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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Your link said that the majority of (reported) crimes were theft. It didn't say anything about prison or prosecution. As I've said, crime rates and imprisonments rates are not connected in the way you are assuming.
  2. Hah, FoxNews knows their audience. California also had a huge budget surplus this year. I would love to see an actual decline, since that might make it possible to buy a house, but the reality is California is doing just fine.
  3. Rebel Cops is cool, but after playing a crooked commisioner in This is the Police, I realized they were rebelling against my own creation.
  4. There is no money in drastically reducing the US's prison population. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/research/economics_of_incarceration/ Oh wait...you think our prison population is tied to crime rates. Sorry, I forgot you are still living in that fairy tale world.
  5. Scientific work aside, I don't know why people think handing out long prison terms discourages crime. There doesn't seem to be any connection to the huge boom in prison population and crime rates.
  6. Have you seen the way people drive though? We don't need that in the air. The future is not having to travel anywhere. Zoom into work and have drones deliver all your goods.
  7. Kinda racist but also just kinda lazy. Why bother with a well-developed character, just check some diversity boxes and class it a day?
  8. Warriors got past the Grizzlies. I guess that is an upset since the 3 seed beat the 2 seed. Meanwhile the NHL has 5 game 7's in the first round. Craziness.
  9. I was really hoping Redfall was a sequel to Redguard.
  10. Yeah, it isn't American. Traditionally old men were allowed to grope young women with impunity.
  11. This morning my wife and I ran into a couple olympic athletes when we were getting out of the pool. They had a camera crew with them for GTN, the Global Triathlon Network, and they were getting ready to take over our swim lanes. We geeked out a bit. We got a selfie with the host of the show, Heather Fell, but I totally flailed socially with Sarah True. She asked me a question about swimming in a local reservoir and I awkwardly talked about the pollution levels. Still it was fun to see some celebrities sharing our local community pool. They were in town to work with Specialized.
  12. You are never going to get the opportunity to die on Mars with that kind of attitude.
  13. I don't buy the rumor. InXile already has a post apocalyptic series that seems to do fine. Bethesda is big enough to develop the next Fallout whenever they want. New Vegas wasn't a big enough hit for Microsoft to be desperate to get a sequel out. None of it adds up.
  14. We also use mostly All-Clad in our household for pots and pans. We have a bunch of skillets that have been passed down for generations, so I'm not sure how you get those other than finding one second hand. I do use a Greenpan fry pan for a lot of day to day stuff. The All-Clad fry pans get very hot, so I like having a simple pan that isn't as easy to scorch. Green Pan is inexpensive and will wear out with regular use, but it is easy enough to replace. It is non-toxic. It is the only non-stick I have, all of the all-clad is stainless steel.
  15. Evil Dead 4: Dr. Strange gets the Necronomicon I didn't want to go see this in the theater. I really wanted to see The Northman. But I decided that it wasn't really an appropriate family movie day on Mother's Day, so I settled for the latest Marvel offering. For the first 75%, it was a pretty typical MCU vehicle, but at the end it totally turned into a Sam Raimi movie. Spoilers:
  16. I love my trips to Vegas with the wife. The food is probably the second biggest draw. It's also nice to get away from kids for a bit after spending the full year educating and raising them. Plus the hotels are inexpensive midweek and usually pretty nice.
  17. I'd guess Snipes has mellowed with age and a prison stint.
  18. I get that, but I also like to remind people the Warriors were terrible for about 30 years before this recent run of success. I'm pretty upset about the Gary Payton II situation.
  19. There is some pushback against homework nowadays, but there are still a fair amount of teachers that rely on it heavily. We have plenty of evidence and studies that show it isn't a great tool, but the tradition stands. Oddly enough, gym class has become more academic since the days of Grommie pummeling his classmates in dodgeball. I'm not anti-homework, but I find that it is too often just busywork. As a parent I'm also very aware that these kids have little time during the week to get homework done. My daughter is often up after we've gone to bed finishing French homework. I'd rather her get to bed.
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