I can see that no one here really knows what vietnam was all about and the "beating" we took. The problem I have is the completely inaccurate portrayal of what happen. They never make your solider have to kill a twelve year old with a machine gun. You're never sitting in camp when some children ride by on a bike and start throwing grenades. Theres never a part where some G.I.s dies because he had sex with a prostitute who had razorblades inside of them. They never show G.I. wiping out a whole village of people because they may or may not have been helping the enemy.
Also you'll never hear some general say that we must win this war so that Southeast asia has no countries with a strong government as a model, thus making sure that western corporations will be able to exploit cheap labor for years to come. That we have to stop bombing the supply routes so that this war doesn't end too quickly, and we can keep a 100 billion dollar industry, the war industry going. Nope don't here about that. But if you want to compare that to a game based on WW2 and stopping an expansionist power that tried to exterminate a race of people, then by all means.....