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Everything posted by injurai

  1. I googled out of curiousity. Can't tell if lady dwarf or amish weeaboo.
  2. The war on Christianity is overstated. The war on Christmas decorations is not. Round the clock Christmas advertising yet non-Christians won't let Christians even have their pagan traditions? Hmph!
  3. That reminds me. Missing the pledge was considered being late to class, and the big deal was that you were late, not that you missed the pledge. At least that's how I remember it. This was in elementary school so this was when half of being on-time was just your parents getting you to school. But here is the real kicker, if class was mid pledge. You waited outside the classroom until they finished, if you weren't near your classroom you were encouraged to find the nearest flag to pledge at instead of missing it all together.
  4. I don't, but that's a good one.
  5. Unless they do that to convince people they live in a free society
  6. Never heard of the book. But those visuals are stunning. Love Alex Garland's work, so this will be a must see. Kind of getting Arrival vibes, but this feels beautifully malevolent rather than grotesquely benevolent.
  7. I said the pledge of allegiance in elementary school, but at some point growing up it stopped. I don't remember when, whether it was in middle school or high school. Between buildings or between grades. It just went away and I forgot about even doing the pledge until after I graduated. Saying the pledge is the oddest thing, I don't really mind it being put away. Students don't need to be banned from reciting it, just the whole morning routine sure was odd. Now... trying to turn the US flag into a symbol against diversity is just concern trolling, but not trolling, it' being entirely sincere in one's misplaced concern. There needs to be a better term for this notion. I get people use it nationalistically, but ceding your own claim on your own nations symbols is a great way to relinquish your imprint on the national repertoire. As an aside, watching old TyT is surreal...
  8. I did but that's because I was also looking for it. I was a PoE backer after all. The amount of bewildered people on launch day was sizable, and the amount of people that found out way later was too. Most games I don't see that much bewilderment over a game already being out.
  9. To extend my thoughts as well. People are kneeling because one day they want to stand for the flag and have it be meaningful. For now these people feel there are things to be ashamed of. Kneeling is a commitment to what the flag could be, not to a desire dispense with it. The demonstrations are indicative of a crossroad, and the reason why what once was a brief demonstration now returns in force is because participation has become a form of communal acknowledgement at a national level of the crossroad itself. That's why even owner's and coaches are involved. While not everyone standing is a bigot, racist, or nazi and yes you still get those immature lefties **** slinging at a moment like this instead of using their perfect opportunity to hold their heads high. I think it's largely becoming recognized that the patriotic thing during this crossroads is to lift a veil of willful ignorance, an ignorance that only becoming clearer with time. It's to not let this movement to be taken from the people and turned into a false connection that promotes division or disorderly BLM incidences. It's in actuality a move against the pundit hair splitting, where a consolation acknowledgement of brutality is given whilst turncoating back to conservative nitpicks a moment later; these days everyone knows this pundit move whether they want to admit it or not. People know that by kneeling, they are actually standing. Standing for free speech, peaceful protest, and defending the clarity of a movement that is about rectifying injustices by the truncheon's hand. If you're dubious over whether people really think as I say they do, I'd argue much of this is latent. It's only just starting to be articulated, and even when it is it hardly makes it's way through channels of media that can reach a nation. Yet those in the position to see none the less want it to be about nothing, they want it to be nothing more than liberal indignation. For them it is to be minor, to be forgotten. They will let you know of their surprise over how people keep talking about it all. You start to notice that these people want a great deal that is important to others to be about nothing. Ignorance, much like debt, has become a modern asset in and of itself. It's become a shield the fend off other nastier remarks when you don't want to cede ground. It's the conservative form of post-modernism.
  10. Any Pokemon fans in here? This is exact thing a very very common aspect of those games. Right down to the accuracy as hit chance is the bread and butter of those games. Priority too. Often better doing something twice than using the mitigation or utility moves. Of course it depends, sometimes you have no choice to use them to get through defenses and such. But there is a wide zone in between defended and undefended where most things lie that encourages you to just chip away instead. Especially if your pokemon is attack oriented. I assume much of the same applies to Pillars. I have literally never thought about this conundrum outside of Pokemon. Pokemon is the most bewildering rock paper scissors game devised.
  11. I think alcohol affects the ability to form new memories more than it kills off brain cells. I can apply knowledge like a mother****er on alcohol, I can't learn **** though.
  12. At this point I find it's as much of a protest against supposed "free speech absolutists" who in actuality take issue with the kneeling because they want the NFL to sell them an identity, as it is a protest against the anthem of a nation that has issues with police brutality against minorities. The NFL should be about the sport, not about selling anyone a contrived pretense of national identity. If players want to use the platform they have worked to be part of to express their free speech rights, then let them. I also think a lot of folks believe that people who are losing their heads on account of the act being allegedly disrespectful have an ulterior motive. Especially going back to Kaepernick. There is this desire people have for others to fall in-line over national pride, but not everyone is proud of what our nation has done or is doing. That apparently isn't obvious for some people, and they want to socially ostracize people not falling in line. I personally think the continued kneeing is a form of solidarity against that social ostracism that some are trying to bring about upon the players. I'm glad more players, coaches and team owners are not caving, and instead standing by the player's freedom.
  13. They're just a holding company for the brand now. They collect royalties and license out the brand. A company called Atgames has been making Atari Flashbacks for over a decade now. This really just looks like they are bringing the license back inhouse and working directly with manufacturers.
  14. I'm proud of all this kneeling, feels more patriotic than a routine night of fireworks.
  15. Worth keeping your place dust free just to display that beaut.
  16. Probably because the story won't acknowledge someone barfing their guts out at that junction, and they are mocking up a cut-scene with a particular cadence in mind. So that's indicative that their code isn't generating the results that are expected. Thus a bug. I get it's humorous, but also undesirable for the context.
  17. They have a barfing animation, so maybe a diseased status can trigger that animation and it lasted into a cutscene? That's what I'm gathering.
  18. As much as I liked Pillars lore, world, and character writing. Their mechanical and meta writing was less than enough. So I'd agree to better descriptions. I think they've talked about improving these things in the past. It's also probably hard to do this writing early though while so much of the design is still changing. Hopefully they give themselves enough time to do a pass. The beta should help, because I'm sure they have so much implicitly in their head it's hard to know when and where they are introducing and conveying concepts.
  19. Well I'd be surprised if this runs as long as some of the other Star Treks. I'll be surprised if it reaches 4, at which point it would be doing more than tieing for lowest season count.
  20. World's largest oil reserve, largely untapped. Country nationalized it's entire oil industry which was built on labor of foreign industries and foreign investment. It's now an authoritarian socialist state keen on purging (letting starve) or pushing out as much of it's population as possible to limit how large a population the state needs to support. Famine and riots are rampant. It's a country that large swaths of the population would emigrate to an immigrant country if given the chance due to the current conditions. Something to do with all of that. Yeah but was looking at it from a safety (supposedly, anyway) point of view. Should be every poor country on Earth as well by that metric. It's probably just some measure to prevent opening a flood gate of refugees, coupled getting the GOP their kicks.
  21. World's largest oil reserve, largely untapped. Country nationalized it's entire oil industry which was built on labor of foreign industries and foreign investment. It's now an authoritarian socialist state keen on purging (letting starve) or pushing out as much of it's population as possible to limit how large a population the state needs to support. Famine and riots are rampant. It's a country that large swaths of the population would emigrate to an immigrant country if given the chance due to the current conditions. Something to do with all of that.
  22. I've had to give up scratching my head because I'm getting dangerously close to boring through my skull from that one.
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