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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I suppose karma has reared its ugly head my way after my Star Trek comments. I sat down with the whole flippin' family to watch Wheel of Time. I just re-read the first book. I was hoping for a Lord of the Rings feel. Instead I got a teenage soap opera with some silly looking Trollocs. They reminded me of the Kilrathi in the Wind Commander movie. I'm so upset. 25 years of waiting and this is what we get. My family is out and I don't know if I will watch another episode.
  2. I think you guys are watching Star Trek wrong. Star Trek was best for me when I had the family TV to myself as a teenager. I'd turn it on around 7 PM, heat up a quesadilla in the microwave, and watch it on a decent sized screen. I might do my homework while I watched. It didn't matter what season it was or anything like that. It was just easy entertainment.
  3. Almost done re-reading Eye of the World in preparation for the TV show. It is amazing how little I remember from when I read it 25 years ago. Is the first season somewhat in-line with the first book, or do I need to read the 2nd book as well? It is also amazing how much harder it is to read these massive books now that I'm older. I am lucky if I can get 15 minutes to read without an interruption or falling asleep.
  4. I was going to watch Shang-Chi, but my daughter informed me that our Disney+ subscription had expired. Clearly we were not missing it very much. So we watched The Bourne Identity instead. Greatest love story ever told.
  5. I don't think there is a connection. PoE3 is not in the works for a couple of reasons, but as long as the studio is doing well, there is a chance they revisit it down the road with a small team.
  6. I like how this clearly came out before the pandemic. Congrats, the 20's will definitely have a unique identity.
  7. I hope I don't get strangled by any skirts when I attend my next pants protest.
  8. Vice City had an amazing soundtrack, so if they are missing any of the synthesizer goodness, it would be a shame.
  9. Is that the 3rd one? I enjoyed the first two King's Bounty games, but heard mixed thing about the recent one. Let me know how it goes.
  10. Yesterday I had a 10k race for Veteran's Day. Running has been very hard over the last couple months. I was dealing with a hip impingement and recently started physical therapy for it. I've actually only been back to regular run training for about 2 weeks, so I had low expectations going into the race. I had not run more than a 5k in about 6 weeks. But thankfully the race went amazing! I went out fast at a 6:30 pace, and was side by side with one of my run buddies the whole time. He's a strong runner and had won the even in 2019, so I figured I'd just see how long I could ride his tail. It got a bit harder after the 3-mile mark, but I was able to stick around and beat my buddy in the final sprint. I ended up with a 6:45 average pace and finished in just under 42 minutes. I got 4th place. It felt so good to be back out in a race that I signed my wife and I up for an Ironman 70.3 even in April. We will be racing in Oceanside around Camp Pendleton.
  11. Super excited for Willow. Also Warwick Davis living his Life's Too Short life in that trailer is fantastic.
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/mayor-pete-pete-buttigieg-jesse-moss-chasten-buttigieg-193015615.html Here is something positive for this thread. I admit I didn't pay too much attention to Buttigieg during the primaries, but it is a pretty amazing story that an openly gay candidate was able to gain so much traction. We are barely removed from marriage and military service being denied to gay people. It is a big win for civil rights in this country.
  13. MSNBC is very liberal, so I'm not sure they represent the entirety of the media. Terrorist is a stupid term to use, but I don't get the hero worship he gets on the other side of the aisle. That seems even more dangerous. He was a dumb kid who crossed state lines with a gun to take part in a counter protest and then got into an altercation, and people died. It's a sad story nd it should be a cautionary tale.
  14. I'm not sure that is much consolation for derailing a career that took about 8 years of college, multiple years in the classroom, and then the slow climb up the administration ladder. Hopefully he can work in another district, because it isn't like principal jobs translate well into other fields of work.
  15. It doesn't come out for another week, I think.
  16. When I hear announcements like that from places that haven't fared well, it alwats seems strange to me. Like, are they bragging that all of the really vulnerable people are already dead at this point, so it should be smoother sailing?
  17. Only if you take advantage of exploits.
  18. If you can't handle a teenager lecturing politicians about their incompetence, there is something seriously wrong with you. It is a delight.
  19. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/big-bird-vaccine-announcement-sparks-backlash-conservatives-gop-n1283425 I had no idea Big Bird was only 6 years old.
  20. The last few episodes are a lot more lawyerly than the first few. But it is really Patty's show by the end.
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