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Silent Winter

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Everything posted by Silent Winter

  1. I'm happy with the walk toggle - the animations were already in (for cut-scenes) so sounds like it wasn't too much trouble - I shall henceforth walk in shops and taverns, jog through the countryside, and sneak in dungeons. LOL
  2. ^yeahthat I like the painted portraits. Not against the option of using a 3d-model capture - but if it'd be too much effort to implement, the old 'prtscn' button and a quick edit in GIMP is easy enough.
  3. You can still back here: http://eternity.obsidian.net/backer There's an option to add the beta for those who've backed the game. (according to the latest update: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94331-update-42-the-backer-beta-is-live ) Once you've pledged (or perhaps at the same time, you can indeed add the beta as an addon under: http://eternity.obsidian.net/backer/pledges (click addons to get to: http://eternity.obsidian.net/backer/addons )
  4. First up - 'grats on the beta release - looking forward to seeing it in action (even though I don't have the beta myself, it's still fun to see ) Second - mega thanks for the Free Deadfire DLC for PoE1 - AND we now seem to have the Royal Edition goodies added too (at least if we've got the base + white march expansions + Deadfire DLC)
  5. My GTX780 just died last week - by a stroke of coincidence, I had an old 9600GT in a box from my last rig. This is what's currently in my system (and what I played NWN2 on). Nonetheless, I should have a shiny new GTX1080 before Deadfire comes out.
  6. Yay for eating on resting - I might actually use the food more often in this one.
  7. Very interesting - thanks for the breakdown But: "Nooooooooo - you're not really canceling Lord Bolingbroke Polo 2018 are you? Think of the DLC you could have: New ball textures, leather feed-bag for the horsies, platinum horse-shoes!!11!" *ahem* Okay, I'll live without it ... so long as Deadfire has a horse...or a cow...basically any 4-legged mammal will do.
  8. ^Yeah, the animancy process required to change someone's name means that they will be subjected to all manner of horrible experimentation Cool update
  9. Oops, corrected) As for alternative names for recovery..: recreation, repose, inter-action rest, procrastination... nothing comes to mind that sounds good and fitting enough Procrastination! yes - that should be the name....or maybe something else? Hmm, I'll decide later Liking the looks of these subclasses
  10. Yeah, I have that set. But I don't have to have to walk each individual character around a trap that they should just walk around by them selves. Especially in combat where they may collide with one another, then the pathfinding AI goes nuts and they end up gods know where. That is true. It would make sense to make AI not step on traps once it was discovered. There is no situation in which you would want to set those up manually. What about traps that are unavoidable if you want to go a certain way?I think you can still try to disarm the trap and then trigger it if you're unable to. Though that may take more time than just running through with the whole party.It is easier to avoid the blast if you run over the trap though. I don't know how the trap resolution mechanics work in PoE - if it's simply 'trigger -> roll for defense', then it won't make a difference whether you're moving or where you are. If it's delayed and dependent on position in AOE, then you're right. Been a few weeks since I played so can't remember clearly.
  11. Yeah, I have that set. But I don't have to have to walk each individual character around a trap that they should just walk around by them selves. Especially in combat where they may collide with one another, then the pathfinding AI goes nuts and they end up gods know where. That is true. It would make sense to make AI not step on traps once it was discovered. There is no situation in which you would want to set those up manually. What about traps that are unavoidable if you want to go a certain way? I think you can still try to disarm the trap and then trigger it if you're unable to. Though that may take more time than just running through with the whole party.
  12. I like this idea - add bleeding for edged weapons, or concussion for blunt weapons, or prone for 'reach' weapons (like you swept the legs).
  13. Perhaps a melee ranger with druid-like spiritshift ability that matches their companion? So a bear:bear, boar:boar, antelope:stag, wolf:wolf, or cat:lion. dual-class druid:ranger ?
  14. ^^I equipped my rogue in PoE1 with daggers and stilettos - they were pretty effective (my highest damage dealer in that party). Being fast weapons, they got sneak attack bonus more often when the opponent was hobbled/prone/whatever. Can't say specifically for backstabbing though.
  15. Have to agree that Eder looks like a different person. The nose is wrong as mentioned above. Pallegina - maybe it's that it's a straight-on shot v. 3/4 face, but it does look a bit off. Aloth - looks close to PoE1, but maybe less detailed or something. The others look okay, but maybe that's because we're not comparing them to how they 'should' look.
  16. Looking fantastic - I loved the parallax as we went across the high bridge. Crowd reactions also looking cool. :thumbsup:
  17. The Beta's not out yet - you'll probably be notified via e-mail when it is. There'll be a big announcement on the forum too.
  18. But do you need Steam to open the house? If Paradox won't provide DRM-free houses, I'll stick to my hut.
  19. First run: Human Druid Watcher imported from PoE1 (maybe going shapeshifter sub-class if it looks cool) Eder Aloth Pallegina Xoti (Priest) Second run: Dwarf Rogue Watcher imported from PoE1 Bonteru Ydwin Maia Rua Serafen Third: Who knows? Probably using the other sidekicks but rotating more.
  20. They've said about 5 years (without being exact). So I guess some of the ending slides won't affect us directly in PoE2. But there's enough time for most of the companion endings to play out (at least the returning companions).
  21. Eder: ... Aloth: ... Eder: ... Aloth: ... Dragon: ... FIGHT! Or a Madlibs mode: Eder: Do you think he [bLANK]s? Aloth: Yes Eder: Can I [bLANK] him anyway? Aloth: It's your [bLANK] Eder: I'm gonna [bLANK] him. Dragon: What the [bLANK]? [bLANK]!
  22. ^there's a difference between 'quest/mob-filled' and 'interesting'. Having a nice waterfall area can be an interesting thing to discover on a map. But compared to BG maps, the areas were small in PoE so there felt like there was less 'exploration'. I'd like areas that I can explore without getting hit up with enemies, but to have just open grassland isn't interesting. Open grassland where you can stumble upon something is interesting. Exploring cliffs / rivers with no quests/enemies, and then finding a waterfall with a secret cave behind it is interesting. Exploring an area with nothing to discover in it is not interesting.
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