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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Don't Look Up was too cynical for my tastes. It had some good moments. The Elon Musk guy was hilarious. I get that people are comparing the pandemic response to what happens in the movie, but in reality we have responded amazingly well scientifically and medically to the global challenge. Sure, there are morons and politicians that play on those people, but we do tend to move in the right direction when needed. So the movie is silly but it has some fun zingers.
  2. Has there ever been a less likeable MVP in sports? I mean, Tom Brady is pretty weird, but he isn't exactly a full time troll like Rodgers.
  3. The only poster I have ever ignored was Volourn. But it was more because I had to be in a certain mood to really appreciate his posts. Eventually hitting the reveal button felt like opening a present. What did that krazy kid say now?
  4. Sadly, people that are desperate for attention rarely notice the door has been shut on their face.
  5. I'm pretty sure we are getting Xcom 3 next year. But failing that I'll play Xenonauts 2.
  6. Fun facts about California and Hurlshot, we both support the 2nd amendment fully. I don't need guns myself because I can outrun bullets, but my wife used to skeet shoot competitively and I have a fair amount of friends who are hunters. What I would love to see if a change in gun culture in this country. It is ridiculous how we glamorize them. They are dangerous tools and should be treated as such. The NRA should be the first to reinforce that notion. Also, California is too expensive. Crowding varies widely depending on the area. But it is a beautiful state and I love it dearly. If it wasn't so expensive I would never leave. It is a political mixed bag like everywhere else. Speaking of politics, I was pulled over by a sheriff yesterday for slow rolling through a stop sign on my road bike. We were so close! https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billStatusClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB122 No ticket, just a warning. He also said I should not take up the whole lane going 5 miles an hour. First off, I was going 20, so thanks for the dig Officer. Secondly, I do have the right to the lane when there is no bike lane. We were coming up on a blind curve and it was unsafe for him to try and pass. But I didn't argue because it was clear he was not going to get out of his cruiser in the drizzling rain and write a ticket. This was also on a sparsely travelled backroad, so I'm guessing he was just bored.
  7. Last night we got whooped in our playoff hockey game. It was 11 PM at night, and those games are only worth he loss of sleep when we win. The tough part was we had played the same team the previous week and lost a very close game 5-4. We were the 6th seed and they were the 3rd, but we figured we could make it competitive game. We showed up with pretty much the same roster, but they rolled out a short bench with only their good players. There is something called addition by subtraction in hockey. With only 5 guys out on the ice at a time, if they have 1 or 2 weak skaters, it gives us a little room to work with. If all 5 are fast college kids, it can make for a long night. I spent a lot of time skating very hard with little to show for it.
  8. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-59793726 Rest in peace, Desmond Tutu.
  9. Went to bed at 10. Got up at midnight and put out Santa stuff. Kids woke us up at 2 AM. This is all my fault. I did the same thing to my parents as a kid.
  10. Dolemite Is My Name is still the best film of 2021 and it came out in 2019.
  11. I have been binging Resident Alien, btw. Alan Tudyk deserves and emmy. He is either a real alien or he is just an amazing actor.
  12. I agree, although Robert Jordan did include badly written sex stuff in the books. It was always an awkward fit in my opinion. Like, we are dealing with end of times craziness and we really need a love triangle storyline?
  13. I just don't see where LotRO needs sex scenes. It doesn't need to be GoT.
  14. Hot damn. Skarsgard gots all the abs.
  15. I am confused how this happens. Why would you watch the series if you disliked the books, or was it vice versa? How much did you watch or read if you didn't like it?
  16. Picked up AC: Odyssey and it seems like a fun historical romp. It even has the exploration setting that removes all the random acts of violence.
  17. I finished Disco Elysium. It seems like it is a new evolution in adventure games. It was very well done. The game definitely spoke to me on a deeper level. It helped that I was a beer or two in when I played it, and a bit deep in my winter moribundity. I didn't expect to have nearly this much in common with this down on his luck detective.
  18. All of the recent screenshots you folks have posted basically look like spruced up spreadsheets. Is this a math forum?
  19. Playing it, I was curious how difficult it would be to create some better storylines. It seems like it is designed to be able to create your adventures.
  20. In Disco Elysium, I helped a young DJ find the true beats and unlocked the music. Then I danced like it was the end of times. It was cathartic. I shed a tear. Kim couldn't help but join me. I spoke to the city with my moves. Now I'm ready to solve this case.
  21. I always balked at playing Omerta. It seemed like it was up my alley, but the reviews are pretty rough. They have made a ton of changes to Empire of Sin, so I might try that one again instead. I'd love a decent organized crime game.
  22. I also am pretty much over the zombie game fad. Dying Light's parkour style gameplay could work well for a lot of different genres, though.
  23. That trailer for Dying Light 2 stressed me out.
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