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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Way to cruise missile the fun out of the post.
  2. Jesus. How do you get into an executive position without realizing that some stuff does not need to be communicated through email? Like, he could have just sent the last paragraph and it wouldn't have read as terribly.
  3. -Etsy -Westboro Baptist Church Forum -Bothered About Dungeons and Dragons -Those moms that hate Harry Potter Honestly though, social media is filled with unrealistic and unsustainable parenting advice. This forum is better than that.
  4. I went ahead and sent her this video. This is a great Parenting forum.
  5. My daughter actually called me with an update shortly after I posted that. The teacher accepted her apology, but she ended up with 3/14 on the test. That was her score even with the cheating issue, so I assume she has learned that cheating is bad, and she's also not very good at it, so it isn't worth the risk. Ah well, the kid has an A+ in woodshop and is already a better craftsperson than her dad. I'm pretty sure the construction track is the right one for her. She doesn't roll in poop and has decent hygiene. My son, on the other hand...
  6. I spent last night dealing with my daughter's teenage angst. She has been pretty stressed about school. She missed a couple days a week ago and has been trying to make up a bunch of tests. My daughter has dyslexia and often has to put in twice the work and time to be successful in certain subjects. Apparently she got caught cheating on her Biology test. Now she actually has a special learning plan that allows her to use a notecard with vocabulary when taking tests. This is because of the dyslexia, but it doesn't give her the definitions. She was caught using some slides that has both. She doesn't deny it. She took a shortcut. I told her she needs to apologize and we went over how to approach that situation. She has some other issues with the teacher. Apparently she doesn't like the way he uses the word retard. I'm like, is it in a biological setting? I told her I'm not going to get into how this guy teaches, but she is in the wrong in this situation and needs to be humble and apologetic. We will see, she is stubborn. Parenting isn't always easy.
  7. I've been struggling to get much time for gaming, and I'm distracted by a bunch of real world stuff, so I've just been loading up Battle Brothers, setting it to Ironman at the max difficulty, and trying different scenarios until my band gets massacred. It is surprisingly fun.
  8. The Giants won 107 games last year but have an over/under of 85.5 this season. I'm not a betting man, but I still see that as a head scratcher. Honestly though, I do have tempered expectations. They really only lost 2 players of note, but one is Buster Posey, so that is a huge hole. But I'm just excited to have baseball back.
  9. Equity should be the goal. Equality ignores individual strengths. The idea that someone can't serve in the military because they struggle to meet an arbitrary number of push-ups is short-sighted. Only 10% of military forces even see combat. Do quartermasters need to be yolked? Probably not. Do they need to be good with numbers? Absolutely. Establishing a baseline for both fitness and intelligence and saying "You have to hit this target" is a lazy way to assess individuals. I'd think a modern military would strive to be better than that.
  10. That was written by former swimmer Kelsey Vaughn. It sums up my thoughts much better than I could possibly do. I second her comment on the 500. It is an insane event. Of course, I have a 1.2 mile ocean swim next weekend, so insanity has its appeal.
  11. Well, not all Republicans are tilting at windmills: https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/utah-governor-becomes-latest-republican-veto-transgender-sports-ban-rcna21116 Sanity prevails!
  12. I don't understand why it doesn't cover childless women. I mean, if it is an all hands on deck emergency, why is it just the men? My wife is a better shot than I am. If it is about families, why aren't single dads exempt?
  13. What an American Patriot. This seems like a win for the US. Oh no, some loon fled the country instead of serving his 30 days in jail and community service. What a blow to the US justice system.
  14. I mean, that's fine if all you want to do is date. At some point you need to realize that step 3 goes both ways, and if you want a relationship, you need to work at it and accept the flaws. Honestly it's the flaws that tend to keep it interesting.
  15. That is firmly lodged in my time. My dad actually took me to Sierra in the late 80's and we did a tour of the game studio. I remember seeing artists work on Quest for Glory III.
  16. Andrew Garfield is good. I just watched the two with my kids this weekend. It takes itself a bit too seriously, but there are some good performances. The Rhino cameo might be the best part of the whole series though.
  17. I'm hooked on Elex II, of course, but I also put some time into a new mercenary band in Battle Brothers. The new Oath system is interesting.
  18. Dex is a good kid. He clearly gets his looks from his dad.
  19. Nixon is a complicated President. He could have really dragged out the 1960 election considering how close it is, but he didn't want to come across as a sore loser. Can you imagine a modern politician making that decision? I crashed my bike Tuesday night on a group ride. I was taking a corner pretty tight and trying to catch the back of the group, but a car was coming the other direction, so I ended up going wide on a bad line. I hit a rock and tumbled a few times. Physically I'm doing good. I jammed my thumb and it is purple, and I got some superficial scrapes. But I busted the back wheel on my bike. I also need to replace the front brake, which was giving me issues and probably contributed to the crash. Luckily I still have my triathlon bike, and I managed a good ride on it last night. I have two weeks until my Half Ironman, so I'm just keeping it interesting.
  20. I bought it, so I'll give it a go this weekend.
  21. I threw out the ledger book a long time ago. I actually spent all day Saturday watching my daughter play field hockey at Cal Berkeley. She was taking part in a club tournament. It was a fantastic day out. I did get in a nice little hour run before the games started. That is one hilly campus.
  22. Not a bad idea. My kids get me out of all sorts of uncomfortable social situations.
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