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Everything posted by injurai

  1. @Gromnir I agree with what you've said. I agree that what you describe is one of the many failings by which people approach Trump, perhaps the essential one. I certainly don't mean to do the same, so let me expand. You choose to speak of Trump holistically, I wanted to point out a factor of him and called it half. Trump is a confidence man and his brand is part of what he uses to sell people on him. The other half is that he is a creature of the swamp. By not stating the other half, I can see where one may see room left open to suggest he operates with Machiavellian clarity. The truth of the matter is the other half is the swamp, and the swamp is a Machiavellian engine unto itself. He need not hold any capabilities beyond that of your average college graduate. Here merely needs access to pulleys and leavers that most will never have access to, the Machiavellian machine. The amount of poor and brilliant mathematicians that have gone to automate the large wealth transferring machines of the banks sits under Trump as his foundation. I prefer to think of Trump in halves because it illuminates a reality to his presence at society. He wants the public to see him holistically, and he wants to govern what that whole is. For those to ignore what's behind the curtain. What's beneath the tip of the iceberg. Below the pompous brand and persona is a shrewd entitled megalomaniac. Many see it, but the game is to turn those people into liars at the scale of public opinion. It's the game of brands. To convince us that the half is the whole. We'd never buy a half rotten apple, but put yourself between people and you can convince one half that you are ripe. The way elections go, he didn't need to convince even half. As he spins and pivots more come to know his grotesque form, but fresh apples won't be in season for another 3 years. People forgot he was a brand, and the brand won.
  2. Remember, half of Trump is just this brand that he sells people on. We have no idea what his preferred furnishings are. Rich people buy stuff just as a way to invest their wealth. Like ****ty avent-garde paintings from famous artists.
  3. Is it her looks or her facial expression? It's an rpg, stretch your imagination. She's probably just scowling at someone who doesn't appreciate academic pursuits. That doesn't mean she can't be charming, she also seems like a character quite wrapped in her own business.
  4. A ginger asian is pretty unique, I'd say unprecedentedly so across any medium. I buy it.
  5. Sounds like you need a degree in English literature.
  6. Iranian Kurdistan is a lost cause. They might be able to get part of Northern Iraq and a Corner of Syria. Maybe if it becomes an intentional moment Turkey will bequeath a bit of land too, but certainly not while they are becoming increasingly conservative. If I could see one and only one change to the middle east on the caveat that the region couldn't change for 500 years. I'd be for the Kurds independence.
  7. It's already been decided by the younger generations. We are secular.
  8. Been rewatching Arrested Development, I'm not ready for a serious Jason. Is Ozark good?
  9. That's curious, because Konstanten and Fessina were the two that both surprised me most design wise compared to what I had imagined based on the original descriptions. Do their descriptions still hold though, or is a more elaborate character change?
  10. We all knew goth was coming back eventually. Which is goods news for me but that will coincide with the comeback of frosted tips. I never did get a chance to live those days.
  11. The end of RDR moves you into a tighter space and probably gets a little more focused. If you hadn't fully cleared previous areas though you might be making some massive journey's across the map.
  12. It was all wip, that was never a final rendition. It also wasn't in the style of portraits.
  13. Imo, it's pretty "western." But anime has sort of started to lay claim to certain western artifacts which is odd.
  14. The definition of an rpg has slid a lot over the last few years. The classical style is almost non-existent for younger people. The youngest people who really grew up with classical stuff are poor and busy starting their careers now, so the target of crpgs has shifted even older as of late. Now you've got empty nesters with too much time on their hands playing these games.
  15. You're going to have to take out another mortgage on your patience unfortunately.
  16. I've been selective with the Rockstar games I've played over the years. 3, SA, Bully, RDR. With only a smidge of borrowing GTA4. I've never replayed a single one of them, I find most "game +" time is done alongside working on the story. Bully and RDR are amongst my very favorite games. They may be done in the dirt, but there are always new consumers and others that have tempered their time with those games. When a Rockstar game comes around, I'm usually in the mood for one.
  17. I would bet on that. The only Reason RDR couldn't be on PC is because the 360 was PowerPC and the PS3 was Cell, and the codebase for RDR was apparently a house of cards. There was little chance of getting a port to work.
  18. People should just accept that it is "Hyvää Joulua" (Have good Yule), like we do in Finland and everybody can be miserable or happy for fact that it isn't their holiday that gets praised and there isn't constant need for battle which phrase to use during midwinter holiday season Sounds too close to "hallelujah" to ever work.
  19. I was being a bit facetious with regards to Christmas. Personally I'm fine with people trying to secularize the holidays, at least as far as it's handled in public space. I also think people that get offended over people saying "Marry Christmas" can get bent.
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