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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I think it was a management position. I still think he should try substitute teaching, there is a huge demand for it.
  2. There is some truth in your statement, but strifing for better is also a good thing. I am not sure I understand what you mean. We are talking about games. Sure, I can strive to be better in my career, or as a parent, but why would I need to strive to be entertained by something better? I'm looking for enjoyment, not enlightenment.
  3. I'm grateful for my low standards, I'm able to enjoy a tremendous amount of stuff because of it.
  4. Well it could very well be that neckbeards are just recognizing their own
  5. I just want to see some evidence that these articles affect games in any meaningful way. People make digs at the dudebro culture of Call of Duty all the time, but that doesn't stop developers from releasing them and a ton of clones to try and cash in. Sales drive the industry, not journalists.
  6. I have no problem heaping scorn on gaming journalists, as I've said a few times before. But I'm also pretty secure in my identity as a gamer, and don't find any offense at these rather silly articles.
  7. You like long walks on the beach, have blue eyes, and smell like the ocean. You were once trapped in a terrible storm, and all hands on deck were lost but you. They haunt your dreams.
  8. What's weird is he doesn't even seem to like anything Obsidian has done. Not sure why he hangs around if that is the case, most of us regulars have at least one Obsidian favorite.
  9. April 31st.
  10. That's because they generally do not create games. They ban or at best criticize them. Just look at what they tried with HuniePop, Hatred and they are trying with GTA5. Have these games actually been banned or changed to meet the complaints of the SJW critics? This is what I was originally asking for clarification on.
  11. Again, I'd ask for non-Bioware examples where we have the preachy SJW agenda being part of the game. I really can't think of any.
  12. During the bonus XP weekend I got my Jedi Knight from 44 up to 47, and I'm almost done with the Voss planet. This game is still pretty fun in spurts.
  13. Yes, Bioware is stuck in a rut where they write the same narrative and spend too much time focusing on romances and breaking gender stereotypes. But I don't see how it is pandering, that seems to be important to the writers and that is why they push it into their games.
  14. Can you name the games? Bioware is pushing a socially progressive agenda, but that seems to be coming from the writers and developers, rather than pandering to an outside influence.
  15. Even if you have a thousand posters complaining, that's a very small percentage of the millions that buy the game.
  16. Apparently Feminist is a bad word: https://www.yahoo.com/parenting/school-censors-girls-shirt-for-yearbook-photo-116918108702.html
  17. I disagree.
  18. Yes, I'm throwing the fit. Observing that the forum has changed, and that this thread in particular has become a place for bizarre behavior, is such a tantrum. I'll make sure to alert the waambulance.
  19. Longknife, your post does come across as hysterical. I do not think I need to exaggerate to make it so.
  20. There is no chance that they will get the rights to Star Wars.
  21. How is that hilarious? Anita S. is the closest to a celebrity in this whole thing, and given the fact that she has done a good job of leveraging this into a profitable and marketable endeavor, it makes a lot more sense to be critical of her message. But yeah, that doesn't excuse all the gross threats.
  22. Is attacking SJW's in a place where there are no SJW's all that sensible? Maybe I'm just trying to fit in.
  23. There is nothing in the forum guidelines that says I can't lecture and reprimand. Yay for free speech. Maybe if I was driving this thread off-topc, that might be a decent argument for constantly telling me to leave the thread, but you guys rarely discuss actual journalism here.
  24. I usually don't bother quoting Volo, but this is a good example of the bizarre behavior in this thread. I come in and criticize the tone, and then get accused of trying to brainwash. I'm encouraged to report to the authorities or GTFO. Everyone is super defensive and super reactionary. I have never seen anything like it here.
  25. So whenever someone criticizes what you say, they are a wannabe forum mod who is trying to police discussion?
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