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Everything posted by Heijoushin

  1. Hmmm... I agree strongly with the point about keeping a central coherent voice. I mean, I know what it's like as a business. You want more "views/clicks", so you keep creating more social media accounts to spread the word. "Hey, think of the potential million users in China! Let's start an Obsidian Weibo account!" And then the fans have to run around gathering info from various places/platforms. Sure, its a labor of love. But it would be really nice to know: For the latest info on Deadfire, I just need to go to place X. And it would be nice if that place X was your main website instead of a social media platform.
  2. Wow, the flail looked great! And really impressed that they went to all the trouble of adding in multiple modes of movement for the bird.
  3. Boeroer, after all this time, you're still giving such detailed answers. You're the real MVP!
  4. It uh... wasn't a great quest, admittedly. The first time I sided with Peregund and was also surprised at the reputation lose. Sure, you kill a few Defiance Bay citizens, but since y'know, they're dead, I didn't think there would be anyone left to tell tales. A morality vs. law context would have been better. That being said, I think you're overreacting a wee bit
  5. Oh, a new update! Is it just me, or are we not getting update emails anymore?
  6. I'm guessing that the majority of players didn't switch much (I mostly just stuck with the weapon with the highest damage), which is why they decided to create the Black Jacket fighter. I'm looking forward to playing one.
  7. At the moment, especially with the addition of the White March, there is just too much optional content to ever properly balance PoE. The developers need to make sure that the game is at least possible with main story only, which means that completionists (and I think there are many in this genre) will always feel overpowered. I’m not sure if there is a good solution. Maybe just: design your expansion-sets to take place post-end game? I’m very anti-level scaling though. Improvement is at the heart of RPGs, and if everything scales with you, you don’t feel like you are improving. Also, it feels silly when you reach end game and that low-level bandit has been scaled up to be a demi-god on par with your characters.
  8. All classes have a few. I think Ciphers have the most by a small degree.
  9. Speaking on a perfectly selfish level, I know the developers have got better things to do but a good update can really bring some fun into a dull weekday. Which is why I sympathize with OP and this thread. Look at that last update, "cool info about deadfire" = a screenshot of Maia wearing padded armour. A little underwhelming. I think someone was asked to write that email at the last minute and didn't have any better ideas:P
  10. Games can have serious themes and still be "fun" (as in enjoyable), right? I'm all for goofy games like Red Alert 3, but very few games can pull that off properly. And you can't go from "dead babies" to "goofy/sexy" in one sequel. Better to just have the occasional joke which contrasts against the darker bits. This character is getting so much attention because she has some slightly anime-ish features (y'know, glasses and a skirt) and anime is a subject that people apparently feel very strongly about one way or the other. Nothing to do with how fun she is (although I'm sure it's fun making silly threads about her).
  11. Spending some time with the old PS4 lately, playing Yakuza Zero (2 years late to the party) while I wait for the Tekken 7 next month. The combat system is so-so (although the sheer violence of smashing peoples' heads into walls is fun), but the writing is pretty good. And I love how it reflects the sheer wealth and indulgences of the Bubble period of Japan.
  12. It see what OP is getting at. Most of the other classes like fighters and druids are kind of D&D staples, whereas the Cipher stands out a little more, especially against the background of all that Soul talk. That being said, although Scythesong explains it well enough above, I do think that the concepts of Ciphers and Watchers blur a little. Although they're fun enough as a class, I'm not sure that Pillars as a story really needed them.
  13. That’s okay. I post self-indulgent threads all the time The themes of immortality and what people would do to achieve it (ie transferring your soul to a corpse or statue etc.), a new science in a skeptical world facing a disaster, and killing a God with a bomb were all appealing to me. Colonial conflicts? Hmmm… I didn’t really feel this so much in PoE1, past the villagers bullying Aloth for being from Aedyr. If there was a political faction blaming Aedyr for all the troubles in Dyrwood, that would feel much more post-colonial I think this theme will be a lot more present in the upcoming Deadfire. Man-made gods… not so much either. I know this has been rehashed so many times but, in a world where you can talk to Gods and do magic, atheism is a rather silly theme, even if there is an interesting spin on it.
  14. Yeah. I'm also thinking that Seoul and the American bases in South Korea will be more tempting targets. I hope. Generally I agree. And yet the fact remains that they have nukes. You just need one person in a position of power to do something stupid and... Hawks? Lame ducks? Such avian political metaphors... I guess one country's serious problems are another country's tool for political distraction. But isn't Trump's thing that doesn't want America to interfere overseas anymore? China are being real **** about the THAAD system by the way.
  15. Did you confirm your pledge? Go login to the site, confirm your pledge, and the badge should appear.
  16. How are you gentlemen. You guys like talking politics, right? Let's talk about North Korea! First, some ground rules. When referring to Brilliant Leader Kim Jong Un, please use an appropriate title. If you lack creativity, here are titles which have been used in the past: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kim_Jong-il%27s_titles. Whatever you do, to NOT use the Chinese netizen nickname for him: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/16/china-fatty-nickname-kim-jong-un-jin-san-pang. To start us off: Mike Pence uses "taunt" - It's not very effective. Great General Kim Jong Un uses "missile test" - It's not very effective. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/04/19/us-sword-stands-ready-mike-pence-warns-north-korea/ Since Japan is a potential target if the East Asia region erupts into Nuclear War, all this saber rattling by Trump and Glorious Leader Kim Jong Un is leaving the Japanese in a cold sweat. Since I live in Tokyo, I would also prefer if Peerless Leader Kim Jong Un would direct his peerless gaze elsewhere. Opinions please...
  17. Ah, I see. I envy you. Physical attraction is more of a burden that anything else. Well, if you find a shemale arousing, then it suggests that you would be willing to sleep with anyone as long as they are attractive enough, regardless of which sexual organ is between their legs Guys who identify as "straight" sometimes watch shemale porn, which kind of supports the Kinsey Scale theory, in that they're a little flexible.
  18. Look, I agree, without hard data (and how can you even measure something like this?), its all just armchair philosophy. But let me ask you this (and I apologize for the crudeness of the question but...) have you ever watched/enjoyed shemale porn?
  19. What the heck is going on in this thread? Does everyone know a private joke that I don't?
  20. When I said "most people fall in the middle", I didn't mean like 50-50. I just meant that they're not pure 100%ers. Maybe lots of 98-2%ers etc. (obviously I'm just sucking the stats out of my thumb). I don't know if negative scores are necessary though. If you're completely repulsed by the thought of same-gender sex, then I think you're simply 100% straight. Any excessive feelings are probably a result of culture/society. PS Thanks Messier, for digging up the scientific name for this!
  21. Oh, the title made me think you were swearing off women. Then I read the OP, and was just confused. I basically agree with Ben No 3. Sexuality is a scale. On the two ends, you might have "100% straight" and "100% gay", but most people fall somewhere in the middle. So you might be, say, 95% straight, with a small desire to experiment with homosexuality. However, a small tendency to homosexuality is usually suppressed due to pressure from society. But theoretically, yes, if you were very insecure around the opposite sex, and very horny, you might decide to experiment anyway. Whatever floats your boat, I always say.
  22. How are you gentlemen, On a philosophical level, why do we play games? I’m of the opinion that most of what we do is connected to gaining reproductive advantages (money, sex etc.). It's built into our DNA, right? (Even if some of those instincts are a little outdated.) The only thing on my schedule that seems to contradict this is video games. After all, isn’t WoW famous as a method of retaining one’s virginity? So why do we pour so many hours into video games? I mean, you can ask this about any hobby, but most other hobbies have other benefits. Sports make you healthier, playing a musical instrument allows you to entertain people, etc. The world “escapism” is used a lot when talking about this, and I agree that games are relaxing, and help you to zone out and/or live vicariously in a fantasy world. But is that it? I read an interesting article the other day, which stated that most of what we do, including video games, is for 3 invisible needs: The need to feel competent: We want to feel that we’re good at something. In the real world, there’s always someone better, and learning a new skill requires a lot of failure and stumbling along the way. But in a video game world, you can be the best. And especially in RPGs, there’s a distinct feeling of growth and becoming stronger. The need to be autonomous: People love choice and freedom in their games right? That’s why open world games like Skyrim are so popular. The need to be related (or to matter): People want to have fulfilling relationships and to matter to other people. Apparently even NPCs count. I think J-RPGs especially cater to this, since they often put you in the middle of a harem, and heap praise on you from every angle. “Heijoushin-kun, just being near you relaxes me… you’re the only one I can talk to about my troubles <3 ”. What do you guys think?
  23. Yesterday, the latest entry in the Fire Emblem series (Echoes: Shadows of Valentia) released in Japan. I'm mildly annoyed that they included Chinese language support but not English. Anyway, playing in Japanese and it seems pretty good so far.
  24. A topic just to randomly hate on modern games? Seems a little mean Commenting on your list... X-Com 2 is an amazing game. Not sure why it makes you vomit. I tried FFXV. Didn't work for me either. Battle Brothers... I absolutely love the concept, but I'm going to be a little shallow here and say that the graphics put me off. As for myself, I'm not really into shooters, so that automatically closes a lot of doors for me.
  25. Well, they have the curious role of being melee range AOE. So they're most effective against a horde of weaker minions and less effective in a one-on-one duel with a powerful opponent. Please await Boeroer's answer for more details
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