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Everything posted by Sonntam

  1. I like RPGs like V:TMB, Kotor 2, Alpha Protocol, F:NV and so on, but I never really warmed up to isometric strategic real time combat. I'm buying POE out of hope that this time I will enjoy the combat more (because it's more transparent and less DnDish) and because Obsidian writes great games. I'm really more of an Obsidian fangirl, than of Baldur's Gate and the like.
  2. I was personally very worried about allowing streaming before launch, but only because I didn't want the story to get spoiled for folks. The team has taken a lot of steps to reduce the number of spoilers that get out. But, times are a changin' and streaming before launch is where it's at now. We do have an embargo on streaming anything past getting your stronghold so that should preserve a good amount of the story. Man, I must say that I'm a big disappointed that the streams are allowed all the way up to the Stronghold, which according to Obsidian (that's you) is anywhere from 1/3 to 2/4 of the entire game, and that it's allowed so many days before the game is even released. It's going to be hard as all hell to dodge all of that, for anyone taking an interest in PoE but that may not want to be spoiled. And I think that accounts for most of the fans. It's only 3 days till release from the day streaming is allowed. One would hope someone who avoids spoilers would be capable of avoiding all Pillars of Eternity related websites.
  3. The narration in PS:T was one of the things I liked the most about the game. It described the appearance of the characters better than any cutscene could. Smells, unique appearances for every NPC, their single move was described with a lot of detail. Here in POE you can still imagine a lot what concerns the delivery of your character's lines. It's just what the NPCs say (or how they say it) is not up to debate. I'm really okay with that, because I don't see why your character would butt while the NPC says their few lines.
  4. RPS is pretty good if you like obscure/experimental games. They often recommend interesting indies and the comment sections with puns are pretty fun too. And it's really silly to call out any particular reviewing websites... none of them are "quality". Mostly I read them for entertainment and that they usually provide.
  5. Stagalands is definitely not hand-holding whatsoever, but I don't think the devs intended that to be frustrating for the player. It's part of the experience for the player to explore and discover and experiment, much like Demon/Dark Souls/Bloodborne (FromSoft games) where there is no hand-holding. I certainly hope so (i love all these games) - i think i read somewhere that to move your story forward you'll have to read everything attentively and sometimes you'll have to write down some stuff on piece of paper to not forget about something (like it was with many old games) - there'll be no journal/quest log and sometimes you'll be said to search for item X in place Y and if you forget about that you'll be in trouble (though i guess after some time we'll be able to find our lead back on Uncle Google xP). I wasn't reading much about that game though so i can be wrong There is a quest log. You also can jot down some notes in a journal in game, if you want. Quest log does not always provide all relevant information (some of it may come from various NPCs around the town). There is some handholding and you won't be lost altogether, if you come back after a couple months. I personally prefer it that way, but tastes vary.
  6. Sounds good. Quick survey on Google looks like there is not anything up yet. Not even a 'hey I got my review copy today, I will let you know what I think soon' A couple reviewers on twitter boasted getting a game key. https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/577969924850737152 https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/578247624190504960 https://twitter.com/botherer/status/577890617528823808 (Also, check out the comments at the last link. They are hilarious.)
  7. It means you can choose a DRM free game copy, by downloading it from GoG. If you don't care about DRM, you can choose a Steam game copy anyway.
  8. Name: Elesa Race: Hearth Orlan Class: Rogue Background: Drifter from Aedyr Empire Personality: Clever, Deceptive Ancestor of former slaves, Elesa grew up on the streets as a street entertainer and thief. She started following Wael, because Elesa believed that he could protect her secrets and help her uncover the secrets of others. Mostly Elesa tries to avoid attention (thief, remember?) and sticks to the background. Since she came to Dyrwood, it's not much of an option, though. Equally, she feels that she may have gotten more than she asked for in terms of secrets. I want her character arc to be about deception/truth. I think she will have a lot of choices about telling people the bitter truth that may cause trouble or just lying. It also would be fun if her lies caught up to her.
  9. My friends were saying the opposite, actually. The second game is harder, but otherwise it's just as good, if not better.
  10. Well, there haven't been new BG or NWN games in years... so I would say PoE competes pretty well. Y'know, because if you want something new, you stil will have to buy PoE and if you want multiplayer and custom campaigns, you can load up any of the older games.
  11. One also has to remember that with their own IP Obsidian can do whatever they want. With DnD some core aspects have to stay the same. You can't shatter the pillars of the whole setting, because then the game will be wildly unconsistent with every other lore source. Basically, what happened in MoTB. You had really cool stand-off with a god... and then in the end you can't change a thing about the world you live in. It was rather anti-climatic. With PoE Obsidian can kill gods, change nature of souls, do basically whatever they want. Such creative freedom sounds awesome to me.
  12. Is it me, or have all those screenshots been posted before in previous Backer Updates?
  13. Has anyone tried that out in Backer Beta, by the way?
  14. I wasn't aware of anyone asking for this feature. One of the things I find amusing about it is how nobody seems to have had any trouble with having to check every loot container seconds until Obsidian announced they would put area loot in as a feature. Then they do that and suddenly we learn that this has been a burden for some people. Hey, I've always been complaining about that! (Just not on forums... I don't think people need any more complaining here.) Do I now get a cookie? Not from me. I'll be interested to know how you'll like it in the game. I like area looting in Pillars of Eternity. Now I get to spend not 6 seconds looting, but perhaps 2. That's 4 seconds saved. 4 seconds that go to adventuring. That sounds awesome to me.
  15. I wasn't aware of anyone asking for this feature. One of the things I find amusing about it is how nobody seems to have had any trouble with having to check every loot container seconds until Obsidian announced they would put area loot in as a feature. Then they do that and suddenly we learn that this has been a burden for some people. Hey, I've always been complaining about that! (Just not on forums... I don't think people need any more complaining here.) Do I now get a cookie?
  16. Yes, you are correct. There is no multi class, but with lack of restrictions on gear you still can build your character however you want.
  17. Would sell my soul for scans of the whole book.
  18. http://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive/b/611493909 You can watch this stream, if you want. First of all one of your companions is very interested in this dungeon and the lore surrounding it. You will talk frequently with him about new discoveries. Also there were a couple side quest'ish things shown. For example, you could heal one of the wounded enemies. I think there will be even more interesting stuff as you descend further and further. I wasn't overly excited for Endless Paths, but now I am looking forward to it. I think it will surprise us all.
  19. PoE really doesn't have the content (in terms of CNPC:s) to allow this sort of dynamic. You'll probably have to be openly hostile towards the companions or directly and knowingly work against their immediate and overall interests repeatedly in order to "drive them away", if at all possible. Really? It would be disappointing since i feel it's a great part of making companions believable. "Automatic" companions, automaticaly found of the PC and never complaining or quit the party seems weird to me. Having strong opinions that can bring conflicts is one core thing to bring a soul to joinable NPCs. But yeah, agree with the problem of "only 8 companions". What you say makes sense. I soooooooo wanted to have more of them, too. One can complain and argue easily. It's just that making companions leave may take more than just "I killed a puppy/saved a puppy" in a random quest.
  20. Probably someone gave a hireling this name. Or they just reused her for testing purposes.
  21. First of all I will build a dungeon, then build structures maxing out security... and then I will put all my favorite enemies in the dungeon. Also, I really want the resting bonuses, so I'm going to spend a lot of money on that too. Manual resolve all the conflicts too, because... where is the fun in letting someone else fighting for you. And if they mess up it would be quite annoying too.
  22. Several governments and kickstarter disagree. Profit is money in - expenses, it doesn't matter where it comes from. The word "profit" isn't mentioned in Kickstarter. "Income" is what you are talking about. You can have a high income, but high costs and due to that make zero profit. Same goes for Kickstarter. The income that is gained during the fund raising is always off set with costs of development of the product.
  23. The big difference, in my opinion, is that Sand embraces his self-importance and does not shy away from being rude to people. Aloth THINK he is important, but tries not to show it and not to insult anyone. And fails hlariously. To me right now he looks like a sniveling coward with too many secrets. I like that kind of characters more than those of Sand-type. Both are fun, though.
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