Ya she's a very opinionated girl, but theres definitely a certain appeal that goes with that, even though I find her a little too Courtney Loveish.
As for replay, unfortantly I was able to influence almost all the characters on my first playthough LS, thats mostly because I went to Nar Shaddaa last and I really wanted to get on with the game. My second time I got all the characters to turn to jedi who could, and gained maximum influence with everyone(although none of there Lightside Mastery worked) and pretty much kicked major ass as a guardian/jedimaster (you know the Luke Skywalker path). Anyway all that is left is the darkside path and I'm pretty sure theres only going to be one of those, so basically thats 3 times through. What does that rank? I played Baulder's Gate 1 and 2 atleast 10 times a piece, so I 'm guessing that makes it basically a 3 or 4, not very good. I played Kotor 1 about 7 times so once again, not very good