive. Take your medicine Xard
  9. Gorth

    China did it

    Right or wrong isn't really the point. Good sportsmanship is hugely important and this guy lacks it. It can be hard to keep up the appearance of a good sportsmanship when the referees are robbing you blind though. I know I would have a hard time to pretend that I enjoy being cheated.
  10. Tried something new on the Friday afternoon... playing xbox games After the chips and dip and the mandatory Friday Afternoon Beer(s), sombody put an xbox on the table in the board room and hooked it up to the projector. Time for some Halo and a racing game that I can't remember the exact name of (something with Gotham and 2 in it, but it had nothing to do with Batman). My driving was atrocious, but 30+ deaths later, I sort of got semi competent at Halo. I.e. I blew up the other guys more than I blew up myself. I am *never* going to be a friend of those awkward controllers though
  11. Yay, finally got "Razor" on DVD Now I just need to find the time to watch it. I wonder when season 4 will available in the stores down here... *waiting patiently*
  12. It makes you wonder why those critters aren't used more for inspiration in monster movies/games. Not necessarily a 50'es style "Lobstermen from Mars" thing, but still?
  13. I foresee the next step: Lexx: The most powerful weapon of destruction in the two universes!... Regarding the article, I think it would be in everybodys best interest if they can refine the process and skip the embryo controversy (sp?). On the other hand, you now have to worry about that too when you go to the dentist. Demand to get your pulled teeth with you when you leave.
  14. Hey, that is (among other things) what forums are for Glad to see you decided for the do-it-yourself option. Careful though, it can be addictive. Unless you use excessive physcial force to bash it together, there is very little you can do wrong when assembling it. Everybody has their own preferred order in which to do things. I've bought my pc's bit by bit over time and assembled they as I received the components. Looking some like 1. attach PSU to Case (if purchased seperately), 2. Hook up the motherboard to Case, 3. put in RAM and CPU (plus CPU fan), 4. Plug in other cards (sound, gfx, whatever) 5. attach drives to Case and connect to motherboard 6. Hook up other stuff (keyboard, monitor, mouse etc.) 7. Cross fingers, pray if it helps, switch on main power Other people do things in a different order.
  15. No numbers, just generally what Samm said. It depends on what you need it for. Office/Gaming use and a dual core should do nicely. I am slightly biased towards quad cores, but that is because I use software that likes cores. The more the merrier. My Baldurs Gate 2 doesn't run any faster though
  16. So, are you going to get your own "dev-tag" on the codemasters forums (assuming they have an online community)?
  17. if i put "Dont care" on the droids list, would you have said "dont care"? No I genuinely liked T3 as a character. The mysterious, manipulating droid that knows everything that has gone on before and behind the scenes, pulling the strings and doing his masters (Revans) bidding. Not to mention that he had a lot of attitude... As for the trappings of the characters, i.e. length, size colour of what they wield and wear etc. I am very indifferent, yes
  18. Thread pruned a bit... Sorry guys, the profanity thing *does* apply to pictures. Give them the black ink treatment in MS Paint or whatever next time?
  19. Nah, you know what they say about teaching old dogs new tricks Exactly Cruelty, thy name be woman!
  20. I voted for some things. Hate him or love him, he had a lot of character. He never survived to the end of any of my games though
  21. Never been in a relationship, never loved anybody (in the romantic literary sense), never believed "love" to be anything more than an instinct to ensure the survival of the species (making me a failure since I don't contribute to it).... There are people I care about and would give my left kidney for and there are people I don't care about (I would sell their left kidney if I could), but the affliction that seems to make your wits seep out through a hole in the bottom of your head and make people deaf, dumb and blind at the same time? Not really. A brain doctor would probably lock me behind bars for good if he/she ever started digging around in my mind
  22. That has a familiar ring to it Congratulations with your new computer
  23. Advertising for a country... life was simpler when all they wanted to sell was cheap sportswear (shoes anyone?) >_
  24. All hail our new rodent overlords! Emperor Rattus I the Bionic is now granting his subjects an audience.
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