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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Devoted/Helwalker My current favorite for DPS. Devoted/Shattered Pillar is also great if you favor a more active play style. Devoted/Berserker and Devoted/Soulblade Pretty solid DPS builds, although Devoted/Soulblade tends to be more boring; Cipher powers suck so you're stuck picking but 3-4 passive talents from their tree and you're essentially just a Fighter beyond that. Helwalker/Lifegiver Amazing Thundercat build with great offensive potential; especially good as a Nature Godlike. Can be used with Shattered Pillar if you want a more active character. EDIT: Keen on trying out a Devoted/Skald. What songs and invocations should be looking at?
  2. I reported the missing elbow piece on the exceptional plate armor here, alongside a couple other glitches—figured I'd make sure the others are also seen
  3. It's not the only thing. You could make a perfect Thundercat using a regular Druid instead of the Lifegiver, but since you're going to use Rejuvenation spells anyway to trigger Wellspring of Life, it's well worth milking them to the utmost extent. A multiclass character is always 2 power levels behind its single-classed counterparts, which is what makes Spiritshift comparatively weaker on a multi. Enter Wellspring of Life with its +2 to power level and your claws are on par with those of a single-class Druid, with all the bells and whistles of a Monk. You can pump Perception for Accuracy and I don't think you'll feel like it leaves much to be desired.
  4. Precisely When we started with the beta we had (still have until the next update) multiplicative MIG with Healing. Did anybody complain it was OP or it overshadowed other stats? I seem to recall our complaints all centered around RES’s being bad. What was the answer? To nerf MIG—and now you’re suggesting to nerf it some more because... reasons?
  5. Give back Healing and I’ll join the additive fray Additive weapon damage only and no Healing make STR a fairly poor attribute.
  6. Changing to additive because a questionable change to attributes makes Ciphers suck more than they already did would be poor design, though.
  7. I agree there should be an unarmed proficiency, but not that Transcendent Suffering should work with Spiritshift—it would make it ridiculously powerful. Monk/Druid builds focused on Spiritshift are really strong and synergize really well. You can make an excellent Thundercat with a Nature Godlike Helwalker/Lifegiver.
  8. Yeah but I like max-MIG builds; why gimp them? They’re fun
  9. I doubt that. Josh specifically stated on SA that it was done so they wouldn’t have to design about 9 more passive talents for martial classes.
  10. Current beta already has 1-handers, which most players and foes are using, set to a recovery three times faster than intended. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to fix that and test it before making recovery even slower? Fixing that and making recovery slower on top of it is another case of applying multiple fixes to the same issue. One fix at a time would be more advisable, IMO.
  11. An additional thought: of healing is taken out from Might (which we know it is) and the damage bonus is switched to additive, Fighter builds in general are heavily penalized. Not only do they lose a bonus to Constant Recovery, they also deal substantially less damage. If Might ends up restored to what it was in the first game (and is in the current beta build), I can live with additive though I prefer multiplicative.
  12. KDubya: I really like the Devoted/Soulblade combo, but for my main I’d still take the Hekwalker. The Monk class has too many good abilities and it synergizes too well with Fighter to let go of it. In PoE Might was additive, as you rightfully point out, and the LoP still went for max Might. It’s in the spirit of the build
  13. Longer recovery = sit through it while getting bored to tears as your guys just stand there, staring at their enemies like idiots. Getting everyone to 0 recovery has just become more important...
  14. Longer recovery: When a 2-hander in Plate armor isn’t enough of a slugfest already! Also, a very poor solution compared to bringing back the slow speed option.
  15. I like it multiplicative, obviously I won’t die if it goes back to additive, though.
  16. She wants her pain to be inflicted on others
  17. I'll be honest: If weapon styles are part of the general talent pool but the elemental talents from the first game aren't (or worse they don't make a comeback at all), the disappointment and incredulity will be real.
  18. If it hurts the Lady of Pain build, it's a bad thing
  19. I've had this happen to me as well. I believe this happens due to the engagement mechanic. If you order a character to perform an action, but the character gets engaged before doing so, the action is cancelled. I agree it is fairly annoying though. It would be good to have an option to force characters to complete their action upon being engaged. Granted, the mechanism is there for a reason: If performing your action entails breaking the newly acquired engagement, you get hurt. However, I'd like to be in charge of that. Additional suggestion for the devs: If the action in question is to be performed on the enemy that engaged you, the action should be completed instead of aborted (since it does not require engagement to be broken.) This way, I can still have my character stop what they are doing if it entails taking a disengagement attack, but if there's no risk of disengagement, I don't have to re-issue the same order again.
  20. 5 people is the party size for Deadfire.
  21. Deadfire already lets you “clone” any weapon or shield so you can use it in more than one set.
  22. What's Eternal Devotion again?
  23. Same here; no physics in the inventory screen. Odd, considering they showcased Adam's work on the same in one of the Fig updates. EDIT: Win7 64bit i7 4790k GTX 970
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