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Everything posted by injurai

  1. It's also awkwardly named to be, because I think of recovery having to due with getting hit and then recovering. But here it's talking about a delay between your own actions, recovering from the action you had just previously made. But now that I know, I'm not sure I want it to be changed
  2. It is odd, the only reason I'm here as opposed to elsewhere is because if you wanted to interact with the devs on Pillar 1, here was the place to be back then. I'm not keen on paying through a pay wall to get to Josh's general forum of choice either. Though I respect his methods to gather more objective opinions. I think we need another Q&A.
  3. Just to note: You want low recovery. Recovery has to due with time, so increasing it by a percent is a penalty. One of the more awkwardly named variables in the pillarsverse.
  4. Ye i would like if Obsidian didnt create a manual and created the wiki themselves in place of manual. this gets the wiki up and running and sets it up to be added to later. In-game wiki would be best, and they'll have something not too far off from that.
  5. Eder? Really? I couldn't care less on which side his brother fought. Devil was fun, but the conclusion came too quick. Wouldn't have minded to kill some more guys. But what I am talking about isn't wether the quests were fun or the NPCs were nice persons. The only NPC that really seemed to be affected by this rather sick little world was Durance. The only NPC that reflected about that world was Durance. And the only NPC that gives you a glimpse into the mind of the people that started that war, killed that god and had to deal with all they had done is Durance. Of course he's an ass. It's hard to live in such a world and not be an ass. Ok, I have to strongly disagree with you. Most of the companions supported games themes and reflected the world around them. To me finale wouldn't be nearly as engaging if not for the companions. Not sure if "this"ing is appropriate on this forum. So... THAT!
  6. A new name to me. Seems to be good news; A small pub with low overhead, more passion less greed. I've been less than keen on Paradox lately, with their careless flippancy with regards to Tyranny. Not to mention Paradox has been heavily trying raise market capital lately, and I think a buyout from Tencent was being floated not too long ago. They've already bought 5% of them.
  7. Pretty sure they've got physical based rendering going on, looks fantastic.
  8. Right now I'm feeling a Helwalker (Monk) / Shifter (Druid) combo. Also Devoted (Fighter) / Sharpshooter (Ranger).
  9. Witch seems out of place and doesn't fit. Holy Slayer and Arcane Knight seem uncreative, though I guess they bring some oldschool camp. Hierophant also should be part of the Priest combo... Should probably be switched with Mystic.
  10. I'll be honest, having subclasses that naturally dip into other classes is a little uninteresting to me. Especially when multiclassing is meant to be a thing.
  11. I looked again but I can't seem to find it. Got a timestamp perhaps? Woops, my bad. It's rogue. I guess we'd be talking about grimoire specific spells right?
  12. Again, I'm maybe misremembering or imagining things, but if I'm not mistaken there'll be a few wizard spells that cannot be learned by levelling up. Maybe they're not included in that bunch? It included ability levels 8 and 9 so everything was there.
  13. Looks like it's based on the new game, like almost directly.
  14. I respect the gesture to a degree but I don't think the audience would have been half as tolerating if they weren't primed by the speaker. Even before relinquishing the mic he gave a major caveat about what the gesture was really about. It seemed more a chance for them to prove that they can actually handle free speech, over opening a forum by giving a BLM member a platform. The crowds immediate jeering at the notion an innocent black man could die and his death go unprosecuted is demonstrative of the latent willful ignorance. The crowd took it as a chance to publicly yea or nay their beliefs, and they showed a much stronger reaction to nebulous idealogical or dogmatic sound bites than anything he said which pointed to a real wound within our country.
  15. The villain and final encounter were my least favorite thing about Wonder Women. Overall I found it very enjoyable. It kind of stands as a third pillar compared to Marvel-formula and DC-formula. Much like Ang Lee's Hulk does.
  16. Well Deadfire update 40 hits before the week ends, but I don't think that's what they were referring to.
  17. Easy, Diablo 3. The stories of 1 and 2 were minimal leaving so much mystery that it massaged the games atmosphere further justifying the old adage "less is more." There was this feeling you were an average representative of some skilled order that ended caught up amongst the schemes of hell. You felt it was only fighting the nethersome hellspawn by which your skills grew to such unheard of heights, aided by the discover of arms from a more divine era. The games were raw, nothing about it felt over-produced. Passion products of their era, the team venturing into unworked territory for the industry. Integrity manifested in droves and driven into silicon. Then comes Diablo 3, production hell, over-production hell, subversion of game design, monetization driven. The story felt like it existed to tie together some fancy CGI scenes and pad out Act objectives. When the writing was good, it was relative to the rest of itself. In honesty I'd say the best it managed was merely okay. At worst... well it made it to those lows in more than one way, different rings of hell if you'll allow. At worst, the writing became cringe inducing, committing the typical sins of being too gamy, hammy, altogether lacking a semblance that could realize a world and setting that matched the alleged gravity. Also at worst, it betrayed it's own history, destroyed the most beloved elements without making an alchemically equivalent exchange to forge the narratives future. What was new was disinteresting. What was old was squandered. Truth be told, I'd want to redo more than just the writing. If the writing was all I could rework however, that might be enough. For all it's design shortcomings, at the very least I could rapture up story that would drag me to hell and back once again. These days I'd rather experience Diablo-likes with a fresher lens. What other drapery could adorn a dungeon crawling loot fest, dazzle the senses, conjure up the suspension of disbelief. Diablo 3 is what blizzard wanted, a game to ensnare a new generation with less of a history with the series. For those like me, it's a game forever haunted by the ghost of Blizzard North and visage that is Path of Exile. To rewrite other text heavy rpgs, I'd feel as if I might be creating an all together different game. With Diablo 3, I'd feel like I was making the omelet that should have been served after one came out with eggshells in it.
  18. I'm glad he didn't have to live to see WW3 or Cold War 2. I have a feeling the later might just happen yet still.
  19. I believe The Witcher EE was also being done in part for a console port which never surfaced. The Witcher 2 EE was definitely done for the console port. By 3 they decided to wrap EE into expansions which included too much content to be for free, (my god they are like 15-20 hours a piece!) But PC developers do have a lot to gain by getting on console, and it's a nice chance for goodwill and improving their game logic. Which certainly will be used going forward anyways.
  20. I think the Dyrwood has been in melting pot mode for some time, so that might be part of the answer. The other is probably that some of these aspects are hard to convey through npcs with only a handful of lines. Pushing it to the forefront might be too on the nose, and if there is anything I hate in rpgs it's one the nose writing. Personally I found Aloth and Kana Rua to be pretty distinct. Non-companion npcs clearly have less time to expound upon themselves, their culture, their racial identity. They most get on with business and do their part for the story.
  21. Someone needs to figure out how to make a film master for sfx.
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