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Falkon Swiftblade

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Everything posted by Falkon Swiftblade

  1. I wonder if the gradient is loading on top of the text vs being behind it on the working example. That should be a simple fix.
  2. Awesome, since I actually would prefer to play without armor, and only periodically use it in the latter part of the game. Or, it would be cool to equip both clothes and armor and dictate which is viewable on the toon.
  3. So I'm not in BB, when you enchant clothes, is it possible at all to do so in a way I could actually create at least 1 party member to play without armor successfully, or is kinda gimmicky RP thing's that add a point of something here and there for like lore or something? Could I create something like immune to fire damage, and can I enchant things like cloaks too?
  4. cool beans, Justin did state he made some tweaks to the main theme to make it sound a little warmer and not so thin, so that's a good thing. I've been more and more impressed with everything so far the more I hear.
  5. also don't forget it takes several hours to traverse regions, so it may be night time whether you want it to be or not. But Josh said there are couple of times where there is night time content, but generally there's not anything different.
  6. Do trap's specify the type of damage they do? Does it show if you deflected any damage for example or is it raw damage from said trap?
  7. The DotA 2 bug list has thousands of bugs still in the game, and that is a constantly updated game that has been in development for many years. true, I play a mobile game called honorbound and the same friggen bug has existed at least 7-9 months even though they keep putting out new versions and I've reported it dozens of times. Also some of the bug's seem too convenient like if you gain an item that fills up your bank vault or your xp to level up by a large amount the game crashes and you don't get the item when you try to activate it.
  8. are you sure this is the music from the beta? To me the first song up until just after first 2 minutes sounds like the same one they released several months ago with this same background pictures. Although, I guess if it is, that's a great mock up of the original. Some of it really does sound new, some sounds the same. I wonder if Justin tried to blend the two on top of each other like Jeremy Soule does with his music where he'll use real instruments on top of the virtual ones to sweeten the sound?
  9. sounds cool. When I saw the preview of the Almanac content I was actually way more impressed than I expected to be. So I'm sure yours is even as nice or better. It would be kind of cool if there are easter eggs in there to assist in quest progression if the book has like written notes in it for example.
  10. You know, I'm sure part of this is our fault for hounding them to give us a new BB to test and you could tell they weren't ready to release it, but felt like they needed to. But, sometimes it boggles the mind if we're only a handful of testers who aren't experts at finding bug's and they have a staff internally of like 8-13 full time, plus the guys at the publisher paradox or whatever they're called, and anyone else we may not know about testing this I can only imagine their bug list has got to be in the hundreds and hundreds of thing's they're working on. This is only a tiny snippet of the big game. Just imagine what's left in the real game they have to try and fix in the next few weeks. But, better to find em sooner than later. Sometimes it's a simple fix like closing a tag in code for example.
  11. The current backer beta has included ambient sounds to the inns and seem to have a nice overall boost to audio.
  12. Somebody make a monk and let us know if they are still awesome. Also how did they address the interrupts from 435? Also do rangers feel any better? Dod I understand some say that they did include sound sliders now too? How's combat music?
  13. those are pretty nice! I actually like that they even made black characters. It would be nice if there were a few mediterranean or indian cultures, but still this is nice. They need lady monk portraits though.
  14. I agree ui sounds should emulate their environment more than sounds outside of the medium. The IWD is a better example of the sort of tone and sound that is more appropriate.
  15. Were they able to tweak combat music so it fades out or in slower? The .5 sec fade they used before was way too short. I'm glad that they've added in more ambient sounds. I specifically requested that about a wk or two ago and sounds like they sure tried to do it. Also, are Monks still bags of fun?
  16. Honestly Dr. ALLOY that's mostly what most of us want. Just some context of what's been addressed, what's recognised, how the new changes affect the old builds, and what to expext over the next 2-3 weeks that should be within scope to put in. We're not expecting perfection, but hopefully thing's are better and not worst than before. It's clear obsidian wants to do their best, and we want to support them.
  17. I can't think of a specific example off hand, but sometimes in games you may find Tommy's hammer or Billy's teddy bear as you're exploring and you don't know what it's for but you hold on to it. Later on you come upon Billy's mom who says her son is missing and through the narrative you realized, oh hey, I found Billy's Teddybear, news looks grim maybe Billy died, but you give back the item and complete the quest. Actually in another way I think it was in the BG and IWD games you could find components for weapon upgrades you can bring to the blacksmith to make newer improved weapons like the ice weapons in IWD. Will there be stuff like this in the game, or were thing's like the first example considered a bug?
  18. If it's released today I wouldn't expect it out for another 7-8 hours. They're not even in work for another hr at least.
  19. Larian is older than Obsidian. The first Divinity game released in 2002, but their first game as a studio was released in 1998 though. Obsidian was funded in 2003. Larian's problem in term of international brand popularity is that their publishers were idiots who believed only Germans and Russians played cRGPs. It's pass tense because they (ctv entertainment and dtp entertainment) filled for insolvency in the last few years (2010 and 2012). Well "obsidian" may not have been established before Lorian, but Fallout came out in 1997 and Tim Cain and several other guys from interplay came over from there as part of obsidian and have their own following as well as black isle, so there's a bigger portfolio of games that folks know. However, even divinity having just came out will bring in new folks that may have missed the boat the first time so they probably did obsidian a favor by growing the audience
  20. that red text is one of the legibility issues i was referring to previously or elsewhere that need addressed, but otherwise hi5!
  21. I think the difference is that obsidian has been around for more than a decade and has lots of game's they've done. So their target audience is much larger. Plus we have twitch guys or youtube guys and the codex guy's etc all with minions of followers. Not to mention mass international appeal. There's folks in Russia googoo over pillars. I'm not saying they'll hit it overnight, but I def think they'll be well on there way sooner than later.
  22. These guys are def going to do more than a 1m in sales. Unless the game is a total bollocks, it's a sure win. It is a little scary how late in the game it is and they're still fudging balancing issues. Hopefully it doesn't end up like Kingdoms of Amalur which was a TON of fun, but you maxed out way before the end of the game and the game was way too easy after about level 18. Well even on Hard I never died after ~20 when 40 was the cap. So lesson here devs is make sure you play the game fairly at all levels and adjust using realistic stuff we'll have and not cheater dev toy's that we won't have access to
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