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Everything posted by RedSocialKnight

  1. Semi on-topic: I've just recently starting upgrading the keep, and all my hirelings have notes saying they are "currently unpaid" What does this mean? Do I have to pay them out of taxes rather than my normal money? And what happens if I never get enough taxes to pay them, will they get pissed and leave?
  2. Tier 1: Eder and Durance "Guy I would actually want to hang out with" meets "guy I wouldn't even make eye contact with on the bus, but this is a videogame so it's awesome" Tier 2: Pallegina, Sagani Both take the risk of being maybe a little bit ordinary, and both get the payoff in feeling like fully realized and interesting people. In character, these are the two my PC relies on without question. Tier 3: Kana, Aloth, Hiravias Often get a smile from me, haven't yet gotten my heart. Tier 4: Grieving Mother Nah. Much as with Cole in DA:I, the writer tried an experiment with an anti-realistic, lyrical style of dialog, aaand -- didn't quite get there. I respect the attempt, but I can't enjoy the result. But it's okay Avellone, you also wrote for Tier One.
  3. guys it's a single player game the idea of a "nerf" is meaningless here well that is except for Mind Blades bring back Mind Blades I have the right to Mind Blades Mind Blades was my perfect baby and now they have punched my baby in the face and made it ugly I don't love my baby anymore why Obsidian why
  4. You've brought such a fresh perspective to the topic that I can totally see why you needed a separate thread from the other two.
  5. I know, Josh Sawyer never pays any attention to me either. It's very depressing.
  6. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/posts/1188370?ref=dash Update #93 Apr 3 2015 Patch 1.03 - Important Community Fixes 44 Comments Like 28 likes Update by Feargus Urquhart, CEO and Brandon Adler, Lead Producer Backer ContentIt's come to our attention that a piece of backer-created content has made it into Pillars of Eternity that was not vetted. Once it was brought to our attention, it followed the same vetting process as all of our other content. Prior to release, we worked with many of our backers to iterate on content they asked to be put into the game that didn't strike the right tone. In the case of this specific content, we checked with the backer who wrote it and asked them about changing it. We respect our backers greatly, and felt it was our duty to include them in the process. They gave us new content which we have used to replace what is in the game. To be clear, we followed the process we would have followed had this content been vetted prior to the release of the product. We appreciate the faith you have all given us into making Pillars of Eternity the great game that it has become, and we appreciate the strength of conviction all of you bring to every conversation we have together. Sincerely, Feargus Urquhart, CEO Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.
  7. And, in other "getting your knickers in a twist over nothing" news.... Fifteen pages of outrage in less than an hour!!!
  8. See also John Donne's Holy Sonnets (16th - 17th century): "Repair me now, for now mine end doth haste" "And thou like Adamant draw mine iron heart." "And let mine amorous soul court Thy mild dove" etc.
  9. I actually think the example you've posted is really well done. PoE is not historical fiction, but if it's comparable to any real-world past period, that period would probably be somewhere vaguely nineteenth century-ish, just going by the guns, clothing, transportation, artificial lighting in cities, etc etc. That's much later than the period where actual Middle English would make sense -- Modern English is considered to begin around the fifteenth century. What you DID have in later periods was specific religious groups using partly archaic language among themselves. The Quakers, for example, used the archaic "thee" -- but they used it incorrectly by the grammar of the periods when it was standard usage (For example, they would say both "Thee are beautiful" and "I love thee" where Shakesperean English would have "Thou art beautiful" and "I love thee") This is a pretty good analogue to religious usage among the old-fashioned Eothasians. Anyway, all of the linguistic references in PoE are altered from their real-world origins. Look at Pallegina's "Valilian" vocabulary -- it's Latin-ish, but not really Italian or Spanish or any other real Romance language. Her "aimico" obviously parallels "amico" or "amigo" but it's not a word that actually exists, for example.
  10. Given the tone of Josh Sawyer's previous response on Twitter ("I'll talk to our producers about it. it's hard to catch everything"), I don't think it's fair to say that anyone "caved" to anything.
  11. I play on Hard with a full party and occasionally wipe due to pulls out of the fog of war. Yes, I think playing on hard with just three characters would be very frustrating. It also won't really let you take full advantage of the combat system, which largely involves creating a front line of engagement and then positioning your DPS guys around it. But of course that's up to you.
  12. Hee hee. Those old BG1 voice sets were wonderful. It's true there's nothing similar in PoE, but I don't think it's a weakness in the writing. Spiritual successor or no, PoE have their own tone, and the humor is lower-key. Although they could have had Durance shout "For the whore!" at the beginning of every combat and I wouldn't complain.
  13. Mind Blades ... nooooooo! Don't take away my Mind Blades! And yes, those druids with the non-stop lightning are nine kinds of obnoxious. But I'm really not sure how a game could possibly be balanced to allow for a six-person party without making a one-to-three-person party quite difficult -- unless encounters were scaled to party size, which would be super-cheesy and bad. Obviously Obsidian is going to primarily balance their game for a full-size party, and on the whole people doing solo runs are doing so because they want the extra challenge, no? Seems to me that the players who want to play solo or two-man the game but don't want to be challenged would be a pretty tiny group.
  14. There's some great little quality of life stuff here -- very pleased with casting buffs through portraits. And it's nice that they got the most obvious bugs cleared up this quickly (assuming that all really is well when the patch goes live) But ... please don't take away my Mind Blades! Leave my Mind Blades alone!
  15. Noooo! Don't nerf Mind Blades!!! I'll keep the doubleclick bug, just let me keep my Mind Blades! Seriously this is great -- love all the quality of life stuff like casting buffs through ally portraits etc.
  16. And soon... "[Rational]: Just follow orders, Pallegina." Don't think for yourself or anything, because that wouldn't be rational.
  17. Do you have to choose only one of these two to bring to justice? If you let her snitch on him, does she disappear forever? Or, if you take her out without making a deal, is there any way of finding out his name later. I want to go after the big fish but I also think she's dangerous left running loose on her own. [lol, never mind, there's an obvious answer right there in the scene -- ignore this thread please ]
  18. You mean, criticizing speech you disagree with? Yes, that is the liberal freedom of speech. It's not criticizing if you want to enforce people to remove what they wrote. "enforce"?
  19. I've just encountered this bug, but luckily I do have a save from right before I spoke to Azo for the first time. But, reading through this thread, I'm not sure if a consistent way to avoid the bug has been found. Is it enough to kill all the constructs before returning to Azo, or are you still screwed if the constructs kill the guard before you reach them?
  20. You mean, criticizing speech you disagree with? Yes, that is the liberal freedom of speech.
  21. And now: "[Rational]: Maybe the gods took offense at your overindulgence." What?
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