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Everything posted by injurai

  1. I was mentioning things like this elsewhere. Not only do I want a party AI mechanic, I also want a formation and battle plan mechanic. Much like drafting plays in American football. I'd love to be able to mix conditional AI with general engagement formations. Then have all of that with very easy to handle overrides, strategy detours, visible action queues, and queuing macros.
  2. Best advice is actually keep up with your responsibilities. A game is always best experienced refreshed and best remembered without guilt.
  3. As far as I'm concerned the GOP is irredeemable.
  4. I did exactly that, couldn't see anything. Some of the art on the walls towards the end of the video I couldn't recognize so I was wondering if per chance any of those were from the new project, but you still couldn't make much out anyways.
  5. It's also true of the entire service industry of America. I mean... We have the best waiters. Smiles every time! They love their lives and more importantly they love you!
  6. Gotta get my grubby hands on that Cainarsky!
  7. It's a free country, people can coddle themselves.
  8. Well as far as Native American culture, I'm guessing you are referencing the prevalent understanding that feminine was tied with the supernatural world and the masculine was tied to the physical world. So someone "transgender" had a spirit connected to the supernatural and was expected to fulfill the role of a medicine man, seer, or shaman. It wasn't so much that one was specially blessed above others. It's probably best not to use one stroke to speak of two different cultures at once, and you do it twice back to back.
  9. as i said, my grandfather lived for years in the middle east when he was young and he read it because it was necessary for living without getting into trouble due to ignorance. he still has a copy written in arabic and most of what i know is from my discussions with him on the subject.some of what i say is what my grandfather said to me about islam and some are educated guesses based on what i know. fact 1: islam teaches that there is no free will, allah decides everything so your actions are by his will (the description of it is more extensive and detailed with exceptions and examples but that's the general rule) fact 2: studies show that taking any action without feeling the pressure of having to take responsibility for it, removes most if not all inhibitions. deduction: Muhammad had an understanding of human psychology and how to use it to manipulate the minds of his followers. The Quran wasn't written by Muhammad though. It was written by Allah if you go by the Quran. It was lived and spoken(written) by Muhammad and scribed by his followers if you go by history. Initially the accounts were committed to memory through the oral traditions of the region. After Muhammad's death the Quran was compiled fully in written form by his followers and peer reviewed by the umma. They didn't have paper, so the Quran was first scribed on bone, stone, wood, and hide. Eventually contact with China introduced paper. The hadith additionally contain an isnad which is a lineage of transmission through reputable scholars for means of authentication.
  10. It's been a while since I've seen a kickstarter that impressed me. Not including Deadire it may have been Hyper Light Drifter... Crowdfunding is great, but it seems the bubble has burst.
  11. I kind of grew out of anime because most of it is drivel, but when I did watch it it was almost always with Japanese va. I think the emotional energy and tone just lined up better. Cowboy Bebop, DBZ, and Ghibli films are the only ones I really enjoyed in English, and I actually prefer those that way. I agree about not really being able to perceive when Japanese va is bad.
  12. Just saw this on the news too... wtf.
  13. It is has been stated many times that PoE was to wordy. I remember reading interview with the lead writer on PoE and he addmitted they had little time to revisit what they have written. Therefore the writing while good, isn't nearly as tight as it could have been. Hopefully, PoE2 will get more time and polish. As far as the discription goes I much prefer it being there. But it might be because I do like reading. I always treated those games very much like an immersive book. I actually didn't mind that PoE was wordy. I realize I speak for myself, but bring it on! I'd hope it goes without saying that polish is always welcome too.
  14. I'll play either sex, and gender, gender roles, gender anything doesn't factor into the character or play through. I just play a person trying to get through life with a moral sense of personal responsibility, and a head on their shoulders.
  15. This is PSA: Get your alluvial fans right! It just might save your life.
  16. Basically pick your flavor of capitalism.
  17. What if you could just over-ride pronouns with a custom one... Problem solved. The world is welcome. I'll be setting up a patreon shortly.
  18. I'm not convinced a lovecraftian tale needs that end. There are lots of terrifying things to explore that might be driven by a cosmic horror.
  19. I thought he was exactly pointing out how it's a progressive movement only relative to it's time, hence inherently anachronistic. But because it's tied to the will of the creator, it's interpreted as an ever enduring progressive movement by it's believers.
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