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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Aren't you the one who applies the logic of selfishness everywhere? If they can't look out for themselves, they deserve what they got kind of thing?
  2. Depends on the type of game you prefer. If you (like me) prefer games with emphasis on tactics in combat, (pseudo) isometric views are prefereable. If you prefer games where you solve conflict through your own actions rather than decisions, then it might just feel frustrating to be relegated to observing the exploits of your character.
  3. That would be a very long list... a wonder that my head doesn't explode due to the internal pressure from things I would like to say. As for what I would like to say, but can't? I can't say
  4. I am not sure about chapter 3 and onwards, but in chapter 2 he seems to walk between the Hairy Bear and the non-human district. Occasionally visiting his dwarf friend, Vivaldi.
  5. Especially the first five pages I think that (the dwarf) would be Zoltan. He is supposedly one of my oldest and best friends together with Dandelion.
  6. If Herve gets his way, the World of Fallout may still become a reality (the FOOL project). Maybe EA should pick it up, then we could get Fallout Games 2009 etc. ...or maybe even "Rad Alert", the RTS games. Pit your armies of BOS legionaires against the Super Mutie hordes in glorious realtime! >_ I think I'll wait until the game has been in the stores for some weeks and then check the feedback on NMA and DAC to see if it is any good. My short stint with Oblivion left me very unimpressed.
  7. It's Ok. This is the spoiler section after all I lost my previous game in progress due to technical malfunctions, so I only just made it back up to chapter 3 again. Discovered a few things that I didn't notice in my first play through. There was a guy, Coleman which had a couple of small quests and the Elder Druid is a &^%$# rip off, charging 500 Orens just to make a tiny thunderstorm In my first game, there was already a thunderstorm when I needed it. I tried to invite Carmen for Shani's little party... Ok, maybe I liked the party better with Siegfried as the guest, but it was hilarious none the less. Somebody must have had fun coming up with those scenarios.
  8. My important stuff is backed up on an external HDD, like Photo Albums, Serial Numbers, Electronic Invoices, Registration Keys etc. I should probably add my mail folders to that.
  9. I "cheat" (metagame) when dealing with Handmaiden and the sparring Simply don't level her up until she is ready to become a jedi. She is easy to beat in the sparring sessions, even for a non combat oriented consular/sentinel (I use the rebalance mod that gimps consulars in particular) and you get maximum guardian levels for her
  10. Golden mean fallacy. Show me a society which adopted an extreme form, that demonstrated enduring stability Show me a society which demonstrated enduring stability. I can't, because they all eventually drift towards some kind of extreme and collapse
  11. Sounds like a reasonable request. Thread pruned. If anybody feel like suggesting that stealing software is Ok and that sharing the loot on torrents equally so, just let me know. I have PM's about Choice and Consequences © that I am itching to share.
  12. Maybe he got brainwashed by the Bethesda Hype machine?
  13. So, Codemasters haven't give you any PR related tasks yet? >_
  14. Harddisk Woes! >_ First, one my two new Samsung 640Gb decided that it didn't want to play nice. No big deal, I hadn't really started using it yet. It just kept popping up with a warning in Windows that the disk was bad and that I should back up stuff and get rid of it. About every friggin 15 minutes or so, minimising all other windows, interrupting whatever was doing. Out it went, returned to the seller for a replacement. While waiting for the replacement, my main drive, my Samsung 1Tb disk started getting bad blocks on my C: drive, destroying my Windows installation and making it non-bootable The repair function from the Windows Install disk was no help and so I resorted to the command line option, backing up a few important things (my mailbox) to another drive and took the disk out. Had to use my old PC for a few days. Went down to a local retail store yesterday and grabbed two Seagate 500Gb disks, which are presumably faster, but also considerably noisier than the Samsungs. Got Windows, drivers and the basics up and running again... just to discover that The Witcher stores it saved games on the C: drive in the Documents and Settings folder There are days where I really hate computers. At least my Seagate drives have been running with no problems for two days now. Crossing fingers and knock on wood etc. Oh yeah, while I was at it, I got a glowing plasma ball with little multicoloured lightning jumping around inside to put on top of my PC, powered by the USB port. It was either that or a pair of fluffy dice for the monitor Edit: My "preciousss...." in it's currently still unassembled state
  15. Heh, not a bad idea. I just don't think it feasable with the sheer number of people having more than X posts >_ Maybe I should see if I could make a miniaturised non-animated version of my avatar. There is always imageshack or photobucket.
  16. Playing a bit of Warhammer Online and a bit of The Witcher EE (since my HDD decided to commit treason, I had to start the game all over. Almost up to chapter 3 again >_
  17. Golden mean fallacy. Show me a society which adopted an extreme form, that demonstrated enduring stability
  18. For whatever reasons, the "Prague Spring" featured more predominantly in our history lessons. Maybe because it was a decade (almost) later?
  19. We'll see if we can keep it open a bit longer then. The "scissors" might be a bit loose when it comes to pruning then
  20. Now for the "stupid" question... what game is that? Edit: Just saw one of your other posts in the Far Cry 2 thread. Is that it (i.e. Far Cry 2)?
  21. 200% of nothing is still nothing Have we run out of interesting things to say about the game for the time being? *looking at retirement plans for thread...*
  22. I think the "ideal, utter and complete" capitalist solution wouldn't work for other reasons. All those economists and their fancy books, funny ideas and what have you forget something important in their models and equations. People are people, which means if you create a society so divided that it starts losing it's cohesion, it will all fall apart due to social unrest. You can't sell a new car to the guy with the pitch fork, who is busy burning you at the stake Put more simply, either extreme wouldn't work any more than any other extreme form of society, whether it be political, theological or economical extremism.
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