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Everything posted by Sarex

  1. Never had a cloth map in my life.
  2. Oh no, the press is talking bad things about the president, well I guess they will have to switch him out for a republican next election. Rinse and repeat. There were lots of incidents where the US was caught red handed and all the major news outlets where gagged. People where talking about the NSA for years before Snowden, the only reason it's still a popular issue is because he is still free to remind them. Go reread what you wrote, you are the one who mentioned the standards of living, you are the one who started comparing Russia and the USA. I pretty much dismantlement every straw man argument you made and now you have the gall to accuse me of being the one who started them and you still ignore my examples of the US media censure. I am done talking to you.
  3. First 2 are whistle blowers not journalist, the rest are dead and it speculation who killed them, because nothing has been proven. Not one was put in jail by the government. But the point stands there is no free press in Russia. But does that mean that because there are no dead reporters that we know of in America, they have free press?
  4. Why don't you enlighten us.
  5. Looks like Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 got gutted by reviewers too. Meh I liked the demo so I'm going to play it.
  6. Aaaaaaaaand so much for your advice.
  7. Go read Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen and call his characters boring and flat. You pallet is not as good as you seem to think it is. Here is what a real writer says about characters:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIjFEkoaebc
  8. I don't know what you read, but as I far as I see, I wrote that I had first hand experience about the western media lying. First hand doesn't mean my newspaper told me, first hand means I know what happened from first hand. So because you linked a wiki article it means that the western media is free? Please, don't be so naive. I asked you about the apache incident and how the American government censored it, I told you about the Snowden incident and the guardian. Do you want more examples, or are we going to go by a wiki article about how free the western media is. So what if it was made by Americans, are these documentaries allowed to be broadcast on tv, has any newspaper mentioned them? These are internet documentaries and as such aren't anywhere near main stream media, so I think they are a bad example of talking about media censorship. I'm sure if you look, you can find some Russian documentaries on the internet (I do not know Russian so I can't really look for them). As for being brainwashed well I am not Russian so I'm not sure what "Putin Daily" is and how it brainwashes, but I can give you an American example. The pledge of allegiance every elementary student takes every day in school is a blatant case of brainwashing. Also let's not go in to how when ever something of national importance happens, Miley Cyrus or some other celebrity shakes their ass and every mainstream media in the US is all over it 24/7. You don't know how funny you sound, you are describing exactly what I am talking about. Sure we can talk about quality of life, some western countries have a great standard of living some don't. I wouldn't count America or Russia as countries with a great standard of living. But one has an excuse for being like that and the other doesn't. Russia is huge and much of it inaccessible, so the climate and it's geographical position make it hard for everyone to have a great standard of living, second Russia came out of the cold war on the losing side and has only recently, thanks to Putin, started to pull it self together. The future for the Russian citizens is only looking better. What is Americas excuse? Why does it have one of the worst health care system in the world, why is it's educational system so bad, why are some of it's cites calling bankruptcies? Or are all those just Putin's lies? It is you who is brainwashed and I'm sorry that you will never see that. I have nothing to say to this, you obviously have an agenda against Putin. You paint a picture of Russia that isn't true and you ignore what I am trying to say. Maybe you just misunderstood what I said, but I think you are just trying to reinforce the one sided view that the west is projecting. The truth is that no one is free, not the Americans and not the Russians, it's just that one is aware of it and the other is not. Try to educate your self, watch the documentaries I linked, don't believe everything you media tells you (because I know I don't) and maybe you and I will have something to talk about. edit: To further demonstrate how your arguments fall flat, I live in Serbia (if that wasn't already clear), a country which is pro west with a pro western government and a pro western media. So please tell me more about how I am being brainwashed by Putin Daily.
  9. Oh? Well you can't start wars with "half" of the world and expect everyone to love you. Also I thought that American soldiers are considers heroes in America and anyone who says anything against them is a traitor? Is America not the greatest country to it's people, even if there are better countries then it. They are using propaganda on their own people, for the rest, if need be, they have the military spending budget.
  10. Hmmm, haven't noticed that, but build the graves close to homes and you should have increased happiness.
  11. This one is more to the point about what we where talking about. The second half touches on media and tv.
  12. Depends, if you have a quarry then you need another, if not then one should be good to about 100 population.
  13. That is where she keeps the hobos...ahem... I mean nomads.
  14. Yeah when I said "newspaper" I meant the media in general. You see I know first hand how the Western media out right lies about things, that I can only imagine it's government tells it to do. The whole Bosnian war was a very one sided affair as far as the the whole West was conserned. What you need to understand is that America has perfected the art of propaganda and thus it now wields the most potent weapon in the world, the media. Let me further explain that. Hollywood is a big propaganda machine and here is why, 90% of the tv shows I watched (exluding comedies (though it even happens in them if you can believe it)) have an episode in them where the big bad guys come from Serbia, the most resent example was the latest series of Sherlock, the one, for an example, that baffled me the most is Psych, a comedy about a detective who pretends to be a psychic in a small town, in the episode I am referencing Serbian mobsters come and try to kill everybody, Hawaii 5-0 as the most blatant where they also mention Serbian mobsters who kill women and children for fun, and so so so many more. Movies aren't an exception, when Arabs and Russians get old they bring in the good old Serbs. But in all of these shows Americans are the heroes, which stands to reason as they produce it. Now why is all of this important, because it paints a picture to the western world about how bad the East is and how good the West is. So when the media tells them something horrible about anyone from the east it's not that far of a jump for them to make. An example is how people think Russia has horrible living conditions and how it's a terrible place to visit, when nothing can be further from the truth. But why can't the Eastern media do the same? Well it can and it does, but to a much lesser degree and effect. Why? Because the same movies and tv shows from Hollywood are being watched all over the world and that is the brilliance of it. Now for the west not being homogeneous, well from everything I have seen so far it seems to me that it's what America says the rest of the west does. Even when they don't agree they end up doing it. Let me guess without looking at the map, the west is free press, the east is not. Ok let me ask you a question. When wiki leaks released the apache helicopter mowing down civilians how many news outlets covered it, how many of them condemned the US army and most importantly, how long did the media coverage last? The American press is not free at all, nor is the western as the Snowden incident proved. Every news outlet is beholden to it's government and it's foolish to think otherwise. edit: as for the whole west vs. east thing, well I have a 5 part documentary that touches on that and the things we mentioned here and much more. But be warned, it's very hard to watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CFLpZcY3ss http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pAmhsqqQqE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeTe2GbjiTc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4Z-AK_FTEY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDUOHlVYTXo
  15. Sacred 3 or 2?
  16. Well this is a blast from the past, haven't even heard it was being developed. http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/02/24/sacred-3-announced-for-summer-2014/ I played 1&2 as a kid but didn't finish either as it soon bored me.
  17. But not on PC, gasp/shock. I think Ubisoft is going to faint.
  18. 2gb doesn't mean anything, there are a lot more specifications on a graphics card then the size of it's memory.
  19. Well it is healthier.
  20. Or the Queen of England.
  21. I see we have a lot of armchair writers here. A character doesn't have to have a growth arc or evolve at all. In fact that is what people today are complaining the most about in modern fantasy and sci fi. A character only has to do interesting stuff, as an example, he can have something tragic happen to him and we can see how he deals with it and how he reacts to it. That is why I said that a character only has to react to the plot and choices the PC makes. The growth arc and evolving of a character are for the farm boys who discover they have powers and are on their way to become the hero/king of their world. Why not have a bad ass middle age man who came to kick ass and chew bubble gum and he's all out of bubble gum.
  22. As opposed to American/NATO soldiers?
  23. Ah, well, I would need to convince you that the picture the western newspaper paint of the east is not all that true and some other things, for which I am not currently in the mood to try. Sufficeive to say, I don't see the EU as our savior and we should not forget what they have done to us repeatedly in the past.
  24. Reviews for Thief are out, some sites are gutting it, some are not, but one thing in common is that no one thinks it's a great game.
  25. That is what is going to most likely happen. Half of the citizens in Ukraine are Russians from the old Soviet Union, the other half wants to get away from the east. I don't think that there is any future for the country like this, all it means is that the other side will start protesting when Ukraine starts moving towards the west and you are back to square one. I don't know about the rest of the countries from Yugoslavia (sans B&H) but in Serbia the muck is being moved. We are on the brink maybe, but we are not over it. As for the political elite being rotten, tell me what country is better. You can't turn around a country in one year, I am not very optimistic about the current state of Serbia and I don't like the pro west attitude, but it's too early to call it bust.
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