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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I don't know, I feel pretty mediocre at all 3 most of the time. I love the variety, but I can't keep up with the masters swimmers in the water, and I'm about to go get dropped by my cycling group today on our ride. Sometimes I run well.
  2. I also picked up Chaos Gate with the Epic games coupon. It's very grimdark. Does this massive ship have a lounge where space marines can get a drink? Combat is super fun, but I am a bit overloaded by all the abilities and equipment options. Still, it scratches that Xcom itch I get regularly.
  3. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/police-academies-paramilitary/612859/ I took part in a volunteer police training program and came away with a similar feeling. I was idealistic and pro-police entering the program, and by the end I was pretty cynical about the whole thing.
  4. Police departments are paramilitary organizations that spend an exorbinant amount of time training in the escalation of violence, rather than focusing on de-escalation. The argument for defunding the police is to put more resources into social work and mental health care, which are severly lacking in most communities. Cameras are cool, but if you've trained officers to pull out a gun at every traffic stop, then video footage doesn't really help that. The entire training process needs to be overhauled. Thank you for attending my TED talk.
  5. Yes, the BLM protesters are the real problem. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61773358 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/drag-queen-story-hour-disrupted-men-shouting-slurs-authorities-say-rcna33184
  6. He's had some rough games against the Celtics. I'd say a lot of it is they are just a deep team. Draymond looked great against the one-man teams they played to get to the finals, but both Memphis and Boston are harder to control. Of course, the complaints about his offense are silly. He has never been a scorer. He is still getting assists.
  7. High on Life, Pentiment, and Starfield look like pretty easy purchases for my money.
  8. It is taxing enough dealing with the posters here.
  9. Whoo, what a game 4. This is shaping up to be a pretty good finals.
  10. This is the only site I even visit for gaming news.
  11. If South African schools aren't critically examining the cultural and societal frameworks of race and racial justice within their own country, I don't know why they even exist. If education is supposed to lead to the betterment of society, then race should be ground zero in a country recovering from apartheid.
  12. Elex 3 is probably going to feature the kid you have with Nasty. My guess is the kid will rebel against his mom and be super square.
  13. Great, I can look forward to rats crawling over me as I suffocate to death under rubble.
  14. That's because Danny Glover getting too old for this %&#* is always entertaining.
  15. Hmm, strange criteria to judge a film on. Are there a lot of Titanic fanfics? I'm not going to bet against James Cameron at this point. The movies will probably be huge hits.
  16. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/rays-nick-anderson-explains-differing-beliefs-teammates-pride-night-logo This is an entirely not surprising story, but one that still depresses me. You can dress it up as nicely as you want, but stances like these ignore the reality of the world. Gay people are discriminated against. Wearing the patch is a stance against discrimination. Refusing to wear the patch is such a strange stance to take for me. I mean, best case scenario is you are just indifferent about discrimination. Are they going to refuse to use pink bats as well?
  17. I've started in on Black Geyser and it is pretty enjoyable. Seems like a solid BG type clone. I'm not too far into the story, but so far it is engaging.
  18. I don't understand the negativity towards Resident Evil in this thread.
  19. I can agree on everything but the writing. Obsidian is way ahead of Owlcat in writing and character development, and that is kind of important in an RPG.
  20. I guess the idea is he is a grumpy retired Jedi and we are supposed to watch him run around and say he is getting too old for this %&*#. Unfortunately Ewan McGregor doesn't look old enough to be Danny Glover.
  21. I assume Malcador would be played by Moss from the IT crowd. I would probably get the 3rd Baldwin brother. Not quite the worst, but a few notches down the ladder.
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