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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. I loved an old joke posted a few years (?) ago, just after hurricane Katrina. It showed that all major hurricanes (measured in the loss of lives and property) with one exception happened during the rule of republican presidents. The conclusion was: God hates republicans. Statistics is such a nice tool
  2. I'm so tempted to grab a BenQ G2400WD right now, but I can't afford it for another week or so. I had a look at a few BenQ monitors too. In the end, I decided that I had been very happy with my old Samsung 19" and decided to stick with a brand that I knew. Not exactly a good reason for buying anything, I know
  3. Start of old thread End of old thread Saving stuff from a HDD crash.., Testing my new Samsung 305T+ monitor. 2560x1600 looks nice
  4. If I stole all your virtual money on your bank account, I am not sure you would settle for a bit of virtual spanking, I think you would rather see me behind bars
  5. Fixing issues is not always about fixing obvious or easy stuff first. That can be a recipee (sp?) for disaster It is possible (as in, I haven't got a clue how Kotor2 modding in particular works) that they rely on other things, that is subject to change and any effort to fix them would be a wasted effort, until whatever they rely on have been done first.
  6. uh, roundup... ain't nothing that kills weeds better. i see from a later post that you did resort to chemical warfare. indeed, it is the only way. Yup, that was exactly what I bought. That, and a spray apparatus for convenient distribution. Just remember to let out the compressed air before refilling I think you just described one of those things I like about cats, their sometimes spirited personality (annoying bastards) and their independence (feed me!)
  7. Yeah, one day I walked past there is she was back. It also rained when I found her again, sheltering under the church roof. Coincidence? Heh, yes, discovered that too. Lesson learned. In this game, things aren't always meant to found and/fixed right away. What a nice change. The druids are always worth a visit, if nothing else just to see Morenn. I have this huge stockpile of wolfpelts Ouch, that doesn't sound good. I really like Siegfried, even if he doesn't talk to me anymore. His performance at Shanis party was a surprise I am too old to get excited over pixellated boobies (probably seen way too many real ones), but I would lie if I tried to deny that it brings out the "collector" in me. Maybe that is what people feel when they collect sportscards, this having to go that extra mile to get the one missing?
  8. I think he proves the point of why it is not a public beta.
  9. No Half a million corpses in various degrees of decomposing would have been more accurate decoration.
  10. I live in a townhouse with a small 'garden' in the front (flower beds) and a nice enclosed (2m stone wall) backyard, where I can sit in peace and quiet when it isn't too hot, also with roses and a few vines and trees... and of course all the mandatory weeds which are now victims of chemical warfare
  11. To the best of my knowledge, Xard is not prevented from posting anything. The reasons lie elsewhere.
  12. Lucky for him, you're a dog lover DR. It's time to get your doggie ready for on-leash training. Don't forget your poop scoop. I prefer cats over smelly dogs. What I do today? Watch Michigan lose to Penn State. Boo! Cats are superior beings Started the war against weeds in my drive way and my garden today. Fritz Haber would have been proud of my approach. All is fair in love and war against weeds.
  13. Mostly playing The Witcher. What an awesome game Bought Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. "What a pile of Crap" was my first impression. The disk was one of a batch released in North America and Australia that was mastered badly, with all the .exe files missing. Nothing to click, nothing to play, no help on the help pages , faq pages or support pages at either EA and Mythic. Talk about leaving bad first impressions. Spending good money and buying a months subscription leaving you with *nothing* Well, Google to the rescue. EB Games have provided a link to download the .exe file that will patch your game (and download the missing files), but sheesh, talk about crappy support. That kind of help should have been at the very least on Mythic's support pages. EA and Mythic both lost a bunch of influence points there (and I consider myself happy that I only bought one months subscription so far if that is a sign of things to come). Created my account and started taking first baby steps, familiarising myself with the controls.
  14. If you question Vaska more, she'll tell you that you can leave items in the Voydanoi "mailbox" (where you put the logger's axe, if you did that quest in Ch 2), and they will exchange it. Not things of dry land, however, so only leave swamp herbs, fish, swamp animal extracts etc. Now I never bothered to try it but it might be fun for you to see what they leave! Just save first in case you leave something that pisses them off... you do not want to make Vaska mad. I tried to leave a fish. Found hellebore petals the day after. So, they do swap things Less sure if it is useful or not, sort of like the Meliteli (sp?) statue in the church after you've got the quest item. Solving some witcher contracts, following the main quest a bit. Having great fun so far. Latest achievement was cleearing out the Salamandra hideout in the sewers. Decided to side with the "squirrels" during the bank robbery. I met a nurse in distress and managed to sneak into the basement of her mothers house and kill the fleder down there. Talking to the mother afterwards reveals that she thinks the fleder to have been her son. I can't find the nurse anymore though, so I can't finish the quest at the time being. Tried to visit the church inside and outside at dawn, dusk, midnight and noon Are there any good hunting grounds for cocatrices?
  15. with every detail can we see this locked. There is a thread for discussing future Kotor's here
  16. What a shame. With all the real world references, it would have been fun with a Fish that could turn water into wine I liked the story about the gnome Alfred Nabel who created that stuff that could blow mountain sides away... and a book called 'Ain't so far' Good to know that I didn't leave an unfinished quest behind
  17. Trust the Brits to come up with 42 as the answer to their problems
  18. Thanks That is exactly what I did. I gave up finding the missing child though. Everything else I suspect I could possibly do (exempting stuff like fistfighting and poker quests and the likes which I suspect is ongoing), I did. That included buffing Geralt up with Tawny Owl, Swallow, blade coating (sorry, can't remember the name), and the potion that increases the damage you do at the cost of not evading enemies. Either that or the 5 levels I gained in the meantime made a differnce. The wyverns were toast and I got myself a shiny new steel sword While still being well and good buffed, I payed the tower a visit and whooped some sorry pyromaniac butt Just started chapter 3, exploring the streets around Triss' place. Edit: The old lady in the swamp said something about their water lord being able to turn water into healing potions etc. Is that just superstition or will the voysomething actually take bottled water and do something with it?
  19. You never know, maybe he ate some of the food served there?
  20. I, Gorth, who had thought that he would never join the MMO mob has finally had a change of heart. My general "fanboyism" of the Warhammer universe/setting pushed me to the edge and a friend gave me the last push over the edge. Going shopping for the game come the weekend. May the most brutal faction win!
  21. A much underrated game. I just wish I could run it without having to resort to all kinds of tricks.
  22. Nice to know Thanks Sounds like there is wyvern bashing in the air tonight. Spent all of yesterday night (real time) trying to find the tenth sephirath (sp?). Just to discover after giving up finding it, that the "detective" has it I've activated all 10 obelisks, but I'll wait with the tower until the I've seen what those wyverns are guarding. Call me paranoid, but I don't really trust the game to let me get back there I really love those swamps. I hate to say it, but they are even nicer than the sewers Edit: I guess there is no point hoarding my 4 pieces of red meteorite, besides the point that a new sword is quite expensive to make. I'll never be able to afford that nice leather armour
  23. Instant death is not good, no Looks like it has to be done the hard way. I finally got some literature on wyverns too, just to discover that they are vulnerable to silver, not steel. So much for me trying to slash them to pieves with my steel sword. I've stocked up on bombs, blade coatings, Swallow and I think it was called Tawny something (the one that regenerates endurance). I've more or less relied on the first Sign (the one that repulses/stuns enemies) so far, so now I've spent two handfuls of talents on Ignis. Lets see if that works better together with a buffed up Geralt. The sign that causes damage/pain to enemies ganging up on you is not to be underestimated. Saved some witcher butt more than once when getting swamped by enemies. The "shield" one is the only one I've found no use for yet, but I suppose that it because battles are over fairly fast. Either with dead enemies or a dead witcher Edit: Cheat question: Is the sword on the body a steel or a silver sword? I.e. should I leave my current nice blue meteorite sword at home in the Inn before retrieving it?
  24. the detection of where you are on that thing is terrible. I got splattered several times because it thought I was inside the triangle. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks
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