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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Xenonauts 2 - The original Xenonauts was a fantastic game. Xenonauts 2 improves on it in almost every way. The maps are amazing, the story is more developed, and it looks great. Unfortunately it is taking forever to release, and the beta I'm playing is still pretty buggy, but someday this will be my jam. Still, I enjoyed playing a few missions recently. One went terribly sideways in the dark and I lost all but 3 of my soldiers before trying to breach a UFO. Then my soldiers ended up relying on handguns in the tight quarters of the ship, and things went even worse. It was a glorious loss. I won another mission in a jungle by just blowing up a lot of bushes and trees. Is there an alien in those bushes? The minigun will find out!
  2. District 9 is actually a solid documentary about life in South Africa, from what I've heard.
  3. I don't actually know that sound and I would recommend therapy for people that do.
  4. Grey Man was action-packed. It was like a less smart version of of the Bourne films, but the cast was stellar, so I enjoyed it. It makes me want to play Jagged Alliance though, for some reason. I'm not in the mood to fight getting it to run right with the 1.13 patch, so I might just load of Xcom 2 instead. Why aren't there any good mercenary turn based games anymore?
  5. I've never seen Alien: Resurrection, so I am no help. I'm more of a Predator guy. edit: Apparently that's a lie since I never watched the most recent Predator film. I liked the Adrian Brody flick though. Prey looks fun too.
  6. I'm excited to go back to Vice City, but it sounds like this is still a few years away.
  7. I kind of resent the implication that we don't teach those facts in school. I cover a number of those details in my Kongo Kingdom unit every year. Slavery is not an easy subject to teach about. In the US, it is much easier for students to identify with plantations and racially segregated slavery because it is more recent, it is more local, and it still resonates in the civil rights struggles of the last decades. Students also learn about ancient and medieval societies in 6th and 7th grade (11-13 years old.) In High School, the focus is on more modern eras of history. It is no surprise that most students forget the details of their middle school classes. Content is a just a tool for skill development. The hope is that a former student has the critical thinking skills to process a video like this.
  8. The Uyghurs might disagree with y'all letting China off so easy. Also if we want to go back in history to colonial times, we can talk about foot binding and eunuchs too.
  9. Hah, I had no idea what you were talking at first. Weird that there were so many Christopher Pike Star Trek Captains, but a guy with one letter difference ends up playing Kirk. Anyways, I enjoy Chris Pine.
  10. Christopher Pike is very capable of hamming it up, so I have some confidence in the D&D movie. Plus I think I saw Hugh Grant in there for a moment.
  11. I'm not quite sure how this all affects people playing their own single player maps. I haven't touched any of the official servers in ages, so I'm not sure if I understand how the passes and rotating bazaar actually affect me. Also, if I make my base with some stuff and the store rotates, what happens to my base? I don't know. They whole thing seems weird and geared towards multiplayer folks. I just want to build and explore alone while my thralls stand around looking scary.
  12. We were at the beach about to swim when this happened to this guy. Crazy.
  13. I did not include parents in my "young person and their medical and mental health professionals" for a reason. No kids should actually need parental consent if they want to talk to a mental health professional. It should be available to them freely and privately.
  14. My students always ask questions like this when I am teaching about all the world religions. My answer is usually a pithy "I'm not dead yet."
  15. The last line of Bruce's quote is the important one: it is a process that involves work with a medical team and a mental health professional. We don't need to have a say in this. It is between the young person and medical professionals. All we need to do is be tolerant. Puberty can be pretty rough even without transitional questions, so we should all be able to empathize.
  16. I think I've reached a point where IPA's are no longer good for me. I mean, I think I've known this for awhile, but I just spent a week in Vegas drinking mixed drinks and didn't have amy of the stomach issues I typically have. I know IPA's are gut bombs, but I still tend to drink a few a week with friends or with dinner. So if they are off the menu, I gotta decide what type of booze hound I will become. Bourbon? Rum? Tequila?
  17. Is that the girl from Starship Troopers?
  18. It probably works better in black and white, but I don't get it. Is it supposed to be making fun of The Munsters?
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