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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. All I can say is, some people *do* have too much time on their hands I thought my brain was going to ooze out through my nostrils when they got to the singing part
  2. Underworld? If so, is it any good? Compared to Legends? Anniversary?
  3. I am glad I did That was worth it, even if you never did nor intend to care one inch about Guitar Hero. The last minute and a half makes up for it
  4. Oh, so that is why there has been a distinct lack of guitar solos in the Alpha Protocol section Good to know that she is still alive and kicking
  5. I hear Citibank is hiring
  6. I think there are few games that I can think of which you either haven't played yet or hasn't been mentioned yet. A few personal favourites when it comes to atmosphere: Classics: Lords of Midnight - The game that got me hooked on immersive, vast and open ended (sandbox) type games. Has been a bit hard to find in stores since 1984-85 though. Alternate Reality - Large, ambitious crpg project that unfortunatly crashed and burned after the first expansion (or was it the second) of seven planned expansions to the core game was released. Has been out of print since 1985 too New games Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines - Top of the crop. The game almost drips atmosphere. Other new games S.T.A.L.K.E.R., The Witcher EE, Planescape: Torment, Fallout 1, etc. I might come back and add more later as my memory gets a bit of exercise.
  7. I'll give it an extra look through and see if I can find such a thing. Most of the "staged" combat had been nice so far. @Crashgirl, it wasn't so much that it was hard, more like a bit on the tedious side being a test of patience more than anything. I do sort of like the combat, just not when it becomes repetitive.
  8. I haven't made it particularly far into FO:T, but I think my only complaint so far would be the frequency of random encounters. I dread going anywhere... so I stopped going anywhere and shelved the game until I gather the courage to do another trip between two locations I wonder if there is a way to lower the frequency?
  9. Oww... My last couple of monitors was/is Samsungs. My first 19" was DOA, but the replacement one I got the same day just kept working and working (and still works without a hitch). Good image quality, no bad areas or worse, dead pixels. My current slightly oversized Samsung monitor runs like a dream too.
  10. I found one of those in the bargain bin for 9.95$ I can't remember if it was that or another game, but the developer had a free version for download on their website. Most of the fun racing games I know predates PC's (Commodore Amiga & 64) Edit: I got Carmageddon 1 + Splat Pack & Carmageddon 2. Didn't like the second one so much, I really hated tbe introduction of "Missions"
  11. Yeah, those election machines are notoriously unreliable. Just ask Al Gore
  12. I hope he didn't (and I hope we all have the capacity to learn from the past). Thanks guys To honour the tradition of moderators closing threads with their own name in it
  13. It sounds like we are past the Obsidian and/or RPG specific details, like a page or two ago. There should be plenty of opportunity to carry on the discussion in the Computer and Console section though
  14. Congratulations on your exceedingly good taste in games Negative stuff first: The music was awful, Mortis' legions doesn't seem to be a playable faction *sniff*, the graphics aren't as nice as the old ones (the overland map especially looked bad, confusing and "cluttered") Positive stuff: The franchise isn't dead, they seem to have stuck with the art style (if not the gfx) of the originals, unit animations on the tactical map was very good (I especially liked the giant thumping his opponent with a tree), it's for PC Thanks for the reminder. I only had only seen an trailer. Now, if we could just get a playable demo to try out the gameplay mechanisms... Edit: Disciples II added other factions through expansions, maybe Disciples III is going to do the same.
  15. First off, I hope somebody somewhere feel bad about themselves. Using others misery for your own entertainment is pathetic. That being said, there is a subtle but important difference between the two cases you mentioned, in the first one, the victim was driven to suicide as a result of psychological cruelty and manipulations from somebody who intended to do that, make somebody suffer. In this case, the guy had apparantly (without knowing more than is posted), tried suicide before and as such, has a history of mental instability and was suicide prone over something that had nothing to do with the people on the net. Of course, a swathe full of jerks in a public place doesn't help, but it seems more like the symptom than the cause (unlike the first case). Rule of thumb, get a life outside the internet and don't trust strangers, even if they use smilies. Edit: I always thought it strange how low people can think when hiding behind the anonymity of the net. It's almost a mob mentality where the collective IQ is the squareroot of the lowest one participating.
  16. I'm tired of people whinging about not getting their free mod soon enough. Is there a fan based intelligence filter that doesn't stop normal posts, but does filter the whining? Hey, easy now It is not a perfect solution, but I've had great joy using the 'ignore' function in the past, if there are forumites whose posts you find systematically offensive. I am as impatient as the next gamer who enjoyed Kotor2 (at least I think so), but having worked more than 20 years in software development, I know that it isn't as easy as it may look on the surface.
  17. can anyone tell me why party members aren't following my PC, whilst my PC does follow other party members? have I toggled something? Did you use the party selection screen outside of the Inn/Keep? If so, you need to use the command that tells you party members to follow you. I can't remember it's exact name, but it is there together with stand your ground, guard me etc. It's a bug that drove me crazy and made me put it on the shelf for a while in the beginng.
  18. I love that album. From start to end
  19. I think you might have a greater chance of getting tech suggestions here amongst the tech enthusiasts. Moved to Skeeters place. For what it is worth, my Kotor 1 & 2 works on a 64 bit Vista, although it gives a few hiccups every now and then (especially when transitioning between the Bink video player and the normal game rendering).
  20. Yeah, if somebody had told me that I would end up with a tag some day, I would have said the same thing
  21. My pleasure I doubt you would be the first nor the last it happens to. Actually, I sometimes think the danger of overlooking such things is greater on the second playthrough (I'll not mention names, but it starts with 'G') >_
  22. Obvious questions first... did you pick it up on your way back from the Harbinger? I don't know if I remember correctly, but isn't it where you pick up T3 on your way back?
  23. It does give them a certain "comic book" quality when it's over done. More hate stuff: Excessive loot, badly distributed/random loot and the real killer... getting the Big Sword of Crate Slaying + 12 as a reward for killing the last Crate in the game >_
  24. Happy birthday pixies (and Surreptishus) >_
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