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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I know I poked fun at the Wisconsin winter, but if you do get to the next stage, I'd say it is a pretty easy call that you need to go to her. She has family. As amazing as your property is and I've loved hearing about your work on it over the years, it is still just property. You can rebuild. Just my 2 cents. I followed my wife back to her home and I know it was the right choice for me.
  2. You are probably being facetious, but it does remind me that when my wife taught in an inner city high school for years, before winter and summer breaks a number of the kids would act out. Their thinking was that if they get sent to juvenile hall for a couple weeks, they will get to eat during the breaks. The pandemic has intensified food insecurity across the US as well.
  3. The free lunch system is soooo much better. No more 1st graders racking up student debt because their parents didn't pay, no more worries about theft in the lunch line. I don't really understand why we ever charged in the first place. What was the argument? Socialism? That cat is already out of the bag. Oh no, these free schools have been ruining kids since the 19th century.
  4. Yeah, I do not understand how we don't have a comprehensive database tracking police use of force. We track so many other things, but the idea of actual data driven policing is for some reason taboo.
  5. That is quite the hot take. Any man who is actually worth anything should not be participating in hook up culture. Although we are probably defining worth differently here.
  6. Huh. What if the ideas are intentionally bad or cringe worthy? Like maybe John Sheridan returns and gets a job for a moving company called Bruce's Boxes.
  7. New World has some pretty good weapon builds, but so far my favorite is the hatchet. I'm having a lot of fun doing my Last of the Mohicans impression in the game.
  8. New World is very fun so far. It plays a lot like Guild Wars 2 in terms of gameplay. There is a lot of resource harvesting options, and so far the story is interesting. It is definitely an MMO, but it is nice to have a new one to play.
  9. Not that I've seen. They don't seem to be hurting for numbers, since I'm in a queue right now.
  10. So anyone picking up New World? I'm up for a new MMO. I hopefully will get some time tonight to check it out.
  11. Hmm, that sounds pretty close to what I think is happening with my fuel cell vehicle. But I'll admit it is all well over my head. I do feel like there is some good progress being made in California and elsewhere, but I'm also super biased.
  12. I started the 3rd season of Westworld. This is quite the Cyberpunk world they've built under this Western theme park experience.
  13. Uh, Wisconsin is cold in the winter... Just make sure you experience that before you uproot.
  14. I am a big fan of the US. I actually think all these flag waving MAGA folks are missing how great this country really is. They are so hyperfocused on Trump and how their rights are under attack. The reality is American Democracy is incredibly strong right now. People are voting in tremendous numbers and voting for change when they aren't happy. These recent elections were tremendous from a turnout perspective. The loudest folks just weren't happy with the result.
  15. Does anyone else think that Hoonding is really just JESawyer's burner account?
  16. So I decided to buy New World. There hasn't been a new MMO in awhile, and I figured I would give it a try. I didn't play the beta, so I have no idea what it will be like.
  17. I like to remind my co-workers that kids only retain about 5% of the content we teach. I don't get invited to a lot of staff parties.
  18. "Two wrongs don't make a right" was the actual quote from one student, and most seemed to agree with her.
  19. I show my students something called CNN10 at the start of class most days. It is a good snapshot of current events and usually doesn't get too serious. But today's episode showed this general responding to the mistaken bombing of an aid worker and a family in retaliation for the airport bombing. Needless to say, the students were not impressed by the General's explanation.
  20. I'm glad to hear things are going better GD. You didn't miss much around here. Well, my wife and I did complete an Ironman the previous weekend. But that's old news.
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