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Everything posted by Sonntam

  1. What fo you mean there is only the world map? Have you really looked at the Eora page? http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Eora There is nothing about stars, but there is an interesting tidbit about the moons. And it isn't exactly difficult to find.
  2. Plus, damage will likely grow too. So it should balance each other out.
  3. Please speak only for yourself. Devs can speak for themselves quite good. The devs have spoke quite clearly, if you ask me.
  4. Hello "Mr. Elitist". Everyone are entitled to their opinion. And of course an opinion is subjective... duh. If the developers think that the feedback is crap then they can say so. You are not in any position to judge if his/hers opinions are too narrow to be of any use. I don't understand why you are trying to bash on other people? Tons of subjective opinions just will be of little worth. Everyone has their own opinion what the perfect isometric game was. Unless you can argument in which way the game would benefit from becoming more like *insert game*, then it's useless for the devs.
  5. And what would you like to see implemented to combat that? Remove health damage from frontliners or make ranged characters forced to rest more too?
  6. I would really love to have a beta key.
  7. Only three more hours... can't wait for the streams to start.
  8. While I like your idea, lets not. I would prefer if we just keep it to this forum because the people that care the most are in fact posting here. It would be very sad if this was true. There are about 30 regular posters here and maybe 500 floaters? Plus, if anyone is not interested in the game yet, then maybe some actual gameplay may convince them to give PoE a second chance.
  9. Yes but he said that it didn't even have a bare bones lore, which as I pointed out isn't the case, as for how hard you have to dig for it, not very. The wiki has lore that is not in the client. He is clueless to the point of negligence, where a simple google would have told him otherwise he chose to talk out of his ass. Pretty much everything he said on this topic has been like that. It does not matter if there is lore, if no one knows it and people have to google it to find it. It's like with Counterstrike, I played it as a child, but the story behind it was not what I played for. And if you said I could google it, I certainly wouldn't, because it does not matter there.
  10. The system would. You've dealt with the enemy and got rewarded for it. Any further actions against this enemy would thus not yield anything. And that would also apply to issues in the mega dungeon. Lets say you're on level 1, and there are 3 ways to unlock level 2. All three reward XP 1) Solve a puzzle that unlocks the Level 1 exit door. 2) Beat a Boos who has the key 3) find the hidden tunnel that leads down. Nothing is Stopping you from doing all three, but you're going to get XP rewards for the first solution you came up with. There are also problems as to count what as stealthing past an enemy. After all, many of them will be in the wilderness. Do you get experience for getting to a certain point without fighting? Does it still count if you run away from monsters and reset the fight? What about if you die and then stealth past? How do you determine this location on which experience will be granted? This sounds like a hellish concept to balance. One would have to look at every map separately, then place the markers and then beta test the hell out of it.
  11. Both LoL and DotA have that. At least do some research before you talk out of your ass... How hard do you have to dig for that lore, though? You get into an arena, you get out. You don't have to know anything about the lore, about the characters to move on. In PoE on the other hand you will not get around reading text. For some quests you will have to piece the information together, for some at least get some understanding where you have to go. Quite a lot of PoE will be text, text, text. Do MOBA players really want all this lore? After all, main advantage of MOBAs is that you can jump in for quick action at any time you want. Not so much here.
  12. wait, can we now create a party from the start? You get some pre-assigned character at begin of the beta, but you can hire more adventurers at the inn and replace the old ones. At least, if you have enough money for that.
  13. That would be systemic. Not if the rewards were hand-placed. Bugs and other creatures can't assign an XP value to themselves. They're also placed by hand (and so is their eventual xp value). It would be hand-placed if the developers took every bug in the world and assigned experience to them manually. But if a monster type is created and along with its attributes, a certain experience value is assigned to it and then the monsters are just put all around the world, then it's systematic experience.
  14. It'd be more accurate to say that I dislike doing things that are a waste of my time. Engaging in combat for combat's sake, knowing full well that it's 'just for fun', and that it won't really mean anything in-game is no different than Larping. It's just like Skyrim Players who make sure their characters eat 3 times a day, get 8 hours of sleep every night, and drink Ale at the mead hall with the companions. My turn. Lets say you Love talking your way out of situations. And suppose a game has a Diplomacy skill that you can put points in---so you do. Now lets say the game never actually rewards you for successfully talking your way out of situations. Would you conclude that Diplomacy is a waste of time in that game? These days I consider being able to talk my way out of situations a rewards by itself. I absolutely hate fighting, especially when it can be easily avoided. As long as it doesn't gimp me, I am absolutely alright to lose out on experience, loot or whatever there is for talking instead of fighting. Same goes for sneaking past enemies or avoiding combat in any other ways. So for me lack of experience for killing mobs is actually pretty great. But if I still end up in a fight, it won't be much of a problem either. After all, you get loot for fighting mobs and won't have sneak your way back when you return. Actually, getting loot is maybe even more important than getting experience. After all, good armor and weapons usually increase your power much more than levelling ever could.
  15. Dragon Age crowd is basically the casuals of rpg gaming. Why would they be interested in a game that lacks all of the important AAA game functions like fully voiced characters, cinematics, 3D world and so on? Bioware fans are not fans of gameplay or the graphics (seriously, DA:O graphics sucked so hard, but look how many fans that game had). What they want are well fleshed out characters, meaningful choices and ability to roleplay your character. That's what PoE will shine at. I personally recommended PoE to all my friends and many were quite interested in it. I'm positive that once they've finished DA:I they will be quite happy to check PoE out. There will be years till the next Bioware title and good RPGs are hard to come by.
  16. Heh, Im just the opposite. If I see an option for a ability/skill response I always take it just because its there. I do the same as you usually. But since in PoE successful skill checks are not necessarily win buttons, I may rethink my attitude. What's the point of breaking character if you get no bonuses for that...
  17. Well, with Death Godlikes it's not as set in stone as with Drow or Blood Mages. They are not necessarily evil or crazy (unlike Blood Mages who are quite dangerous to everyone that comes near them). Death Godlikes are born with their appearance, they can't help it. And neither does it say a lot about their character. A Death Godlike may be very bitter about being cursed with such body, but strive to be accepted and loved. It may make them completely deny death, try to be a healer and fight death at every turn, because why the hell would you not try to show the middle finger to the god that made you this way? Or maybe you could roleplay a Death Godlike who tries to grant peace to souls who are bound to elements or to their mortal body, but have long lost their mind. This way a Death Godlike can worship the death god, but still be merciful and kind. Equally some Nature Godlikes may look like benevolent fairies, but actually prove to be pretty cold-hearted and follow strictly survival of the fittest ideology. Obsidian allows a lot of roleplaying potential with Godlikes. No races are evil, no races are good. Neither are any of the gods completely good or evil. And that's pretty awesome, because it allows quite unique character concepts. So, if you ask me that's one of the best character choices you could make.
  18. Ah, yes, a bit darker/lighter version of brown compared to the brown that you normally get for NPCs talking... It stands out a bit, but the contrast is still minimal.
  19. To be honest, if I came across an abomination of nature like Death Godlike, I would politely smile and act as if nothing unusual is happening. Especially if that Death Godlike is backed by five armed to teeth companions. I think people of Eora are superstitious, not suicidal. It's one thing to kill a baby and other thing to try to pull the same number with a full grown Death Godlike.
  20. Sorry, but no. I can understand your point of view but don't call it a "letdown". That implies that you had different expectations before, but there was no reason whatsoever to assume that PoE wouldn't have painted portraits. It was part of the pitch, it's what makes it a spiritual successor to the IE games. So complaining about that really is NOT valid at all - unless you're actually let down by the poor quality of the portraits, which doesn't seem to be the case (and it'd be strange too, because they're beautiful). I started with different games than most people here. I came to know IE games very late, which is why I'm much less nostalgic about them. I actually started with NWN first and it was weird to me to have to choose a portrait that didn't look like the character I had in mind and ALSO didn't look like the shoddy 3D model I saw earlier during customization. So I can understand where you're coming from, but this game is supposed to be a modern IE game, and for that you need to have this feature. By the way, modding communities can do wonders for stuff like that. I bet we'll see some amazing custom portraits soon after release (shortly after the initial wave of old IE game portraits). The inherrent flaw of portraits is that they are already set in stone. If you like Calisca's portrait, but would like to have same character with black hair and dark skin, you're out of luck. If you want the same appearance, but perhaps more grim Calisca, you are out of luck. Even with mods, there simply cannot be enough portraits to offer the same variety normal sliders have. This means that unless I am willing to pay an artist to make a portrait of a character I imagine, I will be out of luck. I usually spend ages at character creation screen and this part of the game matters a lot to me. I don't really mind that there are portraits in game, as long as I can change stuff about the appearance of the model itself. However portraits are still more of a crutch to me. I may accept that for older games it was not an option to allow you to create your character's appearance, due to technical limitations, but Obsidian promised to make an old-school RPG, only better. And offering portraits and giving the opportunity for the player to see character models early on is a pretty good compromise to me. (Plus, I still don't understand what the problem with the models is. I heard people talking about flat textures, but I'm not really seeing the difference between what PoE showed in videos and I've seen from character creation of Divinity Original Sin.)
  21. Combinations aren't really needed, if we take it more as a support picture to the descriptional text that appears on the right, not as an actual preview of your character. Said preview could instead just be the portrait (like in the IE games). The thing about the larger-scale 3D character display is: it kind of reveals the graphical weaknesses of the game, leaving an immediate impression on anyone playing the game for the first time (and probably reviewing it), whereas the rest of the game pretty much hides all its weaknesses through clever gameplay decisions (scripted events) and art design (semi-painted 2D backgrounds). Also, I feel that the character creation is one of the most important aspects of the appeal of classic RPGs - especially as you first impression of a game has a strong impact on your later perception of the game. So I wouldn't say it's that low priority. And yet one has to realize that for some people portraits may be a bigger letdown than current models. For example, I was pretty happy when I saw the models and actually was even impressed by the Godlike model. I also am not someone who has played many old school RPGs and portraits are still a pretty foreign concept to me. Actually, I heavily dislike them, because I feel there is even less customization option through them, while even low rez models allow you to change hair color/eye color/skin color etc. To allow the same level of different looking character you would need to go an extra mile of drawing many more portraits. And I personally know that even then I would not be satisfied.
  22. Yeah, there is nothing like searching for your character on a really big map... especially when most of it isn't explored.
  23. Buddy, you realize that demons are concepts and thoughts? More specifically, embodiments of sins and vices? You went in, killed everything you saw and then went out. But you could also come back tomorrow and the day after that and the year after that and find as many demons as on the first day. And also while a competent mage/warrior may have to problems dealing with them, it's a bother to have the Fade rip all throughout the country. The farmers won't win against demons who pour right above their field. And with more and more tears opening up at the most inconvenient places, you will have problems organizing any kind of food supply, transportation or be able to resume your normal life. Those tears also don't close by themselves, so eventually demons would be able to appear anywhere at anytime. Sleeping in your bed? Demons. Eating dinner? Demons. Taking a bath? Demons.
  24. The whole deal about demons is that they are well... concepts? thoughts? And as long as people dream and think there will be various spirits in the Fade. Trying to fight them all conventionally is like trying to make an ocean evaporate by throwing torches into it.
  25. The main problem is that they don't stop coming out again and again. Demons seem to have no end to their numbers, while humans do. And since there appear only more Fade tears and not less, you can figure out which way this is heading. Trying to outkill the Fade is silly, it's just better to close the door tightly and make sure it never gets opened again.
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