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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Nah, it is C. The answer is always C. I mean, he is laying on his back legs and laying down with his head, so I think that is it.
  2. Jesus. This is sad. I mean, it isn't even for them to spend on themselves. They are supposed to buy classroom supplies? South Dakota is ranked 49th in teacher salaries. Happyish ending: https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2021/12/13/dash-for-cash-teachers-sioux-falls-stampede-apologize-viral-event/6494823001/
  3. Oh man. I just found out my age in Disco Elsysium. It took some investigation work. I regret knowing now. Let me just say that it was too close for comfort. I am shook. Does this game know me?
  4. Sadly, or maybe appropriately, Al Franken stepped down because of his controversy. You know, instead of using **** grabbing as a springboard into the oval office. I honestly don't understand Republicanism any more. Matt Gaetz also seems to be sticking around after his gross stuff. Loke, are there any standards anymore?
  5. My wife and mother-in-law were both died in the wool Republicans until Trump. So I guess I'm saying be patient? Maybe the Democratic party will get taken over by a reality TV star who is on record about grabbing female body parts.
  6. I bet they both get released on the same day as Bethesda's Starfield. How much do I win?
  7. Hah, Aubrey Plaza will be fantastic in that.
  8. In Disco Elysium, I blew my head off as a negotiation tactic. To be fair, it was also my bedtime, but I did enjoy that it was an option. I also did some actual decent police work and was very impressed at myself for pulling it together for a few moments. Good job **** Mullen!
  9. I would think studios would make as much from streaming as they did from dvds. It is a lot less overhead.
  10. I'm always amazed at how people want their politicians to be consistent and immovable. That sounds like something I'd want from a Supreme Court justice, but I want my politicians to be quick to embrace change and pivot when provided with new information. Adapt and overcome instead of going down with the ship.
  11. Ugh. That's worse than if he just said no. We were so close.
  12. So they couldn't get Hugo Weaving to come back for the Matrix? I mean, he hasn't really aged either.
  13. I am planning on picking it up, but won't play it until it is further along. It is definitely my jam. Battle Brothers with legs.
  14. Steam does attempt to address this by having both an overall review and a recent review perjorative. But yeah, there are a lot of morons who don't have patience or common sense about early access games. Like, it isn't done and it may be years before it is, so chill out about the end game for a bit.
  15. Fun Fact: Pitch Black is the 3rd best Aliens movie.
  16. Yeah, I go through phases where I just can't get enough Middle Earth. I'll play LotRO, watch bits of the movies, and read a book or two. It last about 6-8 weeks. I can't watch The Hobbit films in one sitting, but 30 minutes chunks where you get to see the Shire the Lonely Mountain is a good way to scratch the itch. Hence I'll probably dig the new series. Unless it is bad.
  17. Well perhaps I can get a little bit of redemption from you snobs with the knowledge that I showed my kids The Matrix a few months ago and told them that is where the story ends.
  18. Huh. None of that really checks out for me. I mean, historically human societies have always kind of had a coming of age where you are considered an adult and expected to leave the nest. 18 is pretty late compared to some cultures. I'm sure banks appreciate the opportunity to cash in on a new generation with credit cards and bills, but I don't think they are driving the narrative. Sharing a household with people is hard and I'd say it is pretty natural for young people to want to create their own space and older people want to simplify. I'm going to be 50 when my kids are hitting the adult years. There is no real inheritance. I'll help them as long as I can though, and my wife and I have set aside enough to not be a burden. But we are taking care of my mother-in-law. Technically she could probably get by on social security and medicare, so that part rings somewhat true. Still kind of sounds like a very specific example of someone who is estranged from their kids rather than a typical scenario.
  19. Weren't there 6 movies? They've held up very well. I watched them last summer with my son and he enjoyed them quite a bit, and it got him to read The Hobbit. But 20 years is a long while, and I would imagine generating interest with a new generation is part of the reasoning. Still a long ways to go before we are drowning in Tolkien content like we are with Marvel and Star Wars.
  20. Wait, is the Obsidian consesus that new Dune is bad? I missed the memo. I thought it was lukewarm to good reception. How does the Obsidian hivemind dislike Dune but not absolutely hate Wheel of Time? Honestly it was the folks here that convinced me to finish the first episode of that.
  21. I'm willing to reserve judgement until I see the conclusion of the new Dune. But it is very clearly a different tone and approach. I like them both and don't really think they need to be compared. They aren't in competition and it is a win if they are both good.
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