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Everything posted by TheisEjsing

  1. So I saw this It says you get a pet if you buy this, so how does that work? I don't buy these things normally, but I obviously gotta have the doge! Edit: I live in Denmark if that's important to the buy method.
  2. Reading this and the codex forum right now, Ima be like
  3. I'm just just speculating here since PoE II isn't out yet. To my experience most games with both a savegame emulator, and transferable savegames, skips smaller details in the world setting part of a new game. To me the details that a full playthrough gives really makes a difference for the overall enjoyment of a series. An example of this is that I had the stupid tattoo in Witcher III when I imported my savegame from the second one. So I would totally do a full run with WM for the game.
  4. There is some merit to that claim, but I can see the problems with it as well. Not to defend that statement blindly, but if you take any topic where there has been a giant total amount of cases, number 134 is really an impressive feat. If you take the 134th best soccer player ever without getting into specifics, he is/was probably a legend in his club and on his national team. If you take the amount of games made to pc, that rating is in the top 1 percentile for sure. That said, I think adding "one of the highest rated RPGs of all time" instead would have been the right call.
  5. It is as Wormerine says. I will add however, that you really, really must pick it up and play it. It's really good. You won't regret it.
  6. I think Fergus said somewhere that White March sales didn't cover the production costs. I think most people can agree that it's not the quality of the White March content that's the issue. So even if I and many others loves it, Obsidian needs to adjust their strategy to keep the business afloat.
  7. So you're getting tired of options? There is no problem here, since standard edition is fairly priced. You can buy that, and let the geeks buy expensive editions, if they feel it's worth it. It's just tat added on. Sick of tat not options. TAT! sure.
  8. So you're getting tired of options? There is no problem here, since standard edition is fairly priced. You can buy that, and let the geeks buy expensive editions, if they feel it's worth it.
  9. Yeah. I'm not crazy about 3 smaller 10 dollar expansions. The rather large expansions with alot of great content were one of the very best parts of the first one.
  10. I just tried to translate it into hexidecimals which gave 20 42 74 46 36 6e 57 20 77 36 50 64 32 75 20 53 48 62 45 58 42 and then I made it into unicode where it made no sense at all. :D Oh well, gotta try some more. ^_^ edit: Just saw in the other topics, that it's not that convoluted. Oh well. ^_^
  11. I'm curious. Sorry if you wrote it before, but what line of work are you in? I'm asking because in my line of work a pure vision is an impossibility to execute. There are way too many external factors, and random elements etc. for something like purity to ever function.
  12. That sounds really nice. Clean and easy in an objectivist kind of way. In real life experimentation, and adaptability are often necessary if you are to execute any implementation of your visions.
  13. There absolutly will be. Sawyer is a big fan of post release tinkering with his games, and he has clearly stated, that if you don't want games that are rebalanced after release, then don't play his games.
  14. My 15-year old rebel deserves a kick in the balls. And most diplomats are probably pretty accepting. Part of the job to be flexible. The people I still talk to and network with from university who went into politics or foreign diplomacy are pretty adaptable. That said I'm a bureaucrat and we're known to be small and rigid people. :D
  15. I never got the "casual/formal" mix. Just pick one. Also hats indoors. What's up with that? And baseball hat of all things. What exactly is the sun you are protecting yourself coming from? From all the headwear in the world you pick the most dull one. To be precise guys, he is not wearing a suit. He is wearing a dinner jacket with a t-shirt which is far worse. Adding a cap on top is just not proper etiquette.
  16. I'm no journalist, but isn't it the custom to research whatever you're interviewing about? The guy in the Katrina interview lost focus and interest after hearing there were no multiplayer.
  17. How could you ever worry about it, if you haven't judged it lacking, or inadequate in some way?
  18. I have to strongly disagree here. The game is already a CRPG and a 2D throwback. That means its audience is destined to include a large percentage of difficulty-seeking gamers. I don't think it's right to insist that the developers focus on your personal criteria without taking this larger context about the community into account. Moreover, there are plenty of options, which no one has complained about afaik, for having easy and very forgiving playthroughs. There's nothing wrong with calling for an included, team-designed *maximum* difficulty that is harder than it was in the original. Importantly, a specific problem being complained about is that the second half of PoE1 is the specific complaint here. For just one example: Nothing after Gilded Vale, in my experience, feels as difficult as the Raedric fight feels if you do it before Defiance Bay. That's two-thirds of the game! My personal criteria? Are you joking? The amount of gamers who cares about PoTD being harder is such a tiny minority. I think you're the one, who confuses personal criteria with the wishes of the larger community. Personally I found PoTD easy. I played these games for 20 years, so I'm well equiped for whatever is thrown my way. But it hardly matters in a broader perspective, where the wast majority of gamers never touches PoTD, because they find it too hard.
  19. I really think the "PoTD is too easy" crowd needs to take it down a notch. Obsidian got a finite amount of money and staff hours to make this game. And balancing combat/progression/items/xp on high difficulty, so the hardcore min max completionists are satisfied and the average player wanting a challenge isn't completely deterred is not an easy task. Honestly, I'd rather have them work on making other aspects of the game better. The modding community will eventually deliver the challenge needed for anyone who thinks the vanilla settings are too easy.
  20. Seems like christmas came early this year! Yeeeeeeeah!
  21. Seems reasonable to expect an update of some sort before the break. And delaying a patch until after the break would in my oppinion be a waste of oppotunity for finding bugs and testing a newer build.
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