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Everything posted by Heijoushin

  1. What!? Thaos was right! The Gods are not real pretty damn useless. So where do they get their abilities from? Do they... draw energy from their souls by any chance? (The standard PoE explanation)
  2. Yes, I would sign up for that. Perhaps a fighter exclusive animation (just to give them something flashy to compete with the spell-casters). ... but that's just day dreaming!
  3. Since this question lacks... um, specifics, here is some general advice: - Read your journal. - Reload an earlier save and pay attention to the conversation. - Check for new locations on the map. - Supply your forum friends with more details about the problem. - Have a cup of tea (I find this helps in any difficult situation) Good luck!
  4. We can't give an explanation because we're not the designers. As far as I know, all the designers have said is: Feargus: "Totally understand your feeling. This was a design decision though not a funding one. We really feel that reducing the party size by one lets us make the combat aspect of Pillars more enjoyable. With Pillars one we tried to stick as closely to the Infinitey Engine (BG, IWD) formula as possible, but we want to see (slowly) how we can evolve that formula into 2018 and beyond." Pretty vague I agree. Now, I suppose there have been single design decisions that have completely put me off a series in the past. Like throwing away turned based combat in Final Fantasy or Diablo 3's respec system to name a few. But I don't think that this will be a decision that completely destroys Deadfire. I think it may even increase replay value. Instead of throwing every companion and class you want to try into a single playthrough, you might have to do multiple playthroughs to experience everything. Sucks for the guys who only play it once, but good for the guys who play multiple times.
  5. Nah, she was the best of the bunch. And it was a strong bunch too. You know, it occurs to me that Calisca and Heodan are like the "sidekicks" for PoE1. Which just goes to prove that sidekicks can be popular.
  6. You brute. I agree with you OP! Well, I often play wizards, so Aloth tends to be redundant, but I love his personality(s). Anyone who says differently is a coxfither who's itching for the kindling touch of his sister!
  7. Your analysis made me chuckle. But you know, our world has lots of religions because we can't really prove that any of them are "right". On the other hand, in a world where the Gods interact with mortals, and grant divine powers, it makes sense that people stick with religions that "work". Thus, a smaller pool of them. There's still lots of space to make monk philosophies though!
  8. Has it actually been confirmed somewhere that you can't change your race, or are you just wagering? But yes, it would be mildly odd if your PC had a race and sex change in the 5 years separating the events of PoE1 and Deadfire. Either you care about continuity, in which case you'd stick with your race, or you don't, in which case you might as well create a new PC from scratch.
  9. lol, you necro'ed a thread from 2 years ago. Could be interesting, but it doesn't sound like there's really enough there to make a full mod worth it.
  10. I don't know. Sure, if you quit an occupation, then you retain your skills. But if you quit your priesthood in a fantasy universe, it strikes me that the Gods should cut you off from your powers. But I guess the Durance case proves that's not how it works in Eora. Yes, regrettably they can't spend so much programming time on fine-tuning this little philosophical issue. Haha, you have a good point there. I also recently replayed the first section of PoE, and was very amused at how dry Calisca's reaction to your royal heritage is. PC: *Dramatic tones* Royal blood flows through my veins... but jealous relatives whispered in my father's ear and I was disinherited! Calisca: Aw shucks! You can't trust any folks nowadays.
  11. Not even a little bit of constitution on a tank character? (Even negative on Boeroer's build?) Is the stat really viewed as so worthless?
  12. I think it's perfectly reasonable for a character to have opposite reputations. I mean, no one is honest 100% of the time or deceptive 100% of the time. It's a little of each, depending who you're talking to. In fact, I would argue that its only a true fanatic that manages to act the same way every single time. On the other hand Blotter, I'm not sure if I buy your argument about playing opposing beliefs with the idea that "the character is turning over a new leaf". Even if the reformed Skaenite has insecurities that he's a murderous douchebag at heart, surely he's trying not to be one. So he should probably give up those dirty Skaenite powers. In one of the endings...
  13. Well, you're free to try whatever you like, but "solo character" and "bashing my face against enemy faces til they are dead and drop loot" isn't really compatible IMHO. A solo character has to be more careful and avoid combat where possible. Might I recommend a party full of fighter types? Like Fighter, Paladin, Monk, Rogue. Trust me, that's a breeze to manage and you can just bash your face against enemy faces til they dead and drop loot. Otherwise, what Boeroer said.
  14. Not this again... See previous 7 page thread: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91215-only-five-party-members/
  15. Yeah, honestly, I never use those weapon types. Its just so much more fun to have a gun-wielding or sword-wielding wizard. If others feel the same way, then maybe they need something to spice them up. Maybe a tiny debuff on attacks like you suggest.
  16. PoE1 already has limited party break up, sort of. I mean, you can't leave the area, but you can move a single, stealthy character around independently of the rest of the group. I distinctly remember this being useful in one of the Doemenel quests. I'm very impressed with the new info about the stealth system. Obsidian delivered something I wasn't really expecting. Really looking forward to cloak-and-dagger characters now.
  17. Yeah, true. They've covered quite a range of themes (crafting, death, redemption, fire, war, water, violent rebellion, secrets, law etc.) but at the same time, its hardly an exhaustive list. That being said, I'm sure the writers could add in more gods or regional variants if they really wanted to. As for dyrwoodan-glanfathan religious conflict... I don't know. I suppose it could have been there. They could have given the two groups different Gods to squabble over. But there was already the whole Eothas/Waidwen plotline and the Animancers/Science vs. the Gods plotline, so any more religious conflict might have been overdoing it.
  18. Uh, yeah, if you're going to go kill every single NPC, I guess there will be no one left to give you quest rewards. May I suggest that you play a more subtle psychopath who only kills occasionally? And y'know, there's the occasional quest to kill a baby or feed a little girl to a zombie. I think these are perfectly good psychopathic outlets.
  19. Let's say you're going to fight someone. He's waiting in the next room for you now. Would you put the brick in your gloves before you enter the room, or wait until you've spotted him? But that's irrelevant. I'm not interested in buffing. I want utility spells and summoning outside of combat.
  20. It's great having one's questions answered! I feel like senpai noticed me!! Wish I'd noticed the "3 only" rule earlier though. I would have giving my top 3 questions a bit more thought then. Hope there's another Q&A soon!
  21. What? There's yes/no/maybe options. The rest is just flavor text. If this was a J-RPG, it would go like this: Want to save the world? A: Yes B: Yes C: Yes I don't miss prebuffing. I miss utility and summon spells outside of combat. I don't remember setting Pasca on fire... was that a dialogue option?
  22. How are you gentlemen Recently, there’s been a lot of bellyaching about lack of wizard spells. I think the real culprit here is not the variety of wizard spells, but the fact that you can’t cast outside of combat. Apparently this rule was implemented for the following reasons (to my understanding): Without it, players would cast hundreds of buffs before combat This is presumably a waste of time, and makes things hard to balance, because if you balance for a normal party, super-buffed parties have it easy, if you balance for a super-buffed party, normal characters will suffer. I would argue that: If you take the time to do all that buffing, you deserve to have an easier time of it. This rule means that all spells = combat spells. There is nothing utility because you can’t cast outside of combat. In particular, this has led to a lame summoning system. Summons are best used to draw enemy attention/fire, but this is very difficult when the main summoner can only call a few skeletons about 5 minutes into combat. Isn’t munching 30 plates of dragon meat pie or sleeping in a special place before combat just as ridiculous as casting buffs before combat? What do you guys think?
  23. Ah, the Dresden files. Pretty fun, and well written. But I seem to recall that he gets roughed up to within an inch of his life in every book. Its one of those where you have to ask: How much damage can one man take before he takes a break
  24. What I feel is the limiting factor here is: NO CASTING OUTSIDE OF COMBAT. I understand that this was done so that players wouldn't be able to cast hundreds of buff spells before every fight. This apparently saves time and allows balancing without having to take all that buffing into account. But if spells are only castable in combat, that means that all spells = combat spells. That makes me sad too.
  25. Just finished Three Parts Dead (Craft Sequence #1). Actually, I picked it up it because it was mentioned on one of the PoE podcasts. It's basically about multi-class wizard/lawyers called craftsmen (and women). Sounds interesting, right? But actually, it kind of dragged. Nice concept, lousy execution. *sigh* What to read next...
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