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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Who said that I was a *Hater*? All I said was I didn't care for the plot. I'm all for a second Planescape game... As long as it has a good plot. So call me a grumpy old Dwarf... Grumy old dwarf. PS:T was the game that got me into playing IE games after otherwise having given up after trying BG1 (where I got overwhelmed by boredom).
  2. Trying to convince this poor old body that I am now in a different time zone. I really hate those jet lags. Of course, I don't make it easier for myself when the time difference is 9.5 hours Otherwise just getting used to it being all nice and warm outside after visiting cold and dreary old Denmark.
  3. Considering how unpleasant being boiled alive is, a 140 year old lobster should know better than letting itself get caught.
  4. Was just waiting for you to turn up and tell them how NWN1 is superior to both Kotor and ME
  5. Distributing files, including exe files from the game disk isn't legal. I have removed your email address, as these forum pages are available to search engines and by extension email address "harvesters". If it is a securom problem, your best bet might be to contact securom who has a support email address available on the support page on their website
  6. Is that how Relic implemented it? The WH40K daemons are a bit different from that description In the setting, you have the Universe and the "Empyrean" (warp space). Warp space is an alternate reality where thoughts and emotions from the physical universe is given form and shape. Think "Planescape" During an ancient conflict between the Necrons, lead by their C'Tan masters and a race now only known as "The Old Ones" the empyrean was cast into such turmoil, filled with such intensity that the thoughts of hatred, despair and deceit coalesced into sentient beings, becoming the original three "Chaos Gods", Khorne, Nugle and Tzeentch. When the warp disturbances threatened to destroy the physical universe, the Necrons simply withdrew and went into hibernation, awaiting a time when the universe would be more calm. Silly Eldar, being one of the creations of the Old Ones (like most other organic life in the universe) went ahead and created a fourth one all by them selves. Way to go pointy earted suckers. Daemons are "splinters" of those chaos gods, created by them, sometimes destroyed (absorbed) again by them. The way they manifest themselves in the physcial universe is among other things through possession of people with psychic ability (the ability to access the empyrean) yet too weak to defend themselves, through man made warp portals, through summoning rituals (usually requires a host body) and through events of cataclysmic nature. I.e. very strong emotions, like massacres, orgies, whatever, as long as it creates a rift in reality. Sanctioned psychers are those that have been tested by the Inquisition and found strong enough of mind to not succumb to daemonic possession. Some, like Astropaths, goes through the ritual of "soul bonding" where they on a miniscule level unite part of their soul with the Emperor himself, protecting them against unwanted attention. Thousands of those that are found wanting are sacrificed daily to the emperor, to sustain him. Lots of fluff available about the creation and the purpose of the emperor too from the old books.
  7. There will always be a couple of trolls who think it easier to ridicule than to be constructive. Maybe they lack imagination themselves? Can you really start a sentece with "But..." in English?
  8. Slaanesh demons are generally more attractive than anything that Neo can come up with. One is a manifestation of emotion given sentience, the other is truly an avatar in the common use of the term
  9. Good luck I don't think it's your imagination... Still enjoying my vacation on the other side of the world (Denmark). Temperatures varies between 0 adn -8 degrees Celcius and I had forgotten how &%
  10. Australia. Nice enough movie. Part drama, part humour, a little bit of action, all good.
  11. I have no idea where you got notion that AP would be a NOLF clone. And I've no idea what you're trying to get at. Peace. Worst bickering ever. Is there a cheat code in the game to change MT's name to Joseph Bulock? Seriously, Thorton with a missing 'n' in the middle has to be an undercover name, anagram or something.
  12. ^C^V It's a bit hard to pronounce though.
  13. Relocation of information within user specified boundaries! Isn't it pronounced cut'n'paste?
  14. Yes. Contact SecuROM and see if they will send you a fixed .exe that is compatible with newer systems. If they refuses... Well, the mods do not like us talking about the other option... That sums it up pretty well >_ Securoms website has a support page with instructions on how to contact and how to get the info (diagnosis) they might need.
  15. Nothing like realising that your planned night of sleep will at best be a two hour nap, before having to get up and go to work again
  16. Hey, which market segment did you think it was aimed at? As for being sad, sad souls, those days ended with the old Black Isle games. Those were the culmination of the 8 and 16 bit gaming culture where I could play the same game for weeks on end. Doomdarks Revenge takes the prize with two months of gaming
  17. Moved to gaming section. I keep thinking it is something left behind by a spam bot when spotting the thread title in Way off Topic
  18. What the hell does that mean, when terrorists intentionally kill civilians it's more OK than if a democratic state does it? I think he meant it the other way around. A democratic state (usually) claims to be better than a terrorist organisation, therefore they are expected to put more effort into not behaving as one.
  19. No strategy gaming enthusiast should be without "War in Russia". Available from Strategy First (the publisher) website for download. Free, no strings attached besides being a dos game.
  20. Gorth

    it's tech

    The university built this big setup which they are expanding so they can test it's practicality on larger and larger distances. Experiments with faster than light communication and teleportation across the Danube: http://www.univie.ac.at/qfp/publications3/...les/2006-10.pdf They hope to be able to get their own satellite in space one day for testing their communication technology
  21. I can't help you with the first question (you may have to ask on the TG forums), but to the second question: Some "tester" leaked the unfinished mod so it ended up on the internet and the third question: I don't *think* it changes anything, since they are not modifying and of the game engine code, only the assets. If your game already works, it is likely to continue working on Vista and vice versa. Oh, and welcome
  22. Gorth

    it's tech

    It does indeed seem bogus. The university of Vienna has been experimenting with Entangled Photons for years now, not only doing faster than light communication, but also some rather obscure practical applications. How about Quantum Encryption?
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