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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Looking forward to and looking forward to... I think looking forward to more info about probably describes it better Jagged Alliance 3, Disciples III, Obsidians next 2 games (AP and Aliens). Other than that, I think I am covered with all the games I can handle at the moment. I still keep an eye on Mkreku's posts though, as he has a knack of digging up those interesting looking free roaming games.
  2. "Oh, that is why you look a bit flushed..." Nothing special. Has been travelling insterstate a lot the last couple of weeks. All work related.
  3. Old English has a very awesome sound to it, doesn't it? But try this. H
  4. Hey, I understood the Old English, but not a word of the Middle English. Old English sounds very "Scandinavian". Middle English sounded very "Gibberish"
  5. Well, that appears not to have happened. Buffy is iconic and needs no defence. Buffy would kick Kaftans butt anytime The series was never my cup of tea though. I sort of liked Angel, at least the first two seasons that I did get to see of it. I just don't watch that much tv anymore (I even got one of my entries wrong, Finding Nemo featuring movie characters, not television characters). Life is too short to watch tv
  6. Yes, sadly so. I am probably even guilty of it myself. You might as well have been a dead man walking in the room. I think it might be a mixture of several things, feeling guilty over your own relief that you are not in their boots, a stark reminder that nothing in this world is permanent, the knowledge that where "he" goes, you might walk some day, like trying to stay cheerful at a funeral. It makes you think twice before you open your mouth, because what would normally be a witty, fun remark can become a hurtful, even spiteful insult to people, given their changed circumstances (banter at work often involves work). Better to say less and avoid saying things that makes you facepalm yourself afterwards.
  7. "Censorship" Last movie seen would be "A Clockwork Orange" and after that, first four episodes of season 2 of "Rome".
  8. Blake from Blakes 7 Stanley Tweedle from Lexx Sydney from Relic Hunter Charles Winchester III from MASH4077 Kermit/Miss Piggy from The Muppet Show Pullo from Rome Dory from Finding Nemo J.R. Ewing from Dallas Probably a few more given a bit of time to jog through memory.
  9. I read that as Earthworm first Now I have to go and listen to some Carly Simon. Yes, some people don't care and never notice DRM's. I do. I hate them. I hate them passionately. I hate that they (DRM implementations) sometimes get in the way of my enjoyment of a game. I hate that I have to behave as a criminal to enjoy something I paid for, because a piece of software simply refuses to work, depending on which make and model of optical drive or virtual drives you use on your system. If it had a big black and yellow striped sticker with a skull on the box warning you that this software may contain traces of DRM and should not be used by people with allergies to such, then it might be easier to swallow
  10. Funny you should say that, I actually had a really wierd experience at a Roger Waters concert. I started feeling a physical reaction to the sounds, like the different tunes were pushing me and depending on the instrument they would come at different speed too.. It was a really surreal experience.. You really need to lay off those mushrooms Rosbjerg I wonder if Gorth is a yummy word
  11. Exactly Except, in the darkest and most sinister parts of Jutland, they actually do have the equivalent of the English 'The', they call it '
  12. I seem to remember that is a "gender" thing. Female words using one letter, male words using the other. I just never can remember which is which. I.e. et hus, huset, en bygning, bygningen etc.
  13. It is. It just doesn't translate very well (or at least I used to think so when learning English) Silly people couldn't just use a perfectly good variation of the word, but had to add additional filler words to sentences.
  14. In Swedish: *Hrmmff!* *Grunt!* *Snarff!* It took me a long time to learn using 'The' in sentences. I often forgot it when writing my first sentences in English. I.e. "Car is going fast" instead of "The car is going fast".
  15. Interesting looking game Not exactly overprized either
  16. My pet peeves are small (microscopically so) linear levels, killing any sense of exploration, spending 75% of the time hanging on walls (she has a nice butt, but not *that* nice, that I want to watch it zoomed in all the time), Quick Time events, horrible boss fights: T-Rex, Centaurs, I made it past the centaurs through sheer stubborness, not because it was fun. After those two "guys" I shelved the game and couldn't be bothered to give it a second try. It was a pathetic excuse for a TR game that had only the words Tomb and Raider in common with the original. After that, I installed and completed the original which felt just sooo good. It really made Anniversary look like the bumpkin that didn't get the joke by comparison. Underworld so far seems to be a completely different ball game. Edit: So Anniversary gets to share the honour with NWN1 being games that I bought and never finished. I took a gamble buying Underworld hoping that it would at least continue the interesting story of Legends.'
  17. How to solve a problem by not creating it in the first place
  18. I'm doing a training course out of town these days. Raided the hotel minibar and in a few moments time, a bottle and I are going to hang out in the Jacuzzi for a few hours (or until I melt, whichever comes first)
  19. Tombraider: Underworld A pleasant surprise. I had very low expectations after the pathetic excuse for TR title that was "Anniversary". It is almost like they took "Legends" which was a mixed experience and separated all the bad part out into "Anniversary" and all the good part into "Underworld". No stupid boss battles so far, no constant ledge climbing, even the stupid "Quick Time" mini games has disappeared, sort of. At least the current implementation makes in-game sense and lost it's mini game feel. Disclaimer: I've made it to Mexico so far, opinion subject to change.
  20. Hi there internet message board member! You know that you can work and occasionally look into forums? It's called multitasking, kiddo. Otherwise, I'm not interested in reading Comics. Why are people so pissed about that? Go get a life lol. so... if you have no interest in comics, why even bother posting in a comic book thread? Uh, may I not? Besides, I love seeing these hilarious reactions everytime I disagree with the tide. Is that to be interpreted as intentional trolling?
  21. Moved to the game section. Yes, the core engine (Aurora) is getting a bit on the old side. When was it designed and development started? Around the time Baldurs Gate 1 was released? Around a decade ago? Edit: Not sure which part of the combined package had a negative impact on performance of the originally released NWN2 though.
  22. Curses! Now I can't the Ketchup song out of my head >_
  23. Who added thixotropic to my Ketchup?!? I'll never touch the stuff again >_ Now I have to look up the word I suppose...
  24. Same thing in Denmark. Stuff aimed at kids too young to have learned a second (and sometimes third) language yet results in dubbed versions being released. Both movies and games. I think most aimed at "teen" and upwards gets original language with optional subtitle versions.
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