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Everything posted by TheisEjsing

  1. Yeah. I'm starting to realise my mistake. :D
  2. Wow. You sure get super pissed off alot, dude. Are you sure, you shouldn't just stay away from PoE for blood pressure reasons?
  3. This is the best damn metaphor I have ever seen! It almost brought a tear to my eye!
  4. Took 18 minutes to preload. Gonna be a biiig game. :D
  5. A quick internet search suggests that CohhCarnage is a big deal in the twitch community, and he is highly profiled with rpgs. So I don't think it's a bad idea. He'll probably get way more viewers than an obsidian stream.
  6. Great exposure for the game. But there is no way I'm gonna get any spoilers before the game is out. ^_^
  7. MCA might be a good coworker, and a great writer. But he's coming out as a hypocrite now. If I recall correctly he did a seminar on the gaming industry for young designers last year. He made a very big deal out of never being negative about a former employer. And now he is being a giant ass. Not just against the upper management of Obsidian, but atleast indirectly against employees of Obsidian. Having a former coworker and for some people a friend, acting out like this is terrible. Like the rest of you, I can't go into details about what happened, and what didn't, cuz I obviously don't know. But this behaviour is egotistic, unconstructive, and frankly pretty abysmal.
  8. Is Josephine ugly? I'd smash a girl who looks like her irl. But I did find the innocent girl act abit tedious.
  9. I've got the whole darn week off. Probably the first time I'll be more pale after a vacation than before one. ^_^
  10. This is my rig. It runs the beta perfect! So don't worry man.
  11. Actually we don't need that. And OBS has no obligation to say anything about your max level concern. You're coming on very entitled in your post, and it really doesn't further either constructive dialog about the topic or proper forum decorum in general.
  12. Creating a topic and ranting about your personal expectations not being fulfilled...
  13. It will sooo short. I bet Boeroer can't even get 4000 hours out of it!
  14. sounds like OP is talking about transmogs In diablo III it's basicly where you go to your closet and uses a feature, where you can make most items look like any item in the game of the same type. So if you have a a full item set, but uses another one, where you like the aesthetics less, you can transmog the items to look like your favorite ones.
  15. I agree, but I think it looks >>most<< regal of what I've found. I don't recall the combination you mention, but then again I either go bareback or full plate. ^_^
  16. I do believe you mean, when you're creating your fampyr build. So far I think the best bet for you is some valian clothing. It looks most regal. But there's always a chance for more dapper menswear in deadfire.
  17. I don't smoke anything, I drink alot thou, but I never drink while I am alone. So no, I'll stick with nachos and guac while playing pillars. ^_^ The only reasonable drug to combine with gaming, is doing **** ton of coke while playing Doom.
  18. They'r not crown horns, they're icicles, lol. Oh, are they? I don't actually watch Game of Thrones.
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