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Everything posted by RedSocialKnight

  1. To me, the Cipher seems an obvious pick for the first playthrough, since that class's soul magic is closely linked to the game's central lore of soul-energy. In terms of mechanics, I'm very interested in the Chanter, so that'll probably be my second character.
  2. Any word on exactly when the game will be available to download? Will it be at midnight on the 25th? I have that whole Thursday off work, but I've promised to spend it with my (bah!) family, after which I won't be free to play again for days. Will it be possible to start the download at midnight? I could then wake up early and play for a few hours before having to waste the rest of the day on the pointlessness that is interaction with other living breathing human beings.
  3. I would have preferred arrows. But I'm a pain in the ass when it comes to bows -- I think they ought to have a minimum range, take a longish time to draw, etc.
  4. Thanks -- dang this inventory system, though! I had the key, but my priest was carrying it, so I still couldn't get through the doors.
  5. So... anybody know how to get into the inner temple if lockpick isn't working? I just want to finish the quest.
  6. okay, the party reputation view is back, but ... whaa?
  7. I couldn't get my Rogue to unlock the door to the bridge in the Skaen temple. Her mechanics skill is seven, and she has a lockpick. Is that a super-hard lock, or is it a bug, or am I ... just somehow clicking wrong? [edit: I also couldn't get the grappling hook to work at the same point, which I understand is a known bug. Are the two connected?]
  8. I hate this -- it makes combat really hard to figure out and targeting a huge pain. I was afraid that it was working as intended, and I'm relieved to hear that it's probably just a bug.
  9. Well, loading from the menu does seemed to have solved the game-stopping problem with my quest log. However, I'm now noticing other minor issues with disappearing information in the character screen of my journal. First, all my reputations were reset to zero. Now, the "party" button on the character screen is greyed out, and I can't view the reputation at all, blank or not. I also can't look at any character info for my companions, only my PC -- I'm no longer able to click from one party member to another in the character screen. My companions are still in the party, still respond to battle commands, etc. Sorry, I don't have a clear idea of what triggered these new issues. It may have happened the first time I levelled everybody up?
  10. Excellent to know. Hopefully this is an indication that there will be similar unique options for other classes/backgrounds/etc at other areas in the game.
  11. I am genuinely interested in George Ziets' opinions, and they appear only in this thread. I have genuinely no interest in the stupid pissing contest that's arisen over kill XP, and it already appears in a million other threads. If there is one -- one! -- thread that it would have been nice to see stay on topic, it was this one.
  12. Not to be a grump, but what would make you think they'd portraits at the last minute? The art was probably completed well in advance of the rest of the game -- and it's not as if there's anything in the portraits that needs to be tested.
  13. I don't agree that true turn-based combat would make the game better, but I understand why he wants it -- it's very hard to tell what's happening when the whole party and the mobs all clump together in a big scrum with the placement circles overlapping and everyone just swinging away. A slightly more abstract set up for the battle field where the character and mob circles had hard limits (each representing a "hex") would help a lot with making the view of the battlefield less jumbled.
  14. People, please pay attention to this enormous font: MIGHT is not mechanically distinguishable from STRENGTH in any way under the game system, so although in terms of lore they may not be the same thing, in terms of practical in-game effects, any character who has one must necessarily have both.
  15. There's no reason why you shouldn't able to have a wizard with high physical strength. Yes, Gandalf swung a sword. PoE makes physical strength identical with spell strength. If you want a wizard with high-damage spells, you must also increase his physical damage.
  16. Most of the human male models are bearded. There is no human male portrait that remotely resembles the bearded models. That seems like an obvious omission. And yes, very odd that they explicitly give three different human ethnicities with different cultural info etc -- but only one of the three groups gets portraits.
  17. Has anybody tried playing the Lady Aelys quest as a priest of Skaen? Are there different paths to resolution, can you talk to the mobs in the tunnel, etc?
  18. To me this is such an odd reading. I often play spellword or gish characters, and have been frustrated under D&D-based systems that to be viable these characters do indeed have to stand there casting Blur, then Shield, then Magic Weapon, then Divine Favor... and so on before I can engage the enemy. Sawyer's setup sounds like it's intended to do away with that boring pre-battle routine -- not just transpose it into the first minute of combat. With short-term buffs targeted as defense against specific damage types or statuses, you will presumably not be standing there casting all of your buffs one after the other, but choosing among them reactively in the course of a fight, making them part of the action rather than a prelude to the action.
  19. Copied from my duplicate thread: In the quest "Blood Legacy" when you speak to Tyrgeld in his shop and tell him "I can see why you kept this to yourself" Current text: "I'm not proud it." Should be: "I'm not proud of it".
  20. Literally the only part of that post I understood was the reference to analingus.
  21. I guess I was misunderstanding his point..? I... I thought you liked me... But actually I don't think we do disagree, or not much. The option I picked on the poll was quest XP plus significant objectives. It really does seem weird to have entire mini-dungeons like that shade lair providing no XP at all. So much so that I suspect it may just be something that hasn't yet been completely implemented. An eleaborate location like that should have a sidequest associated.
  22. Thanks -- frustratingly, it affects not just the save I load from, but ALL the saves for that character, so I'm having to completely restart the game.
  23. I've found the trigger -- seems to happen whenever I load after a party wipe.
  24. In the quest "Blood Legacy" when you speak to Tyrgeld in his shop and tell him "I can see why you kept this to yourself", he replies, "I'm not proud it" instead of "I'm not proud of it".
  25. At some point between talking to folks in Dyrford and coming back to town from fighting the lions, all quests and tasks -- including both ongoing and my on completed task, Nyfre -- disappeared from my journal. I can't restart the quests because when I talk to the quest-givers, their dialogue options reflect that they've already started the quest for me.
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