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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Third time'll the charm for you, keep at it. Despite all the wonderful posts you guys have put up about this stuff, I still have no desire to delve into the buttcrack of the internet and get involved in your movement. Then why are you continuously posting in a thread about it? Because it is hilarious and this is my hangout place? Seems a bit strange to talk about something you have no interest in. *shrug* Guess California teachers have more time on their hands than most folk. Aww, I always have time for you KP.
  2. I haven't had any load time issues. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but it's clearly not an easy problem to address if only some people are encountering it.
  3. Third time'll the charm for you, keep at it. Despite all the wonderful posts you guys have put up about this stuff, I still have no desire to delve into the buttcrack of the internet and get involved in your movement. Then why are you continuously posting in a thread about it? Because it is hilarious and this is my hangout place?
  4. I don't know why, but this thread made me think of this: Crazy arguing with crazy.
  5. They don't have to stop putting the ads up. But yeah, hard not to see the hand of Comcast in the background on this one.
  6. Third time'll the charm for you, keep at it. Despite all the wonderful posts you guys have put up about this stuff, I still have no desire to delve into the buttcrack of the internet and get involved in your movement.
  7. You know, these types of threads started by strangers used to just die a quiet death here.
  8. It's ok if you don't understand anything KP just wrote, Luj1.
  9. You really aren't. They are people on the fringe of the gaming industry with very little influence who are arguing with other people on the fringe.
  10. I imagine it more complicated than you are making it out to be. It would be nice, but it is probably a limitation that they simply didn't have time to address rather than a design choice.
  11. Na. The comedy RPG has been done, and done well a couple of times. The original Ghostbuster movie is awesome, but the franchise has been beat to death. Even it wasn't beat to death the Ghostbuster universe is not a good place for a well told spooky supernatural RPG. There has yet to be a well done spooky/horror/supernatural RPG. What? The franchise had two movies and has been mostly dormant since the 80's.
  12. Glad to hear there will be a new Deus Ex, HR was well worth my money. Bummer about the lack of plot carry over, but not exactly surprising. Bioware seems to be the only developer that really cares about that kind of stuff.
  13. I'm pretty sure you are in the wrong thread Fighter.
  14. I'm serious about Ghostbusters. It would make the best RPG.
  15. Vader is just a goon, Gandalf would find a way to win the fight before it even happened. Now the Emperor might be a better face off.
  16. I chose a monk on my first character, and it did feel odd. It didn't quite fit the gameworld. I ended up dropping that game. Still, doesn't bother me that they have options.
  17. *cough*alanshu*cough* Considering Alan talked openly about his work for Bioware, I am guessing you don't understand what a shill is. He also left since everyone decides to get on his case about his job. Kind of sad that people make a developer feel that unwelcome, given that he is one of the few that can give actual insight on the way games are made.
  18. Do we have any examples of large scale RPG developers that don't release buggy messes? Larian is probably the closest that comes to mind.
  19. Most of the police departments in my area are training all the time. The amount of training hours they actually have to fulfill in a year is borderline ridiculous. That being said, I see a number of areas for improvement on what is being trained. De-escalation should be a priority.
  20. It was drawn by Kate Beaton: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Beaton Considering her other comics, i think that it is a tungue-and-cheek joke. She's more of a based mom-feminist. Ah, context and voice can be important. That's good to know. It wasn't signed, from what I can tell, so I had no idea who it was.
  21. Hah, you guys are all terrible parents, there was no way I was going to give that kid a knife.
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