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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Ya, I remember the first time I got drunk :">
  2. Less speculation
  3. Your grasp of this is slipping
  4. Ya I would hate to say that too
  5. I disagree too people in the Star Wars universe have sex and use the bathroom in the same places they do here, in or behind a dumpster
  6. Yes but after a scientist proves a theory they aren't entitled to anything but the credit for the theory itself. "Your book" is great for you but it might not hold water for someone else, and theres no reason for ones personal believes to be status quo. Basically a song is sound and its hard to say for certain someone owns sound. You can own lyric, and they're definitely closer to a loaf of bread then sound is What if someone found a chord on guitar that no one had ever played before, would that mean they would own that chord? Somethings in life you just can't charge for, no matter how greedy an entity becomes, and its not theft. My opinion is the only way you could steal music would be to steal someones song by taken credit for writing it. To listen to it for free is not a crime, not more then listening to the radio. If you were to sell that music to someone else then that would be wrong, and possible a crime, but a difficult one to prosecute. I don't see that this is all that complicated, and once again this isn't a moral issue, we're not taking food out of Hoobastank's mouth. And when you get up to the pearly gates St. Peter is not going to ask,"Did you download music from a filesharing site for free?" Bam bound for the lake of fire
  7. It was o.k. like alot of animated shows I think its going to take awhile before the show really going
  8. Talk about bull **** Stealing and using other peoples work, no matter the medium is still theft. By your same logic, it's perfectly fine to do shoplifting ? The circumstances are the same, the store has a lot of stuff on their shelves, why not help yourself to a few handfuls of it... I mean, as long as you don't get caught it's perfectly morally justifiable, right ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Morality can't be an issue in this, especially since the same people who own majority shares of Sony/Epic are also the same people who own majority shares in companies that produce landmines. Music isn't the same thing as something tangible like a tee-shirt, and especailly when we are not talking about stealing the actual CD. We're talking about an intellectual property. You see and a bigger difference is that there is two forms of this property, both the live performance and the actual recording. Does the artist "own" both or are they effectively giving it away as soon as they make it so that it could be heard? I'm sure to make your point you would say both are owned by the artist, but I believe its atleast a valid question. Under your definition then a person who sits outside a show and listens is effectively stealing.
  9. Well the biggest problem with the music industry is that it truely is a vampiric industry. Musicians have to deal with a very stacked deck as far as things go. Its not like if Julia Roberts makes a movie and it "tanks" that she has to pay back the Paramount for there loss. But if a band makes an album thats not sucessfull then they either have to make an album that can get alot of airtime or break up. This is not the fans fault, and none of the burden should be put on them in this regard. Also its not like record sells are the only avenue for a band to make money, theres this thing called touring, and if you get a devoted enough fan base then you can easily make a living as an artist. Wilco and Fugazi are excellent examples of bands that have had sucess without be drwan in to the idea that you must "sellout" to make a living in music. The way things currently are these bands are crushed under the weight of the media blitz that major label bands unleash on the market. I honostly hope that the recording industry falls on it ear, is forced to find other ways to make money. The industry won't collapse, just look at small labels, but the way it is now it is n despeerate need to have something "trim the fat".
  10. You forgot Henry Rollins is in Johnny Mnemonic too. And if James Caviezel hadn't been in "The Passion" I would have thought him perfect in Constantine. I really liked him in The Thin Red Line, in my mind the best "war" movie of all-time
  11. I guess a little off-topic, but in watching the superbowl pregame show, its good to see that the Black-eyed Peas have filled the void vacated by C&C Music Factory. What would we do without good old-fashioned crap
  12. Thats what sucks about the random generator, you never know whats what
  13. Well PC gamers aren't really people anymore
  14. No, you meet him, and have a short but torrid love affair, and then he dumps you for a rough trick named Billy
  15. Eh, he wrote inthe NJO line of books, anything that can splinter the followers of the E.U. has to be considerable bad. As for the episode 3 novel thats even less work then writing an original star wars novel. Its just astonishing how these people can fail so consistantly when they have so little to do.
  16. Jinrai is not a finnish knight, its one of those transformers
  17. He always seemed thoroughly likable, theres not enough people like that in film. A little off topic, I was trying to remember the last time someone I really thought alot of died not including family members. All I've been able to come up with is Elliot Smith, and his was a suicide. I can't help but think that I'm missing a few people in there.
  18. I don't know the idea of having no eyes and just skin where her eye sockets should be is kind of gross
  19. Well.......they might not have been very good cookies, so maybe not a totally selfless act
  20. Lets hope not, hes done enough damage. I'd really like for someone whos abit more mature to write a couple of these things
  21. I don't know how you can like Visas so much, shes bound to look like that guy in Jacob's Ladder.
  22. probaly the funnest game I've ever owned was NBA Live 95. My friend Scott and I would have these unbelievable games where we would "draft" all the greatest players of all time and end up with a score something like 188- 184 in 5min quarters. I have to thank Larry Bird and Oscar Robertson for many a win. The worse game I've ever bought was probaly Morrowind. A friend of mine really "sold" me on this game, and I found it to be really really really boring
  23. I have to agree with you on atleast one thing. I share your fear that this game might only resemble Fallout in name alone. Also Morrowind really bothered me, and then after the initial irritation it really just bored me. Where as I don't share you sort of misanthropy for the gaming industry as a whole, I do have my concerns
  24. We'll just say you're flashy
  25. I don't know he hasn't had any luck letting other people do the writing so far. To write about someone else's characters is onerous at best. As for Obi-Won and Anakin, I'm sure it will be quite the tableau. It definitely has all the build up to be one of those "defining" scenes in film.
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