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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. I think he should turn it over to me In a couple of years I'll have graduated from film school and how could he resist
  2. Ya thats another very frustrating part of the game, or is it very frustrating that its not a part of the game
  3. No. Maul was killed because it wouldn't have been coherent with the SW storyline if he had owned Obi as everything hinted he would. He died because he had to, and that reflects into the LAME way in which he was disposed of. Not that much was lost, anyway. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wasn't Obi-Won just a padawan?
  4. Theres this stuff called middle ground
  5. 3 Suggestions for Kotor 3 1) In a word Dinosaur. Two words Ninja Dinosaur. Think about it, we've pretty much established that "Sith" have no chance of beating our PCs. Force powers, lightsabers, they're so predicatable, but what could be more unpredicatable then Dinosaurs trained in secret by an elite combat specialist specifically to destroy Jedi. Also they should probaly have laserbeam eyes or something like that. 2) The Ebon Hawk is old news, infact starships are just getting tired. Last summer I was able to ride around on a jetski almost the whole time and I have to say jetskis are totally awesome. Since this is Star Wars, I'm saying Space Skies. Thats right rippin it on a space ski, what could be better? You could totally do some jumps, that'd be soooo X games. Maybe you could get decals for each planet you visit. 3) A rapping mandalorian. Kids love rap. They also love mandalorians. This would be the ultimate party member and a marketing juggarnaut plus if he could have some sort of breakdancing fighting style that'd be totally 'Nam. I'm thinking Mos Def Fett. He could be from the streets of Alderaan, and for street cred. we'll say that he got shot with a blaster like 57 times and use to sell spice just to get by. Suburbia will love him
  6. Can you really call any of the relationships "romances"
  7. You may trvialize my response if you like... it's no matter. For some the game was marginal, for some it was a waste of time, and for others it exceeded their expectations. And I wouldn't consider 35 as "old"... neither will you when/if you get there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not trivializing your answer. And by "old" I meant venerable/seasoned "
  8. I appreciated your post, Kalfear. I too come from the old days of crpgs, having spent way too many hours in the Mad Overlord's proving grounds, and then later on scouring the forests with Iolo hacking at zombies. I mean in those days, some of the best crpgs simply used stick or line drawings, and we ran through endless 1st person green stick box mazes with text scrolling across half the screen telling us what was happening. Heck, you needed a 5" floppy drive to even install them. When I think of those days, with the wizardry, ultima, and (*gulp*) king's quest series - and it is with great fondness that I do - I'm truly amazed at how far things have come. I imagine it's different for those who didn't experience that, or didn't get to sit in the theatre as a kid for the original Star Wars film - way before things like the sci-fi channel, or an endless stream of hollywood sci-fi films, or all of the franchise novels, etc. All that we had then was the first film, classic Trek, and a very small sci-fi fantasy shelf at the bookstore. So for me, Kotor I & II are simply outstanding. And though I loved the first game, I feel that TSL raised the bar and is an overall better game. Though I've read about and encountered some of the glitches, and understand why many feel the ending wasn't enough, for me it's been an enjoyable experience. I'd read where some have suggested that one shouldn't have to fill in the blanks, and that the game should have had a more concrete storyline and ending. And there is merit to those suggestions. Yet for people like me who grew up playing early crpg and pen-'n-paper games where 60% of the experience was "filling in the blanks" and using your own imagination to enhance the role-playing and make it come to life... well, I kinda appreciate the way TSL was designed. And from reading all the different takes in the Spoiler and Storyline forums on what the ending and character storylines could possibly mean, and seeing how there are so many varying opinions and points of view being expressed in those threads... well, I think that the developers succeeded in one area that very few seem to recognize or even acknowledge; which is, allowing the freedom for one to not only make a vast array of choices within the game, but leaving room for the player to invest their own imagination into it as well. Was it rushed to production? Of course. But it's my opinion that not all of the "open-ended" or "unfinished" elements in the game were accidents or caused by a lack of time. Many of them are there for a reason. It's unfortunate that the rushed elements tend to get more attention and cloud that aspect of the game. But is it worth the money? You bet'cha... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So because you're old its o.k. for the game to be marginal
  9. You're not doing anything to help Battlestar Galatica there
  10. I just thought that the questions really sucked. I mean if they supposively took the time to go on the Lucasars Forum to see that there was a lot of complaining about bugs, surely there would have been atleast as many complaints about how easy this game is. To me this was the greatest weakness of this game, bugs you can just save often and in alot of different slots, but difficulty can really only be achieved if you just stop leveling up at about level 12
  11. Ya somehow I don't think this is the actual crawler
  12. My funniest moment? Well there was this time when both me as a guardian/jedi master and I used force jump, and the Handmaiden who was a guardian as well, used force jump too. Man the game totally froze up, the wackiness. You can't write humor like that
  13. I've ran into a couple of "bad glitches", maybe the most annoying one being that the game really likes to freeze up when two people use force jump, but that has little to do with what is just poop about this game
  14. You write mentally drab threads like these.
  15. I was really dissappointed in the robes, especially the Jedi "package" robes. I guess they come equiped with a cup or something
  16. Well kumquatq, you have to think, its something unpredictable, but in the end you're right, I hope you have the time of your life
  17. He didn't even mention the rumor that the PC version is suppose to come with a free puppy
  18. Don't allow your weight to hold you back
  19. Mace to me is just sort of boring, he seemed more spirtual in Pulp Fiction then in these films
  20. Ya I remember reading that and thinking that it was strange and seems to favor a DS Revan. Mostly because if the LS Revan ending happened then they probaly would have intregraded themselves in a more positive light instead of claiming there previous greatness. Revans story was a difficult challenge for Kotor II and just proved too difficult for the writers
  21. I really hated the part with the remote, I felt really sort of cheated, especially after I killed all the stormbeast and there was really no challenge. Really I hated this whole level, it was alluded to very early and I was pretty sure as soon as Bao Dur joined my part that I would be going there.
  22. I watch a fair amount of anime, rarely have I gone out and gotten the manga(surprisingly Akira being one of them), I prefer comic books, Evangelion though is one of the best anime series, I had alot of fun watching these, but then I love giant robots.
  23. Laozi


    Your opinions all suck. The reason China shouldn't be allowed to have it has noting to do with communism or capitalism, it has to do with human rights. Its bad enough they get MFN statis without us (meaning U.S.)mentioning how bad things are over there for more than a week.
  24. Theres this band Antiseen that you'd probaly be into
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