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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I've been saying for years that there needs to be an age limit on politicians and world leaders. There is this weird idea that people just keep getting wiser as they age. My mother-in-law is 70 and can barely operate the television. She doesn't need access to the red button at her age. People retire in their 60's for good reason.
  2. After hemming and hawing over purchasing Elden Ring, I decided to switch it up and pick up Elex 2 instead. At least I know it will perform well on my PC.
  3. Peacemaker had a pretty good cameo by the heavy hitters at the end.
  4. We've had a bit of a cold snap here in the Bay Area, so I rode my bike up to a local peak on Wednesday. Not a ton of snow, but a nice dusting. I loved the 3,000 foot climb, but I was freezing on the way down. I ended up stopping a couple times just to get the blood flowing back to my fingers.
  5. The Vegas area is big enough to tell a completely separate story in the same general setting, I'd think. Heck, the DLC's were all very much separate entities.
  6. I am binging Inventing Anna with my wife. It is a fascinating story.
  7. Why "in spite of the fact"? Third grade teachers should never be underestimated. They teach entire generations of children how to read fluently.
  8. I don't think that clip means what he thinks it means.
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/news/hate-crimes-case-arbery-killing-061807665.html It seems pretty simple to me. They would not have gone after him if he was jogging while white. The jury agreed.
  10. GTA V - I had originally thought about starting a new game of Cyberpunk, since they had patched it recently. But then I started thinking about games that have done a better job of fully realizing a city, and realized I never finished GTA V. So now I'm rolling around Los Santos.
  11. It is good to see Eagly getting more work, but after Peacemaker and this, I am worried he is being typecast as a superhero flick animal actor.
  12. Mortal Kombat 2021 was actually pretty fun, so there is another one in the win column. It had the campiness of the original with updated visuals.
  13. I kind of feel like the video game movie curse has faded a bit. We've had a number of solid movies based around games in recent years. Sonic, Pikachu and Wreck-it Ralph (albeit a fictional game) were all charming. Plus The Witcher is an excellent adaptation.
  14. There is a playable game being tested and worked on, so it isnt exactly vaporware. Whether they will ever deliver on the expectations is another thing entirely.
  15. Here is a local source on Bruce's dumb story: https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/What-conservatives-are-getting-wrong-about-the-16924985.php
  16. It does seem like the lack of biome diversity will be an issue. I've read pretty much every Robert Howard story, so bringing his vision of the world to life was a big deal for me. I'm not nearly as well versed in Dune and all the houses, so I have no clue what it might look like. It just doesn't seem like there is enough info to even make a judgement at this point.
  17. It cracks me up that people still worry about poor folks taking advantage of welfare, the dole, or whatever you want to call it, when the wealth disparity is insane. The middle class isn't struggling because someone is getting too many food stamps.
  18. It doesn't seem like there is much info on it, but considering Conan Exiles is the greatest game I have ever played, I'm willing to give Funcom some benefit of the doubt.
  19. Picked up Far Cry 5 and I'm enjoying it. It is an interesting documentary on life in Montana.
  20. PE is a requirement in every school in the US, so I'm not sure why you think obese people can't perform physical exercises. But as a Social Science teacher, I'm more likely to assign research projects based on the problem that the student is having in my class. Of course, this only works if I have parents that are willing to support that type of discipline. Corporal punishment is whack, yo. I'm surprised I even need to say that. I'm not in the habit of completely destroying student's trust in me as an educator.
  21. This is an interesting argument, much like learning the stove is hot by getting burned. But in terms of discipline, couldn't you get the same pain inducement by making a student run a lap or do push-ups?
  22. I've enjoyed a fair amount of the Amazon content. The Boys and Goliath are two of the better series in my watch list. I enjoyed Carnival Row. They saved The Expanse. Jack Ryan had a decent first season. The Man in High Castle had some good moments. Honestly I'd say it is a pretty good deal considering I also get free shipping out of it.
  23. I'm hoping this is not the death of public education in certain states: https://www.yahoo.com/news/culture-wars-envelop-schools-north-140100682.html
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