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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow came out in 2004, so it was exactly 18 years ago that CGI became terrible.
  2. I've got it on now. It's a movie, alright. I'd say silly fun, for the most part. Prey is better.
  3. These folks go into a movie about fighter jets and expect more than a bunch of jets flying fast. I don't know what to tell you.
  4. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/hand-of-fate-devs-new-tactics-game-is-xcom-with-superheroes This peaks my interest a lot more than the Marvel Xcom clone. I mean I'm happy to see as many solid turn based tactical combat games as I can get, but a Freedom Force type game where you get to make superheroes and develop them sounds way better.
  5. Everybody should try biscuits and gravy at least once. It will sit in your stomache for the rest of your life, so you only need to one time.
  6. I'm a pretty optimistic guy, but even I know better than to expect JA3 to be good. I think a big problem is people focus on Ivan, Fidel, and all the other characters as being important to making a JA game. They aren't. It is important to have a colorful cast of characters. It's important to be able to develop them over the campaign. That's it. The strategic map looked ok at the end. The camera seemed off in the combat shots. The inventory and equipment modification scenes seemed incomplete. I'm not going to hold my breath. At the end of the day I'm getting a better tactical combat experience from Xenonauts 2, Battle Brothers and Wartales. These nu-Xcom style games offer a fun cinematic combat experience, and maybe JA3 will fit that mold. But I'm not holding my breathe.
  7. That's a cool cup, but it seems a bit impractical.
  8. I guess my childhood of going to Chuck E Cheese and being entertained by frightening animatronix has made me less concerned about the uncanny valley. But really, I enjoyed the storytelling aspect of the animals in Prey. The snake and the mouse, the wolf and the rabbit, the mountain lion and the...tree? The bear and the protagonist. The shifting from Predator to Prey was what I enjoyed. Also, I just watched Predator 2, which was ridiculous, so lets not get too nitpicky about bowstrings and resin or whatever.
  9. I'm not sure what you are getting at here. You didn't like the scene, I get that. I still don't want a real Grizzly Bear being forced to do stunts for a 30-second action sequence.
  10. I'm all for animated and CGI wildlife versus training wild animals to do this kind of stuff. The bear was totally close enough to make the scene work versus having a real grizzly bear doing stunts. I was reading an autobiography by Clint Howard and I have a hard time understanding how we were just ok with this little kid acting alongside a massive wild animal for the sake of TV.
  11. My daughter did that to her room. I do like to tease her when the wifi goes down and she can't control her lights though.
  12. Those are absolutely timeless though. My 15-year old daughter knew both of them.
  13. Prey was fantastic. Last week we watched the original Predator as a family. My kids were excited to see where all the great memes came from, and it still held up pretty well as an action flick. The original does a good job of keeping the Predator a bit mysterious. You don't really get to see him that much until the very end. It was probably more because of special effects limitations at the time, but it set up Prey as a sequel really well. Where Prey really shined was in the character development. Even the animals were dripping in personality. Next movie night we will probably watch Predator 2. It's not going to compete with Prey, but it does fill in some lore gaps, and Danny Glover is just fun to watch.
  14. That movie has Danny McBride and Eric Andre, so I'd say he is getting off easy. My daughter's Barbie the Island Princess stage was much more painful. Oh, it has a karaoke option as well? Fabulous.
  15. Ouch, the guy is in his 60's. I'd say he is in phenomenal shape for his age.
  16. The Skyrim hearth and home stuff is probably up your alley, LC. It made my last attempt to play more engaging.
  17. KP beat me to it, but yeah, actors tend to get work based on previous work, so big project is locked away and never seen, they've basically sacrificed that time to build their career. I guess you can think of it like when a pro-athlete is stuck on a team when the owners have decided to tank the season. Sure, they are getting paid, but their reputation will suffer. Edit: Thinking on it, it would be more like getting benched so that the team can tank, since the player doesn't even get to showcase their own talent.
  18. I don't think it is as hard to care about 6 (or 7.75 according to Google) billion people as you might think. It'd be rather easy if everybody tried.
  19. Don't sweat it @kanisatha, I also prefer BG1 to most of the other infinity games. It was my original introduction to D&D, it is a simple and fun low level adventure, and it doesn't overstay its welcome. I've played it through to completion more than once, which is rare. PS:T, on the other hand, always loses me halfway through. It's a weird world and I lose interest in it, despite liking a few of the characters. IWD never appealed to me so I never played the sequel. BG2 is second to BG1, but they are both really enjoyable. But it does that thing where the main quest seems super urgent, but then every companion is like, "we need to go take care of my stuff, even though your childhood friend is locked up with a psychopath."
  20. The article was light on details, but odds are he was protected by a Union and so they did have to give a reason, and the reason was he didn't show up for work for a year. He says he felt threatened but there is no detail about that. But the idea that you aren't going to come to work until your managers apologize sounds pretty silly. I'm guessing he can go fill a teaching job in Florida though. edit: It's actually pretty hard to lose a job as a teacher after you get tenure. As long as you take attendance and show up most days, the school district is going to struggle to document a real case for removing a teacher. This guy went under review for some pretty serious stuff and he still wasn't fired for it.
  21. You should wishlist it on Steam, for sure. I backed it on kickstarter, so that got me a key to the alpha. The early access should be coming soon, although soon might mean 6-12 months. The game is very playable at this point and the last update seems to make it feature complete and playable form start to finish. The development of this game requires patience, but given how stable and deep the original Xenonauts was, I think they deserve it. As I said, I've already played the alpha enough to say they've got the tactical combat aspect and maps down pat.
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