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Everything posted by injurai

  1. His godlikeliness doesn't necessarily correlate with his class profession. But there is certainly something up with him.
  2. Roadmaps vary in depth and solidity; Everything was thrown together in a very short period of time, It's in the dev documentary. That one existed is kind of a moot point. I can't agree that this update is disrespectful, the only thing I really see is a difference in expectation. I would like more devs to interactive with the forum, but I also understand sifting through threads just to find some place to contribute is time consuming. Taking yourself out of your work flow greatly impedes productivity, especially with creative and technical work. I'd rather much of their spare time go to meetings and just maintaining well oiled work culture (fun with colleges / water coolering.) I say that because I've been there.
  3. Anecdotally, I find women navigate towards attractive male characters as much as men to attractive women characters. But that women are less fussed about average/less-than-average men then men are about average/less-than-average women. Especially when it comes to being receptive to marketing, in the end everyone seems to love lovable characters regardless. Looking at Japanese games it's honestly kind of disturbing how even in realistic looking (non-animu) games like Yakuza or Final Fantasy XV, the women are largely still "ethnically-anime." Say what you want about Kojima and Quiet but that in some ways feels like progress. A real women! I suppose western games have their own stylization that drifts from realism, but it's far more reeled in. We do have this obsession where feminine girls can't be hard. The Olympic woman archetype is always ignored in favor of the skinny butch archetype.
  4. Feargus said 2x the VO is just them doubling the budget, but wasn't locked down on allocation. It seems to me a good amount of that was covered by figfunds. As far as localization, I don't believe that is of VO, but of text. Which those costs were being attained incrementally and distributed throughout the crowd funding by means of most lucrative regions first. Only the most essential regions were pre-planned with localization. I forget who, but one of the developers has acknowledged the semi-voiced text being jarring. I think it was Adam. Anyways, I don't really want to sacrifice anything for more VO. It seems a lot of the budget will go to just cleanly doing voiced sections, and doing them better. Perhaps a bit more overall is voiced as well. I don't really expect it to be so overkill that something else was suffered in it's place. After all the audio team needs something to work on.
  5. Small passionate companies were people live to defy expectations and live for the creation is far different from publicly traded quarterly skimming companies like Bioware. Bioware only cares about creating something that can be impressive in marketing campaigns. Larian has to rely more on enthusiasts, good word of mouth, and healthy post release sales.
  6. I think VO is nice to flesh out characters. I think the problem with Pillars 1 is that they either needed to have a full conversation use it or not, but instead you got some weird partially VO'd conversations. I just want better quality and better consistency of how it's applied. I think VO is important enough for people that are in it for the characters.
  7. The French are alright. First to recognize the U.S. They live and breath the revolutionary spirit. Explored the new world. Revolutionized cuisine. Revolutionized urban planning. Pull their relative military weight unlike the nordies. Tolerant and modern but not so regressive that their brain falls out. Automotive industry not propped up on false admission ratings. Less exploitive of migrant workers to fuel a supreme position in the EU. Strong endowment to the sciences. France > Germany.
  8. https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire?update=258#updates $2.4m Stretch Goal - Double the V.O.
  9. What if their own head went in their head slot, and there was a way to attune oneself wrt the gods in varying ways. Synthesize with you're god and you can double down on certain attributes, defy your god and you get consolation jack of all trade attributes from a grab bag of other gods.
  10. Looks like Galaxy Quest but for Firefly.
  11. I really need to catch up with Bojack, just finished season 2. I feel this series is very under-appreciated, I know I didn't see it's charm in the first episode.
  12. I have no idea which e would be most similar to deadfire, but deadfire seems to be flying by it's own colors.
  13. Well I agree with everything there, but I read your post more as a concern with regards to "multi-classing done by Josh Sawyerâ„¢" in general. I have no doubt the corner cases will cause great in-balances in both beta and early launch builds. Probably in early expansion builds as well. But when it's all said and done, I would welcome the final "soft imbalances" that the system would still allow. Which in my mind leave some fun variation to be had.
  14. Are balancing issues really that big of a deal? Sometimes it's nice to have harder or easier builds, and with the amount of choice it seems relatively easy to tailor your build as you go. I'm more worried about about bugs than anything.
  15. With the last game I think they needed more of a heading, and part of the first crowd-funding deal was very backer driven content. Now certain design decisions have been established, and I think the devs have a good understanding of how to foist up PoEs mechanics seeing as they actually made the first game not us. Plus they probably want to test out some ideas of their own and leave more as a surprise. I'm sure they are quite busy working and socializing amongst themselves, so I'd rather us be their resource rather than the other way around.
  16. I'm guessing it will be Tu-Th next week. But who knows it could be later today.
  17. It was a complete con job and a scam. They raised on kickstarter and took millions of dollars of peoples money on the basis of the game being similar to torment, baldurs gate and pillars. It is nothing like the above games mentioned. It is one of the worst games I have ever played. 0/10 for me Well, not sure about scam. You should go into crowd funding understanding the nature of investment and loss. However, I remember when they revealed full vertical slices and then did their whole pre-release media push, that people were really excited about it and thought it looked better than Pillars. I had the opposite reaction, hardly anything about it enticed me. I wasn't feeling the art, the 3D assets in the scene didn't mesh with the world. The whole class system was super simple, the combat looked bad. Now I can't fully judge a game I haven't played, but I have a very good compass for my own tastes when it comes to judging a games systems and style by it's demo showings. Torment:ToN just looks like an utter disaster out the gate. I could go on, but I'll spare it the torment. Hopefully they have better luck with Wasteland 3.
  18. Job titles anymore are just job descriptions that needed to be filled at the moment of hire. After a year very few people are performing their job title.
  19. Gromnir, you have given this one a thought. Take the crpg formula, go fully classless, and instead start to craft a far richer background mechanic which would augment and modify class mechanics with respect to in-game lore and culture. Perhaps backgrounds provide foundations from which to grow out of as you explore the world and come into contact with other skills. Much how path of exile you can work you're way across the skill map. Though I'm not specifically recommending a skill map for pillars, the thrust of the idea is there. It could be somewhat internal and affected back you're background. Intuitively I'd imagine this would be more expensive, regardless it seems like such an design would be the next evolutionary iteration for the medium.
  20. My take aways from all this: This should have been the first thread, not the second. This thread is only compelling in light of the false premise of the first. The new premise is begging questions and concerns which is not compelling. Threads should be compelling. "It doesnt seem to me, That this should have blown up as it has." I agree, so why did you help it so? But that is a rhetorical question.
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