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Everything posted by Coincidence

  1. It's silly, just like "Obsidioit." Unless it's angry fanboy level ranting and logic it's not that bad.
  2. There's an example. Four choices, although one is certainly more dark than the other three. Do you: A. Support the NCR, giving the Mojave the most security but putting them under the control of a government that really doesn't care and will just tax them? B. Support Mr. House, who will keep indepence and order (to a lesser extent) but is basically a ruthless "enlightened" tyrant C. Support Caesar's Leion, who are Darwinists that are very brutal with inhumane punishments and slavery, but who also have the most stable lands and little to no criminal activity and a strict ban on drugs and alcohol. D. Support an independent Mojave free of House, the NCR, and the Legion, which may be the only ending with someone in power who is really doing it for selfless reasons (or not, depending on who you are) but then having to deal with the fact it will probably have the highest amount of anarchy. Just between A. and D. alone is "Do I care about safety over freedom, or do I like freedom over safety?"
  3. I don't think its necessary to have all grey, since even in the Real World there are groups that are pretty much unambiguously a bunch of douchebags. Its why Nazis have been staple villains since the 1930s to today. But for the most part I agree. Maybe I shouldn't have said "ALL", since yes there will be groups that are just evil. The main reason I want it is that I want to have to critically think about who my character would ally with or what they'd do based on what they think. Situations where I need to think about what the lesser evil is, and that it can vary from character to character.
  4. This argument always gets made, but I don't understand it, really. If the player recognizes for himself what the concepts of good/evil are, he is capable of judging ANY character according to those values. "Grey" characters are therefore either neutral and don't do extreme things that would make them either good or evil, or possess both evil and good traits, such as a terrorist that would attempt to, say, save his oppressed people by slaughtering the oppressors. Is the latter case what people want? Make me need to judge who the good and evil people (or who is most good and evil) are, don't make the game make it so obvious for me. Different factions have different pros and cons, and you determine which pros are the best, and it can be dependent on your own personal values.
  5. I like a story that I think involves of "grey" characters and factions instead of too many "all good" or "all evil" ones. It makes the world, its politics, and choices you make much more complicated than "Side with X if you're good, side with Y if you're evil."
  6. I love Morrowind and its music too (if you can't tell from my picture.) That makes me a happy man.
  7. I'm going to be boring and say Planescape: Torment. It'd be a shame if that disappeared.
  8. I did a ctrl+f and didn't find these, but the list may not be updated so I don't know... is "High Ordinator" available, and if not that "Holy Hand"? Both references to my profile pic
  9. Do I need to donate another $10 to PayPal or does the extra from the Kickstarter still count? If I have the money I might donate a little more anyway
  10. My problem was I added during the last 24 hours, then upped it by $10 since the next highest tier was too high but I still wanted to help a little more. and 10 is just 8+2 or infinity doubled!
  11. Will Farudan be scanning this thread to look at posts or should people just all message him? Wouldn't want to flood him...
  12. If you've got some special circumstances like you tried to pay up earlier or something went wrong for you I'd suggest having a quick word with Farudan to see if you can be admitted. Might take a little time to get a response cause poor Farudan's doing all the work here but that's what I'd suggest. Hope it works out for you. It was my own mistake, because I had never done a kick-starter before. I didn't get an answer to how OO expected the donations(I doubled my amount but didn't know I could do so without changing tiers) and put in the $8 through PP when I finally got an answer here, though it was officially after the KS closed. So, either way, Obsidian got the donations and the game was enhanced by it. Forum tag or no. ^^' Right, that's the important thing. Even if I don't get in for some reason I still helped, which was the main reason for giving in the first place.
  13. You know it's bad when the devil doesn't think things are friendly enough! Well he isn't Satan, but Satan's child. Maybe his kid is a good guy. By the way, if I am added I would not mind the title "High Ordinator of the Obsidian Order." If that's taken (I did a ctrl-f and I didn't see it, but it may not be updated) then "Holy Hand of the Obsidian Order." Both references to my avatar
  14. Morgan Freeman should voice every single character in the game. Including the women.
  15. I think I accidentally brought it up when I mentioned my story. Sorry about that.
  16. I don't really care either way, put them there for people who want them I guess. A lot of people get offended at the idea of others cheating but I don't see how anything other people do in a single player game affects me.
  17. The big thing is there will probably be long reloading times between each shot because this isn't going to be a machine gun. Guns can jam, you still need to have some skill with them or you will miss because you can't aim, etc.
  18. Voice actors are very expensive and kind of force you to write less dialogue?
  19. Good points. Suppose the City is already built, and the Stronghold was, for instance, some decrepit place near to it, or even in the city itself, that nobody quite knows what to do with? And then you come along, for whatever reason, and want to build it up. Or you get awarded it for some task, what-have-you. Would that be more palatable? Really, what i want, is for their to be a town around the Stronghold. So I'm trying to think of ways to get that, you know? If the stronghold is just within the walls of the city then that would be fine for me. Build it up if you want to build it up or just leave it there if you don't. That way you can have what you want (have it be in or near the city) and what I'd want (The stronghold not interfering with doing anything in the city.)
  20. Going to have to agree with the others and say Planescape: Torment.
  21. I think they should stay seperate personally, so that way if you don't want to build a stronghold you still have 100% access to the second city.
  22. I really don't think guns are going to be as common or powerful as everyone thinks. There aren't going to be M16's everywhere. It's going to be very archiac guns that probably are rare and have drawbacks making them on par with a melee weapon or magic.
  23. I believe they said the "important" things will be voiced, but generally it will just be text you read.
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