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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. If it is indeed so, best of luck Monty Now, about Purgatorio?...
  2. I don't know why, but being hit by big rocks reminds me of Life of Brian for some reason...
  3. I think you meant for the title to be TSL? TSLRP is a mod that has been worked on for a few years, making it one of the oldest active subjects. Exactly what lightsaber training are we talking about? As far as I remember, nobody will do any lightsaber training? You can do sparring with Handmaiden and Kreia can tell you more about the Force. Maybe somebody else have more input...
  4. I always got the impression that God was all justice and no mercy, whereas Jesus was all about mercy and compassion. Now, as to what the supposedly followers of the latter has decided to do with that doctrine...
  5. First Q&A point in the sticky Kotor2 Technical FAQ thread
  6. you might wanna get that seen to Maybe it was a Highwayman, not a Buick? It is mostly work these days. Enjoyed the first real raindrops to fall in my garden since November this morning. Made for a very warm and humid day. Not enough rain to save the sad remnants of my garden though, so here is crossing fingers and hoping for a severe rain storm or two, that would be nice
  7. Yeah, it might come back to bite you VMBL was fun enough the first 2/3 way through, because the excellent atmosphere of the game enabled you to forget the crappy combat. The last 1/3 unfortunately was a long grind of boring combat. Probably about the time they ran out of time/money on the project (just me guessing). Arcanum didn't appeal to me (I don't like steampunk/victorian settings) and ToEE is lying on my shelf waiting to be installed and played. Just trying to figure out which mods/fixes to search for.
  8. ...and a lone wanderer was trekking across the wastland in search of a mythical place
  9. I don't know if it makes any difference for PS:T but I was despairing in a similar way over BG2 that refused to run on my system without constant flicker and weird graphics. On a sudden impulse (the voices in my head) I tried to use the 3D acceleration option in BG2 Setup and lo and behold, the game ran. Then I tried some mods from G3, which made both BG2 and IWD crash here and there and generally behave oddly, so I play with vanilla plus the very old Baldurdash fixes (yes, unzipping a megaton of zip files by hand). Regarding BG2 and graphics, I never found out if it was an ATI or a Vista issue, but gone it is now.
  10. Looks like what needs to be said in this thread was already said on the first few pages... Good luck and hope to see you soon again Edit: I could have sworn it was March already in my timezone
  11. I could only browse through numbers 100-50. Do you need to be a subscriber or something to see the rest or am I just missing something obvious? Unless Rob Hubbard, Martin Galway, James D. Sachs, Ian Bell, David Braben, Mike Singleton, Anthony Crowther and Jeff Minter are to find among the second half, this would be a "The Top 100 Game Creators of All Time" in name only >_
  12. We'll give it a try. None of us takes our end of week gaming session too seriously, so "hectic" shouldn't bother us too much. You should see the atrocious performances we give in Halo sometmes
  13. Funcrocs secret is a time travelling device
  14. Hey, that Geometry Wars 2 thing looked awesoem (checked out a few gameplay videos) Thanks Llyranor, I'll tell my director to go get that game (it's his xbox360). That should look very good/psychedelic when played through our projector on a big white wall Edit: For various reasons, Aussies are just not into hockey. I'll see if I can find something out about N+... has to be something people can still play after a beer or two and for max a couple of hours
  15. Played a bit of PGR4 on Friday afternoon in our boardroom (with accompanying beer, chips and peanuts)... fun enough I suppose, but it doesn't seem to support 4 players on one console. Any fun games for not really gamers that supports up to 4 players out there (we already got Halo3) ? Project Gotham Racing 2 did, but that one doesn't run on the 360
  16. Yikes, I did wonder where he had been for quite a while now Hope is going to be OK
  17. *looks left*... *looks right*... Looks like the original topic has evapourated a bit. This sounds more like stuff for C&C so I closing it for now. Feel free to create a new thread when new ideas pop up
  18. I didn't get into the Kings/Space Quest games or the Lucas Arts games, just wasn't my cup of tea at the time I suppose. Why ruin perfectly good adventure games with crappy gfx and "point and click" interface. Talk about dumbing down a genre I think the first "modern" (post 8 bit) games that made me laugh were things like the original Worms and Lemmings. The humour in Grim Fandango was something special too
  19. Start of old thread End of old thread Waiting for the first major title where you fight against evil bankers
  20. The thread is getting a bit long. Continued here
  21. Guys... don't get them started again! I don't care about the ME franchise, yet I would still rather read about that (ME2).
  22. Citizenship is much overrated. Said the guy who has been living in foreign countries without the right to vote for a number of years now
  23. Take care DR, don't stay away too long and don't become a stranger during your absence.
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