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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. I always wondered who watched them I watch a couple of hours of tv Thursday nights where they show some Danish and German crime series in original language. That covers my TV needs for a week. The first Tombraider was great, the second good, the rest up until "Legends" rubbish. That one was mediocre and "Anniversary" was a return to rubbish (Gorths summary review of the Tombraider franchise). As for "Good" games coming out? That is a rather subjective question with no correct answer.
  2. Sounds better and better. I wonder if the cohorts really has no interactions whatsoever during the game? No big deal if they don't, IWD 1+2 didn't have any interparty banter either. Sadly, no words about the trading system. Waiting... waiting patientely... are you released yet?... waiting... I am not impatient... waiting... are we there yet?... waiting...
  3. I am not sure that it could really be summarised in a way that would make sense The EU is the "Expanded Universe" of Star Wars, which means all the stuff that you can find in novels, books and comics. Some of the publications are good, some are bad. What is being discussed is the ideas and storylines introduced which were not part of the movies.
  4. Moved to Way off topic. While it could be argued that it has similarities to a multiplayer The Sims, I don't think anybody is going to "win" in there.
  5. Gorth


    I think you missed the point of the thread somewhere Krezack... try reading Walsinghams original post again. Using the black and white logic on a quote from Arthur Strahler (Arthur Strahler: "Understanding Science: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues" - Prometheus Books (1992): If science is capable of explaining the gathered information, make correct predictions about the future and explain everything that happened in the past, there can be no supernatural phenomena. Does that then automatically infer that if there is information that science can not explain, predict correctly or explain everything from our past, that there then has to exist something supernaturally? I don't think it is as black and white as you make it. Unless you refuse to accept only things that can currently be explained through science, but that is rarely the stuff progress and inventions is made of. Sometimes I think, scientist are the scholars documenting the results achieved by visionaries who doesn't put such restraints on themselves. Disclaimer: All anecdotal and subject to subjective interpretation Now, what I think Walsingham was looking for was a means of destroying ghosts. Besides dialling 1-800-BUSTER
  6. DIdn't your motherboard come with some bundled software/utilities that can show CPU temperature? That is, if you can run it and read the values before it dies of course There is an entire industry out there making a living of cooling for this and that, including cpus. No need to buy a new cpu
  7. I haven't played X3 yet, waiting for my Joystick to arrive. Thought that I would install the latest patch in the meantime. Guess what? It wants to install some crap called "tages" on my system Maybe I should just stick with the unpatched version. Ah well, let's see when I finally do get to play it, how bad or good it is without the patch.
  8. Huh? Am I forgetting something, because I cannot remember those... I think the technical term for them is "Interactive Cutscenes". Just as fun as doing tax returns.
  9. Minigames Browsing through boxes of old games, I considered briefly for a moment to replay Tombraider: Legends. Then I remembered that it was riddled with minigames. I really, really hate minigames that feels exactly like what they are, minigames. It is rarely done well
  10. Have you never seen Leon? It's not gory violent, but it is rather gritty and outright brutal without being "graphical" Define happy ending? One of my favourite movies. I am a bit of a Jean Reno fan I suppose. Edit: Oh yeah, the thread is about Natalie Portman. She really shines in this movie, unfortunately her Star Wars performance leaves a bad, lingering impression. Edit 2: If you are going to watch it, make sure you get the integral version, not the censored one.
  11. I would have failed the online test right there and then. Good luck Calax Started shopping around for a blu-ray player for my living room. My search criteria looks sort of like this: It either has to be easily changed to region free, or it has to be dirt cheap so I can afford at least two players (asia pacific and north america which is where I get most of my movies from these days). I have a region free DVD player, so that isn't a problem (and my TV has enough HDMI connectors).
  12. Gorth


    . lol. Who the hell would carry a pistol and a sword and staff on a paranormal investigation? I wonder if he was wearing chainmail and a cape. Maybe it was a silver sword? Everybody knows that ghosts and lycanthropes have a thing regarding silver. Never leave home without at least a silver dagger It would probably be easier if people knew what they were looking for. Sentinent beings with an agenda or a purpose? Primal forces like an "imprint" of hate/rage/anger? Odd manifestations of kinetic energy? Strange visuals? What exactly is it we want to set up a scientific approach for? A zoologist that declares that he wants to study "animals" is likely to be ridiculed by his peers
  13. It had sort of slipped of the front page a bit, but there is a very nice read here, with participation of a lot of Obsidian employees http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=49603
  14. Gorth


    Start of old thread End of old thread Well, I know the basics of Icehockey. Haven't got the slightest clue about NHL though
  15. Band: Accept, The Sisters of Mercy, Led Zeppelin, Queen... can't really make my mind up Male vocalist: Freddie Mercury, Ozzy Osbourne, Meat Loaf, Paul McCartney, Ian Gillian Female vocalist: Dorothee Pesh, Sarah Brightman, Haley Westenra, Loreena McKennit (all of the above probably subject to change when I get home and check my CD collection) TV Series (not including sit coms etc.): MASH 4077, Blakes 7, Space 1999. Movie: ...none that spring to mind... Song: "Princess of the Dawn" (Accept) Computer game: Mike Singletons "Lords of Midnight", Ian Bells and David Brabens "Elite" Book: Tolkiens "Silmarillion" Forums: Obsidian and Winterwind Comic: Asterix, Spirou and Fantasio, Tintin, The Smurfs Cognac: Martell XO, Remy Martin XO Cartoon: Tom and Jerry Politician/Political leader: None spring to mind Religious/spiritual leader: None spring to mind Philosopher/critical thinker: None spring to mind Person: Me?
  16. Thread pruned a little bit. Sheesh guys, I shouldn't really have to do that *after* the elections I am sure it is possible to discuss numbers without resorting to low blows and name calling. Well, one can hope at least.
  17. It sounds odd if it is both drives. Your BIOS is detecting them properly? You haven't had any bad DRM software installed/uninstalled that could wreck your Windows (not your manufacturers driver, but the windows file/device system for optical drives)? No second PC within handy reach that you could try to hook up one of the drives to? Running out of ideas
  18. Yes, you can talk about actual spoiler stuff here. I think this particlar quest (or whatever it is/was) has had it's karma rewards analysed plenty already
  19. Okay, enough is enough. This is about the fifth time that you've issued a personal insult to me when I have been nothing but civil. Since I've repeatedly asked you to knock it off and you won't, so I'll ask someone else to have you knock it off. I still can't figure out why someone who's only been on this board for a few months "knows" me well enough to muster up such obvious dislike, but keep it to yourself from now on and address me as civilly as you would address anyone else on this forum. Knock it off noob! It's all fine and dandy that You and GDM wants to have a bit of a wrestling match, but other people might just be here for the casual fun. Not to mention that the resorting to personal attacks, implied or explicit is never welcome, as it makes me have to get my hands out of my pocket and do actual work. My "grumpy old man" t-shirt that I wear at work is not just for show
  20. what? Gotta love this conversation! well i wasn't sure which thing he was reacting to fetish ball? or jelly wrestling incident? Maybe he was just surprised that New Zealand society wasn't what he expected? Good thing we have you as the cultural ambassador then, to enlighten the world what Kiwidom is all about Working, sleeping, working, sleeping (repeat pattern). Looking forward to a long good break in a little more than a month. Oh, I did manage to kill a lot of stuff in my garden. Now I just need to dig it up and transport it away.
  21. XSI just got acquired by Autodesk for 35.000.000$ so I wouldn't really expect it to be "freeware". Maybe they have something like the GMax thingy?
  22. In that case, we better not leave the remains of the thread in the sun. Attracts all kind of stuff
  23. Well, what would Captain Kirk do in such a situation?
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