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Everything posted by Sarex

  1. Source of the image. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://heideg.livejournal.com/378761.html%3Fthread%3D35667081&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://heideg.livejournal.com/378761.html%253Fthread%253D35667081%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3D8Tv%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26channel%3Dnp%26biw%3D1680%26bih%3D906
  2. Monte if he starts banning people for expressing negative views towards people of other ethnicity, he is gonna ban 90% of the people in this thread. Oby already mentioned the Zionist movements a couple of times in his post and hasn't showed any outright hate towards Jews and as this is the off topic part of the forum he has a right to post anything he wants if it's within the rules.
  3. Sure just give me the model of you MB and I will tell you what PCI-e you have. Though I have PCI-e 1.1 on mine and the 560Ti is designated for PCI-e 2.0 and I have no issues(though performance could be affected, no way to know until I get a new MB). The more important thing is the 12v rails, if those are not powerful enough expect system crashes. edit: you can also download this tool http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/ and check the bus interface. The number after @ should be the version of you mb PCI-e slot.
  4. Watch out for the 12v rail power cables, and if your psu has enough amps in them to run the card. Also worth checking is if you MB has PCI-e 2 or 1. These where the things I watched for when I bought my 560Ti for my rig (which is also 5-6 years old).
  5. Pretty much, the whole movie is wtf, I came out with a headache from it.
  6. Watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
  7. Could you elaborate, I don't understand what you mean by script.
  8. I think you are being very subjective. IWD2 was a good game and while the story was not the best and it was linear, it's gameplay eclipses that of any IE game, not to mention the setting, atmosphere and the soundtrack. I am currently playing IWD and I haven't seen a single thing that is better then in IWD2 (the soundtrack is atrocious). So for me I truly hope that PoE is the closest to IWD2 gameplay and setting/atmosphere wise.
  9. http://usarmy.vo.llnwd.net/e2/-images/2008/05/01/15170/
  10. Troll away Bruce, troll away.
  11. That would just be ramping up in difficulty of the fight. Would it be over the top? I don't know as I haven't played that encounter. That would just be bad game design, but the facts are that beholders follow the rules of the game, you are given the tools (spells, summing, the shield of Baldurian), so it is very possible to beat the encounter in many different ways. Unfair doesn't mean unwinnable, unfair means that the rules that apply to you don't apply to the AI. I made some examples in the above posts. My last opinion on sucker punches is this, it's hard to do them when you can save the game where ever you want. In the example of the 2 Beholders, the game auto-saves for you right before that encounter, so even if they surprised you, you will lose nothing from it.
  12. Burce aren't you going to ask for a source, or some link so you can prove it's not a lie. I thought you had a big speech about how you were all about truth now.
  13. I love save-scumming, I have at least 10 save files in every game I play. In DA:O I just spammed new saves, had around 150 of them by the end.
  14. Your point? I really don't understand what you tried to say here. None of those games are fair, the computer gets an advantage in each one of them (deals more damage, takes less, has more health). Dark souls being the prime example, the only hard thing is to get used to the sluggish controls and to memorize the AI movements. Heart of Fury mode in IWD2 is harder then any of those games in any difficulty and it's still fun to play. It does this by giving you stronger weapons and much stronger enemies. As I say you can't really make a smart AI, so in order to make him challenging you have to give him an unfair advantage.
  15. To be honest it would have to be something ridiculously over the top. Kangaxx would have been a sucker punch for me if you just entered the room and he was there without dialog or a quest (collecting the body parts), but he wasn't. You had to collect all the body parts some of which were in the middle of a hard quests, you knew that when you put the body together nothing nice was going to happen. I can only hope that PoE will have a fight like that. What people don't seem to understand is that games have to be unfair to be challenging, AI's are dumb and I don't see them getting smarter anytime soon.
  16. I don't think that would be possible, but to answer your hypothetical, no it wouldn't I would just need to find another way to kill them. I would probably use spell turning+spell shield+spell immunity and set most of my characters to ranged attack.
  17. New screenshot http://i.imgur.com/UcctKtS.jpg
  18. Icewind Dale 1. Damn the intro song is annoying as hell. IWD2 has such a better soundtrack.
  19. Some people here can't take a joke it seems. What else is new, heh...
  20. Wish you the best of luck guys and I hope this partnership helps the game sell.
  21. Tbh I never noticed it, I just now found out that is the case from you. But even if it did work as intended I would just spam summons and kill them, rest and repeat. Plus my paladin had Carsomyr which helped immensely.
  22. Damn you are right, I mixed it up with this http://mikesrpgcenter.com/bgate2/maps/ar0205.html(talk about reusing areas http://mikesrpgcenter.com/bgate2/maps/ar2101.html). You could bypass the whole thing with mass invisibility. As for the summons, they are a lesser cheese to me then the shield of the Baldurian, but I guess it is a kind of reward for investing in to the shield early game without previous knowledge.
  23. @Cubiq It is really no ones fault that you are bad at the game, auto-pause on encounter is there for a reason, use it. The beholder lair is not a sucker punch, it's just you being unprepared. As for me not remembering every single dialogue in the game, well so what, you had the game installed and still had to go back and check it, and by the look of things you are still in the underdark area. You can wine and be rude all you want, I showed you that you can avoid the conflict, that you don't know how to use the features of the game is no ones fault but your own. On my first play through I didn't even have the shield of Baldurian, I just summoned elementals and let them aggro the Beholders. As for the first room it's not that bad, especially if you auto-pause. Not to mention that you can cast mass invisibility and just go to the main chamber and kill the Boss Beholder, thus avoiding most of the conflict if you want, but who would want to miss all that xp.
  24. You bought your fruitbasket in Russia, can we see a picture?
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