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Everything posted by injurai

  1. I wouldn't say that mindset was even a defining aspect of liberals but the "that which is negative is male" or "that which is male is negative" crowd has certainly increased it's market share. I think the social democratic presence is much stronger with the younger generation, but once they hit the job market it will be interesting to see if that spike keeps up. Peak social democracy may have already crowned.
  2. I think liberalism world wide is quite different than classical liberalism. Classical liberalism seems to have been replaced by global neo-liberalism, what gets called liberalism now is mostly just social liberalism. But I'm not sure how American liberalism differs from say European liberalism.
  3. I've said it before, but Pillars feels like a AAA game. Something about the pre-rendered backgrounds, so no doubt that Obsidian is punching above their weight.
  4. What is Nalpazca anyways? I've tried searching for it; perhaps it's some in-game faction/tradition of monks. Certainly doesn't seem to be a real world thing.
  5. As compared to "AAA" Obsidian projects or do you mean compared to AAA Non-Obsidian products?
  6. How about both? Caribbean pirates could be turned down a notch trope-wise, like the west-country accent (as much as I love it.)
  7. AA is where Obsidian shines anyways.
  8. This might interest you, albeit a bit different it's in part apropos to your shadow puppets. Art come alive.
  9. Maybe they're trying to net a publisher.
  10. From my understanding sailing and sailing culture is simply integrated into the setting. It doesn't set out to particular explore pirate-hood as it's main thrust. I wonder how much you can play up pirate-hood though through your actions and decisions, that will be the real question.
  11. I think they will both set standards, and as far as I can tell they are very different. I haven't played D:OS but it doesn't really capture my fancy. People always cite it's gameplay, but that style of turn-based gameplay really turns me off. Larian seems like a great company though, and GM-mode is a game changer. Infinity-like crpgs on the other hand are exactly what I'm into. Unfortunately this style of crpgs went unexplored for over a decade, and really has only had a few examples upon it's return. Deadfire will inevitably ship without some features that I'd very much like to see the medium include. I can imagine a slew of features to pull in from 4X and RTS games to better serve the combat. I can think of many optional settings. So the medium still has a lot of headroom for it's fundamentals to grow. Tyranny has also showed us some neat experimentation so there is always the growth towards the unorthodox as well.
  12. What if that's the Cainarsky game... Probably not.
  13. Korean bbq is proof appropriation is a good thing. It's lineage. Native Americans -> Spaniards -> English -> Freed Slaves -> Pan-America -> ... -> Korea Each step adding to the glory. Hallelujah.
  14. I think I'd actually want more freedom with skill allocation, you can always distribute things normally if your heart contents.
  15. As long as you make a good burrito the market will carry you through. The average person is just hungry.
  16. So basically update mid next week or earlier. Guess I have enough to distract myself with til then.
  17. It used to be that games journalism was done by former programmers or even game developers. Now it's mostly done by journalist and media graduates.
  18. Skills lacked much across the board in PoE1. Definately a mechanic I spent in inordinate amount of time thinking about which didn't pay it's dividends in terms of outcome. But Deadfire already seems much better, specifically the improved text adventures.
  19. Why is Second Class above First Class... madness! edit: I admit I don't really know what I'm looking at.
  20. Congressional districting is exactly the problem, which is different than county polling.
  21. The Californian people aren't really that marginalized, seeing how strongly their state government represents them. It's so odd that they would try to increase the federal governments power that only represents them less. Honestly though, California wouldn't be half as liberal as it is if it wasn't for their industries and access to the coast. The biggest problem with the electoral college system is how districts are gerrymandered.
  22. Yup, though it might be Tyranny DLC #2 by now. Constant Gaw who worked on upcoming DLC shifted onto a different unannounced project in July according to her LinkedIn profile. It's certainly possible. Feargus or the other guy (not sure who said it) said that it looked like Tyranny or PoE stuff. Good catch.
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