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Silent Winter

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Everything posted by Silent Winter

  1. well, we need an update or something (to fuel even more wild speculation)
  2. I now have a mental image of Eder in a tutu - and now so do you...you're welcome
  3. pretty sure I managed to annoy her in both my main playthroughs (the ones I'm planning on continuing) - at different points (WM in one, endgame in another).
  4. so we can empathise with the poachers when the mountain lions attack us on sight and we're forced to make them extinct digitally too? Also I just heard that the only way to get the Paladin Greatsword of Dragon Slaying +10 is to complete the in-game romance (though it's not too difficult if you win the dancing mini-game and buy Pallegina enough trinkets).
  5. ^but I already sm- ... er, listen to heavy-metal. --- I hope you all realise that there's only going to be one viable class to beat the game. Starting with any other class will lead to an effective soft-lock making you unable to beat the dragon guarding the entrance to Act 3. This will of course be balanced in the 8th patch, when all classes are retconned to do exactly the same DPS, regardless of equipment.
  6. How dare you drop the "P" Yeah, you can run into the same problems in English, especially with place names. Ask anyone from Godmanchester (not me) or Gom'ster as it's known locally. Just gonna leave this here:
  7. I want to stay away - but I get bored at work (where I can't play PoE) and will probably end up in the 'no spoilers' section anyway.
  8. Aww - will miss Katrina's update vids - hope her new adventure is a good'un
  9. ^You could keep them in the brig until it's time to go Kraken fishing
  10. That'll be the newest 'achievement' on Steam: Triple Crown Solo on max-speed, no pausing.
  11. Slow looks useful, and fastest made that smack-down look like it really hurt lol. Something for everyone in that range I think.
  12. Well, my party do seem to be on a dragon extermination campaign - poor things can barely get two words out before a shadowflame goes off in their snouts. Edit: slightly more on topic - I was planning on making some more portraits for Deadfire, but between work and baby I've not had much time. <- So I'll be sticking with this fella for the first playthrough (after making a watercolour version to go with it).
  13. I see what you did there (did you intend to?) To avoid "Clown Overboard" you'd obviously have to judge your angle of fire correctly to the distance of the enemy ship --- More on-topic - I'm glad single class rogues might get a balancing boost - I also thought that scaling sneak-attack with (class-not-character-) level was a good idea - mayhaps I'm missing technical reasons that it didn't balance properly.
  14. You've got your badge so you redeemed your pledge - so you'll get a key for the game (You can redeem this now through the backer portal). And then play on launch day. The survey is for those who pledged at a tier like 'design a pet/island/etc' - if that's you, contact Obs directly and let them know you can't fill in the survey. Late surveys won't make it into the game for launch but Obs will try to get it in in a later patch.
  15. Ooohh... what shall we do with the drunken Orlan? what shall we do with the drunken Orlan? what shall we do with the drunken Orlan? the one from Cragholdt bluffs Sneak up and kill him while he's sleeping, Sneak up and kill him while he's sleeping, Sneak up and kill him while he's sleeping, because he's got the key... etc etc edit: along with such other favourites as "Blow the aumaua down" and "Rollin down to old Valia"
  16. Chuck Norris could sidekick all other sidekicks into a cash grab remake ... except Konstanten.
  17. I'm waiting on final build word about single v. multi-class viability (I don't need optimized, just not making life too difficult for myself). But my first run is likely to be: Main: Druid (human) imported from PoE 1 first run. Eder: Fighter or Swashbuckler Aloth: Wizard Pallegina: whatever she ended up as (I think Kind Wayfarer) Xoti: Priest Wasn't keen on Takehu until landshark was confirmed - but since my main's a druid that'll bump him to: 2nd run: Main: Rogue (dwarf) (Raider from Deadfire background) imported from PoE1 2nd run. Serafen: Witch (combo sounds cool) Takehu: druid (watershaper) Konstanten: Chanter / Howler (coz us dwarves hav'ta stick together) Maia Rua: Ranger / Geomancer (leaning to the latter otherwise no wizard spells in party) 3rd run will likely be an orlan main, ranger (subclass pending) or battlemage, swapping companions/sidekicks around more.
  18. I also enjoyed NWN animations - all those shield blocks and sword parries - (you could even get your character to sit on a chair - which I think I used twice in over a half-dozen plays). But many of them were 'fake' , like in BG when it looked like you kept missing but in fact they were just filling in animations until your 'turn/round'. PoE combat is a bit faster and more things seem to happen at once. As much as I'd love more combat animation in theory, I don't think it'd actually improve the game for me.
  19. Can you use any of these sidekicks, or companions you're not currently employing in your party, as ship crew? That'd be cool. I'm not totally sure, but I heard something to that effect. Whether it's just that the companions stay at the ship (like in PoE1's stronghold) or actually work as crew (unlike defending said stronghold) I don't know.
  20. Side-note, in NWN2 my 2nd character was a halfling sorceress (so halfing and female - granted sorcerer was a powerful class to play). Not chosen for lulz or mechanics, just because that's what character popped into my head. I must be weird. First playthrough is usually human or half-elf (if available) and magic-user of some kind (except NWN2 where it was Ranger/Rogue multiclass focused on Ranger)
  21. Though they won't have the same level of personal quest as the companions, I heard Josh say that some might join you after you help them with something (so 'personal quest lite') - unless I'm confusing them with ship crew, but I don't think so.
  22. My first playthrough was human, my 2nd was a dwarf, my next few (the ones I didn't play all the way to the end) were orlan, elf, human (again). I wonder where Josh gets the info? Is it Steam statistics? I guess dwarves play offline And he says we want a dwarf companion and then doesn't give us one? Boo! (LOL)
  23. Well, Cosmo can't die, as the Giant miniature space pig in question comes with the premium edition, along with the tiny obsidian wurm. I guess those two were out for a night on the town when Eothas woke up.
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