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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Good luck with this
  2. I believe in the people that comprise obsidian, they have shown before how good they are at what they do. I feel that the problems of Kotor 2 are both theirs and Lucasarts and that despite alot of issues that I have with the game they were put into an extremely tough position with this game. From the release date to trying to keep Revan fanbois happy, to working on a sequal that you might not get to write the third installment on they have a tough go at it. I'm sure that as soon as they have a project that doesn't have the baggage that Kotor 2 had with it, that they will release a title that will thoroughly exceed my expectations
  3. How come every indian wants to be the chief?
  4. Ya it could have been even better if it had been Vash the Stampede
  5. Aren't those Swedes from that band Das Funboi?
  6. Its hard to take those ratings too seriously, considering the company is also trying to get you to buy the game. Also, if you're just going to get on this board and say "I don't know what people are talking about, I've played the game and experienced no bugs at all." Just because you yourself haven't experienced the bug, doesn't mean they don't exist. I bought KOTOR 2 for XboX and my first playthrough I too wondered what people were talking about when they mentioned bugs, since then I've encountered numerous ones. NeoRevan, I think your post really sums up what alot of people should be saying instead of their usual don't blame Obsidian or stop flaming. Alot of people would buy the game regardless and thats fine, just don't go ape**** when someone is pissed for getting a game that barely works.
  7. The Bao Dur part would really make the last "holo" sequence make alot more sense and alot better, sacrifices and all. The Master Vash part really explaines why Korriban seemed way too short. I really felt riped off on Korriban, especially since it was my favorite part in Kotor
  8. Its sort of implied yes, I mean I didn't pull it out of my ass, but I think its more so like I said, kind of the only possibility left, or one of the only ones left. But the thing I don't like is that it kind of cheapens the DS experience, or even the idea of Revan's redemption if he was never really corrupted, just taking the only means available to meet his needs
  9. Did anyone know that "hardcore" alcoholics sometimes put a teaspoon of alcohol in an enema bag to get as drunk as possible? It goes directly into the bloodstream. You learn some strange stuff in college
  10. No, but it sounds pretty good ^_^
  11. No I'm not angry, especially since you've really seemed to take one of my ideas to heart
  12. The ending was tough to write, especially with a trilogy that you may or may not write. I have said alot of negative things about Obsidian, but I couldn't imagine how hard it would be to write something so vague,
  13. You must need glasses, but don't feel bad people often only see what they want to
  14. Thats 'cause Revans a guy
  15. I guess to me Taris felt a little more Star Warsy, which for me is the most important element to a Star Wars title. Peragus, could on any space setting rpg just take out a few references, and you're playing Buck Rodgers or something. I guess you could do something like that for Taris, but the Hutts and the Twileks and everything make it feel more like the living Star Wars universe
  16. Hopefully my opinion won't incur the whining of TentamusDarkblade as it has in another thread, but I guess thats the risk you take, we'll just wait and see. I'm not sure but I think the difference between the two is tha a Sith Lord has gotten specific teachings of the Sith Race. Meaning magical spells and learning how to play that song Dreamweaver, where as Dark Jedi are only those with the Force who use the Darkside. I'm not sure if a Force adept that used the darkside would be considered a Dark Jedi. Of course this is totally an EU thing, previously Darth Vader The Darklord of the Sith didn't recieve any Sith specific teachings, just alot of ability and a pretty bad disposition. The EU gives some excuse like that its just a title or something and has no real implications to the piss-poor Exar Kun era.
  17. I'm just not a fan of whinning, or little bitches. I guess we can keep this up, but when people don't "take" to my opinion I don't start whinning about it, maybe this is just your way, but most would find it a little pointless. I didn't say that you're stupid or uninformed for it, I actually just said that when a writer wrote something I thought it was a poor idea, by calling it uber-lame. No offense to you, please don't cry :'( Boys Don't Cry
  18. If Obsidian had made a solid game then they wouldn't need all these people rushing to their defense.
  19. Plan 9 From Outerspace is one of the comedic masterpieces of alltime
  20. You get either the Handmaiden or Mira or your female PC to dance for him, by talking to the twilek in the bar
  21. Are you asking if you can level when you level or do you level when you level. Or is it when you level do level a level as in your prestige class something something Jedi?
  22. I guess I'm in that minority of guys who didn't hate Cartha and liked seeing him in TSL
  23. And where's your worth? Is it in whinning? Where is it said that I can only post if I like TentamusDarkblade's conjectures? If you don't want your opinion to come under scrutiny then don't post them.
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