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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Starcraft doesn’t have pause during which to issue commands Why does everyone want normal speed to be a slow drag? Watching my guys sit idly through an endless recovery cycle or my casters take forever to miss an enemy with their spell is the opposite of fun. Can’t we just have a slow mode for people who want slower combat like in the first game and get normal speed back to reasonable recovery and casting times?
  2. @Silvaren - all VOs in the beta are temporary; IIRC, they mentioned they haven’t cast all actors yet so we can assume there will be more variety in the final product.
  3. Now we just need cyan circles for neutral NPCs like in the IE games
  4. Yeah, but no comparison to Verse’s “Damn thing couldn’t pierce cloth!” in Tyranny
  5. Doppelschwert - why do you think being powerful and role playing are mutually exclusive? They really aren’t. Besides, I do enjoy meta- and power gaming after my first run. It’s a play style like any other, not an inherently evil thing. Moreover, having 5 proficiencies (which is still going to be possible) means nothing to me if I’m only ever going to use one or two. Being forced to take stuff I won’t use or care about doesn’t equate good role playing or good game design.
  6. Thank you for clarifying, BMac! So base crit is +25% (nerfed from the first game) and the Devoted sublcass gets another +25% on top of it. Gotcha.
  7. Since we're talking about spiritshift, a question for QA: Do the natural weapons of spiritshift forms count as unarmed attacks? If so, there really should be an unarmed proficiency to select so we could have a Devoted/Shifter multiclass that gets the Devoted bonuses while shifted
  8. The ability "Cat Flurry" which you get when spiritshifting to the cat form is indicated in attack speed breakdowns as "+33%", even though it's a bonus and all other bonuses are indicated with a minus sign: Since it's about reducing attack time and recovery time, I believe the minus sign is better suited; Cat Flurry should probably be corrected to match.
  9. "effecting" should be "affecting": "explative" should be "expletive": Compound adjectives that include an adverb never hyphenate (but if they've been consistently hyphenated throughout the game, it may be too much of a hassle to correct them all):
  10. While we're at it (and so I don't open a new thread just for this)—any idea what effects suppress Dance of Death?
  11. It may be a stretch to call this a missing string problem, but I figured I'd drop this here: This was on my main. Let the record show that I named my main "Charname" ironically. Perhaps Deadfire's using charname as a throwback token and it results in this error message?
  12. This screenshot was taken with Spiritshift Cat: I sure like to be a towering beast but this doesn't look like it was intended XD
  13. Cloaks clip against a male dwarf's back, at least when the stoic pose is in use:
  14. Priests suffer very much from two things, in my opinion: Like Wizards, Priests too suffer from casting times that are generally too long. Self-buff (including weapon summons) should be fast cast. Casting times should be slightly shorter across the board. Unlike Wizards, Priest cannot compensate the meager number of spells they get at level up by casting through grimoires. Hence, they should learn extra spells at level up. As they are now, you're basically pigeonholed into taking must-have spells (just to find out they take so long to cast that by the time you're done, combat's over.) A multiclass Priest has some utility, in the sense that you can play it as a Fighter and only take healing spells, Suppress Afflictions, and Devotions for the Faitful. Not much of a Priest, but at least they've got some use in combat. Casting classes were hurt very much by the lengthy casting times and absence of the graze mechanic for spells, imo. A full party of frontliners tend to be more effective than a mixed party that has casters. Even Ciphers are only attractive when multiclassed with Fighters so you can stack the Soul Whip and Biting Whip damage bonuses on a DPS-oriented character.
  15. Agreed. All self-buffs should be fast cast and summoning weapons should count as a self-buff. I can let the enemy come to me, but in a party, by the time I'm done summoning the weapon the rest of my guys have already mopped the floor with my enemy. Unless of course my party is entirely composed of pure Wizards and Ciphers
  16. Damage calc is off here too and it's not a critical hit: 12.6 * (1 + 125%) = 28.35 But I dealt 31.9 EDIT: Also not sure why the Accuracy breakdown says to hold shift for more information. I'm already holding shift to display what is there; I can't double-hold it XD
  17. I'm trying this now (Devoted/Priest of Berath) but the blade really takes too long to be worth it. If they made the blade fast cast, then it would be a good build—but even then, better just give him a regular sword and get Devotions.
  18. Ah, thanks for that. I'm a little rusty with the console commands
  19. What about the console command to level up characters? I can't seem to use "FindCharacter" anymore to get the names to use for the level-up code.
  20. I did mention there should be a slow mode toggle like in the first game, though. I'm OK with combat speed as it is now; I don't want normal speed to be slowed. I want other people to have the option to slow it down without taking the speed I like away As for recovery, to be honest slow drags are unfun and I get bored staring at my men do nothing through an endless recovery. Wearing plate and using two-handers currently curbs your DPS big time and forces you to sit through boring combat sessions. It's fine for 2-handers and plate armor to be comparatively slower, but +100% recovery from plate armor is an exaggeration.
  21. I'm a frackin' idiot XD What about the bonus crit damage from being a Devoted? I understand the subclass is currently bugged in that it lets you pick multiple proficiencies, then slaps a -10 Accuracy penalty on you regardless of what you wield (as shown in my screenshot's Accuracy breakdown as well)—but it is getting me the bonus penetration. What about the bonus crit damage? I sure hope it's not the 3 points of extra damage that MaxQuest can't wrap his head around*, as that would be a rather measly bonus (around +15%). If I'm committing to a single weapon type for the entire game, +3 penetration and +15% crit damage won't do. I was expecting at least +30%. * but if it is, it should be displayed in the damage calculation breakdown and it currently isn't.
  22. Nope; I specified “that I know of”
  23. Looking at the combat log in this instance: Wasn't I supposed to get 30% bonus damage for having more than twice as much penetration as my foe had armor rating?
  24. Female human model is missing her right elbow when wearing exceptional plate armor: Long hair style has an odd bald spot behind the head:
  25. Here's a different one: Fighters and Monks don't cast spells, so I don't think their character record should call their abilities "spells"
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